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The minute we walked out that door, we entered chaos. All around us were people fighting like it was a black Friday sale; screaming, dragging people by their hair, giving them a black eye, you name it, and it was happening. I knew the world could be cruel, but this was something insane, even to me. There must be dozens of people here, all completely losing their minds. I'd almost stopped in utter shock, watching the scene, if not for Minho pulling me along, until I was focused enough to catch up myself, Jut leading up front.

As we reached the border of their camp, two confused faces met us, jumping up from the bushes. "Chan, Hyunjin, just run!" Changbin shouted, the two complying almost instantly without asking questions. Especially since the first person now noticed us gone, and soon the raging mass was following behind us. "Jut, what did you even tell them?" I shouted at him, still curious on how he even managed to cause all of that on his own. "I told them the only people that would actually get money out of this were those who actually had you. And I may have thrown in that the boss was planning on having you all to himself. Before they could all storm in to get to you, they made sure to try to get rid of the others first."

Though the horror was easy to read off on both Chan and Hyunjin's faces, Minho was first in noticing something else. "Where's Jisung and Jeongin?" he called out, desperately looking around them. "They went ahead to try and find the exit of this place to save time. Since we were planning on sneaking you guys out at night they would be back by then. Where they are now..." Changbin was luckily quick to think about solutions. "The walky talkies! Who of your team had it?" Chan and Hyunjin glanced over at each other. "I've got mine and Jisung's, how about you?" Chan spoke first, looking over at Hyunjin. "Good, Jeongin has ours," Hyunjin said in relief, already starting to pant. Though we had a good lead, we were nowhere of rid of the horde chasing us.

Chan clumsily got out his walky talky while running, pressing the button. "Jeongin, are you there?" Though the silence while waiting was terrifying, all sorts of possibilities running through my head, thankfully his voice broke all of that. "Yeah. Still nothing though," he spoke, a little discouraged. "Don't worry about that, they showed us beforehand, in case you guys would try to escape. There should have been guards around it, but I'm pretty sure I saw even those amongst the others," Jut answered first, and it was only then that you could truly see Chan and Hyunjin notice Jut was helping us out. They didn't question why, or how, all that currently mattered was us getting out of here. "do you guys know where the pond is?" Chan instantly agreed, knowing him and Jisung found it. "Tell them to meet us there! We should be passing it."

"Jeongin, is Jisung listening along?" Chan asked, thankfully having a very good stamina to keep up with the hard running and talking at the same time. "Yeah, he's right besides me. What is going on over there?" I think he was starting to notice something was up as well. "Jisung, remember the fresh water we found? How far away from it are you?" Jisung hesitated for a few seconds. "If I remember correctly, we're literally a minute or five walking from it." Thank goodness. "Never mind walking, I need you guys to run to it as fast as you can. We're getting out of here, but we're being chased. Meet us there as fast as you can, got it?" A simple hum came out of the walky talky before another radio silence, the both groups running as fast as we could.

It didn't take long for us to get to the pond, anxiously waiting around for Jisung and Jeongin to show up. We could only hope they'd be here before the rest of the group caught up to us. "Come on, come on," Minho muttered impatiently, anxiously looking around. The rustling of leaves nearby made everyone jumpy, looking over in the direction it came from. "Owhmygosh, if I knew the jungle would be like this in real life I never would have liked it as much," Jisung whined, plucking a bug right off his shoulder. "Oh thank goodness," Minho answered, instantly going up to him to check if he was okay. "That's everyone in your group, right? We have to hurry, they know exactly where we're headed," Jut called everyone together, my nod giving him all the reassurance he needed.

"There they are!" Chul shouted, apparently on the lead for the group chasing us. His eyes landed on Jut, the nastiest glare I've ever seen coming from him. "Fuck, they're gonna get away!" Chul shouted, only a couple of meters away. "We're almost there, don't let him get to you," Jut shouted, running ever faster than before, until we had reached the largest tree I had ever seen. "Changbin, help me up," Jut called out one of the guys he figured by now would trust him enough, within an instant, jumping on Changbin's hands, reaching up to pull on a branch, or rather a lever.

Within mere seconds the tree had opened up, forming an elevator in the middle. "Get in, get in, get in!" Chan shouted, waiting until everyone had gotten in. Wait. This wasn't right. "Jut, hurry!" I shouted at him, grabbing his hand. "I can't... I'm not allowed to leave this zone. For me, that would be the end. Chul and his group were now all caught up, standing right across the tree. "So, you knew all this time? That whatever happened, would be the end for you?" I muttered, my eyes getting teary. "You live a great life for the both of us, okay?" he whispered back, giving me one last smile. It couldn't end like this. Please. I quickly got my backpack, both surprised and thankful to see what was still in there. Just as the elevator doors were about to close, I stepped on the edge, keeping them open for just a few seconds longer.

"Jut, please trust me one last time," I whispered, now holding a gun right to his head.

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