Chapter 2

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                             old are you? Huh! Asked Hoseok checking the small boy's visuals and thinking, "Soft bread cheeks, cute button nose, galaxy-like big beautiful eyes, crescent-like smile ...however I have not seen it much but still too eager to see again and that dimples...uff....that is dangerous for me".

"Seven... Seventeen," Said namjoon while looking down at the ground due to the aura of the older.

Huh! Seventeen... He is underage to be kept in jail. Well, this is good as now hyungs will not be so against him being in our house. And besides, also want to know more about this boy. He is quite inquisitive. Also too cute just like the makanes said. But.... he seems so fragile and he seems a little secretive to me.... but might be just my mind thinking absurd thought Hoseok while his eyes were roaming around. His eyes caught a small chest made of a special kind of wood that he did not know.

What is that? In that chest of yours? May I know what's in there? Asked Hoseok.

"Ummm.......It ... It's personal.....just personal things of mine. Nothing else ", said Namjoon but his eyes were looking only at his cold and dirty feet of his.

"Being suspicious is not going to work any good for you. What are you hiding Namjoon?" asked Hoseok sternly.

"Please... it's personal nothing danger in there ", pleaded Namjoon.

Listen just show......

"Hyung I think everyone has the right to keep their things to themselves. We also don't know what's in there, but we believe in our little brother and respect his privacy. Like you don't know what type of person Namjoon is, we also don't know what kind of people we are. Except us, he knows nothing about you, so please hyung ....please keep his privacy his only, " said Jimin.

Despite his small and delicate figure when provoke he is too dangerous for even Seokjin to handle his anger
That was very well learned by Taehyung and Jungkook last month and others witnessed it. So Hoseok knew now is not the right time for him to interrogate Namjoon further.

"Okay on your account I am leaving Namjoon, said Hoseok.

"Joonie, don't you worry about anything. We have great news for you. We just solved one problem of yours. Now that lunatic Jack won't create any problem for you. We took care of him nicely," said Taehyung grinning.

"Nicely.... you say you handled nicely, what's behind you Taetae, in your hand, what's that? Asked Hoseok knowing that the trio is like munchkins only to their hyungs, otherwise, when together form the group which is famously known as - ' The Archfiend Trinity '. They are crazier than their other hyungs. And them handling anything nicely is not a thing that can happen in this life.

"Huh....this ...this is a rod..yes a rod, said Taehyung while lightly drubbing his leg of Jungkook to indicate to help him.

"Ahhh... yes is a rod you know we went outside and there are street dogs and Jimin-ssi is ... afraid of them. So for protection, we took the rod "said Jungkook petrified of the older.

"He ...and afraid? Asked Hoseok quizzically.

"How did you take care of the matter with Jack, please tell me hyung, how? asked Namjoon with worry evident on his face.

"Nothing, joonie we did nothing to him we just threatened him with this little darling, showing a shotgun," said Taehyung smirking while thinking of the face Jack made when they showed him and told him not to irritate them more.

"Yes, Joonie don't you worry he is alright and is headed back to his hometown," comforted Jungkook knowing that joonie was worried for a person who was being a pest.

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