Chapter 5

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"Please come with us. We will enjoy it very much. " Said Jimin with puppy eyes.

"Yes please Joonie we will eat, play and take a nap too. The scenery is also very good, " said Taehyung coinciding with Namjoon.

"And we will eat delicious food and it is very boring staying at home all the time. ", said Jungkook playing his card by showing his Bambi eyes.

" But-but is it ri-right for me to go al-along with you? Your hyungs are not coming with us, they say that they have work. So are okay with it? Asked Namjoon looking down at the soft white and light blue shade bedsheet on which all of them were having a meeting.

The point of the meeting was to convince Namjoon to go on a picnic with Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook as their other hyungs said they are busy.

"Yes, they are we asked them and they just nodded not minding at all. Also, we told you that you are our little brother. How can you come with us to enjoy be a problem? Asked Jimin.

" Sorry, I thought your other hyungs might have a problem. Sorry, I doubted them. And yes I will also go with you", said Namjoon looking up at all of the three one by one.

He was very grateful to all six of them for allowing him to live and eat with them. They also brought him many cool shirts and pants and many other things like a small tree he kept at the window and a plushie teddy of blue color and books that were brought by Taehyung when he saw Namjoon reading a book that he found in store room very good.

"So let's go to Burlywood park(there is no such park. Just imaginary) tomorrow morning at six 'o clock. We need to go early as it is high on a mountain. So be ready, okay everyone? Asked Jimin.

All of them nodded and slept in their respective rooms as it was already 10 and they needed to get up early.

Meanwhile, the other three were plotting a plan to satisfy themselves whether Namjoon was harmful to them or not.

" The Slyers gang is the weakest enemy that we know. If somehow they attack these four while they are on a picnic then we will know whether Namjoon will help our brothers or will run away to save his skin. This may prove whether he is worthy to be on our team. Also then our maknaes will also not question us", said Seokjin while sipping coffee.

"Yeah the idea is good but we can't put our maknaes in danger even if they all can fight for themselves. It might be dangerous", said Hobi.

" Who said the real Slyers gang will go and attack them? Asked Jin while smirking.

"What do you mean by that? Asked Yoongi barely awake but forced to stay by Jin.

" What I mean is we can go with our team dressed as Slyers and attack them while taking care they are not hurt", said Jin.

"I know they are our maknaes but you can't fool them. They will know within seconds that we are there and purposely beat the shit out of us", said Hoseok shivering already thinking about how much they are going to beat them.

" And you will let them beat you, right? Firstly we will make an exact copy of the costumes that Slyers wear and then we will go to the famous club of theirs where we will purposely leak this news. They will try to attack them but we will tackle them first and then as fake Slyers go and attack our maknaes. What do you say about that? Asked Jin eyeing both of them one by one.

"Well, the plan is good.... But about the costumes who will make them? And how we will know from where the Slyers will attack. I mean to say there are many roads for Burlywood so how will we know what path the Slyers will take? Asked Yoongi alert to the interesting plan.

"I will take care of the costume. Mark is very good at it. I will take his help. About the route, we need someone to go to the Slyers building and put trackers in all their cars. It is a time-consuming task and needs good stealth. Who will do that? Of told Jimin to do it is a piece of cake for him but we can't make him do that he will surely get suspicious", said Hoseok while already massaging Mark to help him.

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