Chapter 31

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(In the story, the age of Jung Min was 10 years old when Hoseok saw her for first time. At time time Hoseok's age was 15 years old. After 4 years, when Jung min grew up and was ready to go abroad , at that time she was 14 years and Hoseok was 19 years. I am sorry for this mistake.
Back to story.....)

Hoseok was driving and thinking of all the consequences that may happen. Salas had a son who was a bastard with no fear at all. Hoseok was most worried about what Salas may reveal about him to his sister. Hoseok never said that he had actually killed her father. He just made up a story that he found her in orphanage and found her cute, adorable so he adopted her. Hoseok had completed a distance of half hour within 15 minutes breaking traffic signals, driving at a crazy speed.

As soon as he reached the mansion, he was approached by two bodyguards who were very close to Salas.
They instead of  saying anything grabbed his both hands on either side and dragged him like he is a doll. He was angry at the disrespect shown because he wasn't anyone. He was HUNTER. The one who Mr. Salas cherishes the most. When brought in the main hall he was thrown at the feet of Salas.
Mr. Salas put his walking stick on Hoseok's chin and pulled up indicating him to stand. Hoseok did not give a shit to who was standing , his eyes only searched for his sister. And there he saw her held by two big, buff guys. Her hair were disheveled, her long sleeve pink shirt a little torn and a deep dark patch on her jeans pant below the knee.
Hoseok was enraged upon seeing the condition of her sister.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!?? " Said Hoseok clenching his teeth and stressing on each word hiding trying to hide his anger directing the question towards Salas.
"Well, well well.....I would like to have very much from you Hoseok-si. But what to do, man is greedy but life is not easy. So only a few things I would ask. By the way, you have raised a beautiful sister, Hoseok-si" Said a guy in his early thirties.
Lee Yi - son of Salas. Is a asshole and absolute piece of shit. Afraid of even girls and old ladies if left alone, but bullies when his father is with him. Salas know that his son is neither good in studies nor in fighting, but parents always care for child no matter how much problematic he or she is.
"I asked Mr. Salas, not you. " Said Hoseok looking sternly at Lee Yi. Lee Yi was taken aback a little because he was talking to the famous, strong fighter of the whole gang. But his father was there and that made him boast about himself.
"Yes but i have some respect and my command is equal to that of my father" Said Lee Yi angrily.
Hoseok was going near Lee Yi ready to beat him but he heard a cry of his sister. The buff guys pulled her hair and put a knife on her face indicating that if he takes a rash decision, his sister will be in bad trouble.
"What are your conditions, what do you need from me? " Asked Hoseok taking a deep breath.
" I want you to complete a challenge for me. I also want to see how much Hunter is capable of. " Said Lee Yi. Hearing this Hoseok was confused but he saw that Salas was also surprised. So this was decided by Lee Yi alone. Hoseok also wants to see the capability of this brat. He smirks.
" What is the challenge? " Asked Hoseok angrily.
“If  my people give you ten beatings from this heavy iron rod and if still you can fight twenty of my men ,then I will release your sister. If you fail  I will spend a night with your beautiful sister. What do you say?” Asked Lee Yi. Hoseok got angry listening to it but was held tightly by the buff bodyguards.
“Don’t you know how much concession I am giving you. Do you want to know what my father did to her before you came. Wanna see?” Asked Lee Yi.
  Lee Yi then played a video  from his phone.
Jung Min was on her knees and Salas was pulling her. Whenever she cried in pain a tight  slap was given to her.
"Don’t make any noise. Tell me what is your relationship with our Hunter?” asked Salas. Jung min had tears in her eyes and her knees got numb. She whispered 'I am his sister' in a low voice and again Salas slapped her. So tight was the slap that she fell down on the floor . Lee Yi was recording all this and enjoying himself. Then Salas took out his personal dagger and without warning stabbed her thigh. Jung Min screamed in pain.
"Please spare me... I wo-wont be in front of you ag-again. Ple-please don't hurt me. " Pleaded Jung Min.
"It hurts? IT HURTS ,THEN SHUT YOUR FILTHY MOUTH OR I WON'T HESITATE TO CUT OFF YOUR TONGUE" Yelled Salas while pulling her hair more tightly. Jung Min instantly muffled her cries and closed her eyes while trembling in fear and nodding.
Hoseok had tears in his eyes and his hands were shaking seeing the video. He looked at his sister and cried more.
“I am sorry...please..please spare her. I will do anything you tell  but please let her go” Said Hoseok in a weary voice.
"You failed me Hunter. How can I trust you again? What if you start to rebel against me? " This time Salas  said in between the conversation.
"I will leave this mafia world and no one will know me or her. You won't see her again, please I beg you. I give my word that we won't rebel, we will move from this country for the rest of our lives. " Cried Hoseok falling to his knees.
“That’s what I was saying ,man. Agree to my condition win the fight and rescue your sister.” Said Lee Yi.
Hoseok thought about it and then gave a punch to the ground and after few minutes nodded and Jung Min seeing all this felt like a burden to her brother and started crying .
“Op-oppa , don’t do this. Ple-please, think of ot-other way” cried Jung Min
“Why are you caring for your father’s murderer  so much, huh?” asked Lee Yi.
“LEE YI !!!STOP IT” Yelled Hoseok so loudly that the buff guards got scared and loosened  their grip on him.
“What??!!..she does not know about it? Interesting! Wanna know Jung Min?” asked Lee Yi .
Jung Min was stunned at the first sentence  and was just staring at Hoseok.Hoseok was about to say something when Lee Yi said everything about what happens in past to all loudly so that everyone can hear. Jung Min cried hysterically  hearing that the killer of her father took care of her and did not even think of telling her.
“LEE YI ,you better be careful of what you are saying. And don’t let your guards down.You better don’t. No matter what ,after I take my sister safe from here I will hunt you down, doesn’t matter who is with you. UNDERSTOOD!!”Said Hoseok in a deep voice making  chills run down the spine of Lee Yi. But Lee Yi did not let it show on his face and told the guards to start beating him. The guards hit Hoseok’s back with full force and as ten different people hit ten times  the blow was always with full strength. After the beating ,Hoseok took a  few deep breaths and took out a gold plated brass knuckles, wore it on both hands and stood up. The twenty men were with weapons and all ready to attack. All of them attacked together, but Hoseok had no fear on his face nor any pain from the beatings. He was venting all his anger on these guards . He mercilessly beaten every guy until  blood came from their mouth. Seeing the conditions of the beaten up guys , the others  started getting scared and were about to run through the door when Hoseok went in front of the door. He looked in the eyes of each of them and gave a smirk and then started beating  them badly. Beating up twenty guys took less then fifteen minutes for Hoseok. He did not gain the nickname ‘Hunter’ in air.
“LEE YI!! If you have asked about this challenge to your father,he must have told you that this is the easiest task that HUNTER can do. I have beaten the shit of over twenty guys with a gun shot in my lower abdomen and broken ribs. You muddlehead, none of your men can harm me. It’s over. Deal is done perfectly. Jung Min-ah ,let’s go.” Said Hoseok. Hoseok was going in the direction of his sister, but Lee Yi took out his gun and in a second was ready to shoot. Hoseok's eyes widen up and his mind got froze for a few minutes. Suddenly Jung Min came in front of her brother and stabbed something in Lee Yi's neck with full force. Hoseok got shocked at what happened . Jung Min stashed Lee Yi's neck with a small knife which she had hidden until now. Lee Yi fell to the ground and within a minute was a dead body with a pool of blood around him.
Jung Min did not care about what she did just now. Like there were no emotions in her eyes. She then turned towards Hoseok.
"Jung min-ah.... " Hoseok just caresses her face gently with tears of fear in his eyes as to what she will tell him.
" Oppa, what this asshole said before, is not true, right? " Asked Jung Min looking directly at Hoseok's eyes.
"Min-ah... Let's talk about this at home. Okay? " Said Hoseok trembling a little. The great fighter, was not afraid of death but was afraid of the anger his sister would show to him.
"TELL ME NOW!! I can't.. I can't live like this, tell me that all he said was a lie, please tell it was all lie and it will be okay" Cried Jung Min while holding collar of her brother.
"I... AM.. SORRY. I wish it was all a lie, I am sorry" Said Hoseok crying closing his eyes trying to avoid the look in his sister's eyes.
"YAHH!! HUNTER YOUR SISTER KILLED MY SON. SHE MUST DIE" Salas yelled madly while looking at the duos.
Hoseok was afraid because once order given by Salas everyone will try to kill her.
Hoseok got ready to protect her.
"If... You kill her yourself, I will forgive all this and take you back as reputed fighter back. Just KILL HER" Shouted Salas.
Hoseok was angry at Salas. How can he order him to kill her sister. HOW DARE HE!! Hoseok did not say anything but put his arm around his sister's shoulder. This was the indication that he will save his sister.
Jung Min smiled at him with tears in his eyes.
"You are a good person, oppa. Might have been the circumstances who made you do all the bad work. I can see you also did not liked it. " Said Jung Min with a smile.
Then she held Hoseok's hands and then again said.
" Let's meet in other lifetime ina good time where we both can be real brother and sister. That time, we will make sure to visit aquarium and other beautiful places. Thank you oppa, for taking care of me up till now. But I can't live and daily see the person who killed my father. It will be difficult, no matter how much I deny. So lets end our journey, MY journey. But you must live a good life, be good, help others and be happy. Promise me" Said Jung Min with smile on face and tears in her eyes.
"Wh-what are you sa-saying Min-ah? Every-everything will be okay, trust me" Said Hoseok stuttering in fear.
Before Hoseok could understand anything, Jung Min made Hoseok hold the small knife and herself pulled his hands along with hers and stabbed herself deep in the chest.Hoseok's eyes widen in shock andhe tried to retract the knife but she held it firmly.  She shook her head and gave a smile.
"Thank you oppa, live a better from now on " Said Jung Min and breathed her last in the arms of her brother. Hoseok yelled and cried her name, shook her but she was GONE.
Hoseok became a statue sitting there with his sister in his arms. He was dragged by bodyguards and left at home. Hoseok was still in a daze. The nanny of house came and saw the state of her master and little princess dead in his arms.
That day Hoseok lost his only happiness. His only light in the valley of darkness. He lost the cure of his misery and loneliness.

(End of Hoseok's pov)

“Do you think after all that happened ,I should spare this bastard?”roared Hoseok.
“What did you say at time you dickhead , that it is even and we should work together as before. What the hell was even, man ? What was even? You did not cared whether your son died or not because you never cared for him, but she was my ONLY family!! “Yelled Hoseok while strangling Salas's neck but he cried at the last moment.
Seokjin went near him and removed his hands from Salas's neck forcefully.
“Your sister told you to lead a good life. After killing this bastard no one in the mafia will help you. There are many people  like him who destroy families, are you just gonna be selfish and kill him and then leave the mess as it is. “Asked Seokjin.
“Hoseok-si I think it is better if you leave all this to us and rest for a few days. Clear your mind and then tell us what are you going to do further" Said Jimin.
Hoseok sat staring at the floor and then stared at Salas who was whimpering whenever Hoseok glared at him. Then after a good few minutes ,Hoseok got up from the chair and put his hand on Seokjin’s shoulder and gripped it tightly.
“I am trusting you. Don’t fail me this time or else you will regret messing with me every time you visit graveyard in future” Said Hoseok with a smirk while looking at the other three .
After Hoseok left the younger three sighed of relief.
“He is no joke. Did he just indicated that he will kill us three and was threatening Jin hyung. Wow I just got goosebumps everywhere. Wow, he is amazing” Said Jimin.
“Yahh since when did he inspired you? Why did you say before that he is so cool. Amazing!! Why did you say these words to him? I also can do stunts and have a six body pack. I never heard anything like that “Said Jungkook.
“Are...are you jealous?! Yahh kookie , how can you be jealous?. I admire him because he has the style of fighting just like me. And I respect him for that. “ said Jimin while looking  a little angry.
“Come one let’s get Salas in our car and send him to the other gangs and see what they say. Okay, let’s go we have much work to do” Said Taehyung trying to divert the attention.
Seokjin and Jungkook tied Salas and took him with them. They did not see Hoseok anywhere outside. Who knows where he is right now?
Hoseok was trodding along a rocky pathway with a  white flower bouquet.
He stopped in front of his sister’s grave . He caressed her photo and place the bouquet in front of her photo. Her name was gently carved on her tomb. Hoseok cried silently in the stillness of night.He poured everything that he felt through his tears and then slept there on the tombstone.
Next day,
Everyone came on the conclusion that Mr.Salas should be executed as his crimes can’t be forgiven. The other members of Magadon gang were dispersed with a warning. All was settled well and Seokjin was stronger then before as four gangs merged under his team.
“ Do you think Hoseok hyung will  join us in our team ?”asked Jungkook.
“Until yesterday you were jealous of him? Why do you want him in our team now? “Said Jimin.
“Jimin-shi grow up. I was a little bit jealous I accept ,but he is a great fighter ,how can I ignore that?” Asked Jungkook.
“Yeah he would make our team more stronger and as we know each other's stories , we would be more close to him and he would be a trustworthy partner.” Said seokjin while getting a little disappointed  that they might not be able to receive  Hosoek’s friendship.
“ Did I impress you guys so much that you think about me early in the morning?” a cheerful voice was heard and someone entered their cabin.
Hoseok came inside  radiating his sunshine smile making the others smile unknowingly. He changed completely. His hairs that were dark red before now were light orange coloured. He wore a blue cool shirt of strips with denim pants.
“Can I join the Bangtan team ? You can test me as you please “ Said Hosoek and all others smiled and nodded .

Present at Bangtan mansion,

“WOW!! You guys are really strong and kind hearted. I have no words for you guys. all are just great “ Said Namjoon getting amazed at how strong his hyungs are.
“Well you will be shocked when you know about Yoongi. He was the most dangerous  of all” Said Jimin while looking at Yoongi the cat who was looking so innocently at everyone.
Namjoon sat attentively eager for hearing the last story of Bangtan excluding him.
“Well  this guy did not have much of a sad story but a badass story........

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