Chapter 27

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What I witnessed made me do something due to which I am here in this rotten jail. First I thought that he had done whatever he wanted with me and then he is normal and not interested in me, which I was very suspicious but I did not wanted another episode of THAT thing, so I ignored everyone and that was my fault. Because of my ignorance towards everyone, I failed to notice the hidden situation and tension among a few people that are dear to me. My mother... I saw my mother being touched my that monster in inappropriate places when she was cooking alone. I felt anger rise in my veins and my face went red. My first thought was to go and beat him blue and black because why not, I have a black belt in Taekwondo, and was good in acrobatics. But then I halted in my tracks. Tears welled up in my eyes but I had to do this. I took out my phone and clicked photos of the disgusting act of that bastard. One photo will not be enough because that bastard is favoured by many especially the elders of family. So my mother needs to tolerate this bastard more and I felt helpless and miserable for that.
"Two days only two more days and then I will make that monster disappear from your life I promise you mom, " I said to myself.
In that two days, I discovered more than enough and he not only targeted me and my mother he targeted two more -one my elder cousin who was twenty and little cousin who was only twelve. While clicking photos I was enraged and decided that this monster will not do all this under my watch, NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES, this asshole had done enough.
After two days I photocopied all the photos and had 20 copies of it. Then I did what I had held inside me for a whole week. Anger, frustration, disgust all that forced me to throw the things in the living room. I broke all the things that was brought by that bastard from foreign, everything. Due to the loud noise slowly everyone started coming.
"Jimin, what are you doing? What is the matter with you? " My dad yelled at me but I did not stop because the eldest -grandpa and grandma were still not present.
"Jimin-ah stop it, please, honey tell me what is the matter? " Said my mom. Her soft, honey voice melted and made me cry but when I saw that monster it increased my will to make him disappear from my mom's life more than ever.
"Yahh.. What is going on here? What is all this nonsense? " Asked grandma coming from upstairs. I stopped seeing her and grandpa.
"I want to show something. I want all of you to see. "  I said quietly. And then with one big swish I throwed all the broken pieces and broken things which were on the table on the floor. Then  I took out the photos and sat there.
"What do you all conclude from this? " I asked eyeing everyone. The whole family saw all the photos. The victims who were in the photos started crying. My father got shocked seeing my mother's photo and saw her crying face . My father hugged my mother tightly and she started crying. My cousins were consoled by their mother and father. That bastard's face was worth seeing - Face pale like ice, lips dry and eyes bulged out.
"Fake, mom belive me all these photos are fake. Belive me, you have to believe your son. " That bastard said to grandma and thinks he still has a chance. But to my horror, my grandma agree with that bastard.
"What... What is all these? What do you want to show with these edited photos? " Asked my grandma. I was dumbfounded at her response.
"You called these edi-edited photos!! " I said and started laughing.
"You have gone old my lady, your eyes are blinded bitterly. I feel sad for you. " I said because now my anger being at peak and someone taking side of that bastard made me go crazy.
"You can't talk to your grandma like that. Have you gone crazy" The bastard still had the audacity to say something to me.
"Crazy, yes I have gone CRAZY. AFTER ALL IF ONE IS BEING RAPPED, HOW DO YOU EXPECT THAT PERSON TO REACT, I THINK CRAZILY!!!!! " I yelled in a loud voice and the eye stare that I gave him made him stop from saying anything further. Humph....What a chicken!
I then started to think that why did I even blame myself for what happened . It all happened because of him so why blame myself. Why make my own life more miserable. So helping others opened my own mind and now the confidence to make this person or should I call monster remove from our life completely increased tremendously. I was not giving a shit to whoever takes his side.
"What do you mean by being rapped? Jimin-ah it's a lie, right? It is not what I am thinking, right? " Asked my mom in a quavering voice with tears running down. I had my vulnerable side hidden up till now, I had held my self but seeing my mom and hearing her tender voice made me vulnerable. I started crying as those bad memories flooded my mind and hugged her tightly hiding my face in the crook of her neck.
"I am-am sor-sorry, I did n-not me-meant that to ha-happen. I am so-sorry, re-really so-sorry"Cried Jimin in a broken voice.
" No, how it is your fault? You did nothing wrong, my baby? Everything will be right, everything WILL BE OKAY. Don't worry, mumma IS BY YOUR SIDE" My mother consoled me and let all my emotions flow. I cried along with my mother. My father hugged the two of us. My little brother had gone to school. I had taken that time precisely because i dont what my little brother and other small kids of the house to witness all this mess.
My grandma was still in shock while grandpa was clearly disappointed and angry with what happened. That bastard was biting his nails while looking at everyone seeing if someone will take his side.
At the same time someone knocked on the door. I knew who it was and I immediately went to open the door. By seeing who entered made that bastard's face go even more paler.
"POLICE? FOR WHAT? " That bastard shouted at the top of his lungs in a dreaded voice.
"I called them and sir, that's the man whom I charged for rape ans assault. " I said pointing at him.
"Are you Park Song, the one charged for rape of a 16 year old boy, a thirty year woman and girls of age 19 and 20? " Asked the head police.
"Sir, no need to ask him. Here are the proofs and we all are ready to give the statements. " I said while handing out the photos I took.
"You.. You are that victim? " Asked the police head.
"Yes, and my other family members" I said and looked at my mom who nodded.
Just as the police head saw the photo, he was enraged and at once took out another photo from a bag carried by another officer.
"I see.... You are that one.... Hmmm great... Match is hundred percent" Said the officer while holding the chin Park Song and looking at the photo in his hand.
"What is it? " My father asked when he saw the that the photo the officer was holding was of Park Song then why the verification and how come there is a photo of him with police.
"Well, this man over here is very famous in America. He has done works which made him go on the top in the wanted list by American police. " Said the officer with a smirk.
"What did the hell he was doing there to get his name on the wanted list? " Asked the second uncle furiously.
"He has done many things. The main ones are drug smuggling, human trafficking , illegal law stuff , bribing and many more that i don't know. He is a pain in the ass and two months ago the American police contacted us and gave the information that the man named Park Song fled from America and we need to inform if we catch. So he is very famous now and i am going to take him." Said the officer.
"Take him away from our sight, right away" Said Mrs. Park - wife of Park Song.
"Jagiya, it is not me trust me, you have to trust me! " Said Park Song with a frightening face.
"Don't fool me. It's enough for me to hide all your wrong doings for the past ten years. It's enough, I will send the divorce papers later " Said his wife and went away in her room along with her two children -two boys.
"After the police took Park Song along with them, my mother sat down and cried her heart out. My father consoled both of us and his support made me thankful and i felt good after a long time. After few hours, grandma and grandpa came and to everyone's surprise said sorry to my me, my mother and my other two cousins for raising a bad egg and not paying attention to other family members. Everything was starting to go back to normal I was still feeling a little lost but still I was a lot better with the support if my family. Even Mrs. Song came to apologize to me and my mother on behalf of her husband and she helped us a lot in recovery from that trauma.
Everything was going very well until one evening our little kids - my younger brother and my younger cousin both of 10 years were missing from the home. We searched everywhere and the kids were last seen playing in the garden . All got worried and the mothers had tears in her eyes , I asked in every neighbours house if they had seen our little ones but did not got any good response.
But a young lady noticed our hustle -bustle and came to ask us.
"What happened, you look worried? " Asked the lady.
"Our kids the little ones, they are missing" My father said and the lady gasped.
"But i thought they were going with their Song uncle . He came in a van and took them. " Said the lady and all our faces became more paler.
"SONG, he took our kids!!! Thank you for helping us. Thank you. Jimin, quick call the police" My father said while walking father toward our home.
I immediately called the police station only to receive the bad news that Song escaped and they are also searching for him.
Just as we were about to enter the house, my mom came running , tears running down and she held my dad's hand.
"Our so-son...Song kid-kidnaped our son, ple-please save him. He al-also has my niece, please sa-save them" Said My mother crying  hysterically.
"Calm down, I have already informed the police, but how do you know about it? " Asked my father while I tried to console her.
" Hi-his phone came.He to-told th-that if we wa-want our kids, do-do as he sa-says"sad my mother.
Silence fell in the room as this was shocked that the little ones are kidnapped and what knows that bastard will demand from us. I felt very angry but i cant locate where that Song is otherwise I would have personally went to him and bring back the kids by hook or crook. But now all we could do is wait, wait and see what he demands.
At the next day in the early morning an unknown number called and it was Song as assumed by everyone. My father put the phone on speaker .
"What are your demands Song? " My father asked before him sternly.
"Ohh... Wow without asking I get what I want. As expected from my loving family." Said Song cheerfully. I snickered and was hella angry but controlled it.
"Just bark and say what you want? " I said controlling my anger whole fisting my hands.
"Aigoo.. Is my little nephew angry, don't worry what I want from you, it can be easily given to me according to me,I think" Said Song.
"What is it bastard, don't test my patience , just tell what you want? " My second uncle yelled at him.
"I want your daughter Park Yoon who is 20 years old and none other than Jimin's mom in exchange of babies,will that be okay? " Asked Song. This made all of them boiled and red in anger.
What the hell?? "My father said and cut the call.
" We are not going to do what he told. We will call the police and they will find their location and get our kids back, no one and i mean no one will do anything reckless! "Said my father.
And he had a good point at it. What he asked can't be given to him, but he still has the audacity to ask for my mother and cousin in return for the little ones.
But maintaining patience was a tough challenge when we knew our little ones are in hands of that bastard and what he asked can't be given, not any chance. My mother was losing her patience and was constantly worried about my brother, she was neither eating nor talking to anyone. The police are constantly searching a place where he could be but no trace up till now. On the third day, my mother called everyone in the living room . She was standing along with my cousin.
"We are going to him. We had contact with that Song last night and he told us to come at a particular place, so we are going. We just came to tell, we are not going to listen to you. So better don't speak" My mother said in one go without pausing. Everyone was shocked by the sudden decision.
What is going on, my brother is held up and my mother tells she is going to that rapist. All because of that Song or is it because of me!! If I had not told that man's real face my brother would not have been kidnapped and my mother would be staying with us? It is all my fault, isn't it? I am the root cause of all this? And i am so helpless now? Why... Why can't I do anything right? Always cause problems for my family?... What will i do now!! If.. If only ME AND THAT SONG DID NOT EXIST IT WOULD HAVE BEEN MUCH BETTER FOR MY FAMILY..... SHOULD I.... SHOULD I DO SOMETHING AGAINST... LAW!! I DON'T DARE... MY FAMILY IS IN TROUBLE... I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!!!. I HAVE TO......

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