Chapter 54

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RM found himself standing in the eerily familiar factory where he had first met the BTS members years ago. The place bore the scars of time; half destroyed yet not fully abandoned, caught in a limbo between existence and oblivion. Confusion clouded RM's mind as he tried to make sense of why he was there.

Before he could gather his thoughts, the scene turned tense as the six members of BTS burst into the scene, their expressions a mix of anger and concern. Taehyung's voice cut through the air like a blade. "You really kidnapped Hoon hyung. What the hell is going on in your mind?"

RM was taken aback. "Kidnapped? I did? When?" His eyes scanned the room, landing on So-Hoon tied to a chair, unconscious.

"Hyung, believe me, I did not kidnap him," RM protested, his voice carrying genuine bewilderment. "Hell, even I don't know how I ended up here!"

The confusion spread to the other members. Yoongi's furrowed brows mirrored RM's own perplexity. "What is going on?" he questioned, his voice tinged with worry. It didn't make sense; if RM had truly kidnapped So-Hoon, he wouldn't deny it. Something deeper was at play, weaving a complex web of mystery and uncertainty around them.

Seokjin's words cut through the air like a dagger, each syllable heavy with a mix of fear and disbelief. "We will deal with this later. But the main thing is the question that we ask! Did you... Did you really kill Joon-wo's parents?" His voice trembled, betraying the fear of uncovering a truth too painful to bear.

RM's world seemed to crumble around him as he struggled to comprehend the accusation. "What? How do you..." His words faltered as Seokjin's expression hardened with a mix of anguish and accusation.

"You really did kill them. You did not!! Tell me you did not! Don't play with me!" Seokjin's voice rose, his trembling lips and shaking hands revealing the depth of his emotional turmoil.

RM felt a surge of conflicting emotions, his fists clenching in frustration and self-directed anger. "I don't... My memory says that I killed them," he admitted, his voice low and filled with remorse. The weight of the accusation and the uncertainty of his own past actions bore down on him, leaving him torn between disbelief and a haunting sense of guilt.

The room fell into a heavy silence, the air thick with unspoken questions and raw emotions.
Yoongi's voice rang out, filled with a mixture of disappointment and frustration. "Then today, don't think you will escape. You stayed with us this long and still didn't think to tell us. Joon-wo was not able to receive parents' love; he did not even see them once. You knew we were searching for their killer for this long, and still, you stayed quiet. Don't you think it's too much?!"

RM's throat tightened as he tried to respond, but words failed him in the face of his friends' justified anger and hurt. The weight of his silence bore down on him heavily, realizing the depth of pain his actions—or lack thereof—had caused.

Jungkook's voice pierced the tense air, filled with a mixture of anger and heartbreak. "How? How can you do this, Joonie!! How can you kill an innocent couple who begged to live? What was the reason?" His voice rose with each word, tears brimming in his eyes, reflecting a conflict within him that tore at his very soul. Jungkook was torn between his love for RM and the need for justice for his brother and sister.

The room seemed to hold its breath, caught in a moment of raw emotion and unspoken truths. The bonds of friendship and brotherhood were tested as they grappled with the revelation of a dark secret that threatened to tear them apart. RM stood before them, feeling the weight of their accusations and the gravity of his past actions, his heart heavy with regret and the knowledge that he had failed not just himself, but those he held most dear.

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