Chapter 17

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In Namjin's room
"Namjoon what happened at the store today, can you tell hyung? " Asked Seokjin.
Namjoon stood still like a statue upon hearing his hyung. He stared constantly at Seokjin for a moment and then suddenly hugged him tightly. Seokjin and Namjoon had the almost same height Namjoon were younger so his height was still increasing but Seokjin was older than him so they both had the same height. But Seokjin had a well-built muscular body with abs while Namjoon was very lean, with long legs. Namjoon was underweight and that was the most concerning topic among Bangtan members.
Namjoon hugged more and more tightly whenever Seokjin wanted to see Namjoon's face.
"Hyung, please stay still, please" Namjoon pleaded while still hugging him more.
"Can you tell me about that, hyung won't tell to anybody nor scold you or be angry with you. I need to help you Namjoon-ah" Said Seokjin.
"I know. But nothing happened today, just a bunch of bad guys picked on me but I ran away. That's all" Said Namjoon while sniffling.
Seokjin knew that was not the truth but still, he understood without the need for words that Namjoon is not comfortable saying so he just sighed and patted Namjoon's back. Namjoon also wiped his tears with his sleeves to keep his face presentable. Seokjin was worried as to why Namjoon was bottling up inside him, does he still not trust them or are they making him uncomfortable? All these questions came one by one into Seokjin's mind making his anxiety increase.
After that, they both slept with Namjoon still back hugging Seokjin and he started thinking about what happened at the store.

Back at the store in the morning,

Namjoon took perfume, and a short notebook and then went out after paying. When he was in an alley which was a shortcut and there a man in all black with a weird mask which he unknowingly found familiar stopped his way.
"Who... What do you want? " Asked Namjoon confidently as he knew kung and a bad guy can't stop his way.
"You don't know me? Have you injured your head or what? " Said the boy and started checking his forehead and pulling his hair lightly.
"Your name is Caseo Mors. And my name is Jackson. You were the right hand of the master and the most important man in our family. Don't you remember any of it? " Asked Jackson.
"Sorry, you got the wrong person. My name is Namjoon not something like Caseo More or what. Now let me go, I am late. " Said Namjoon quietly but he started feeling weird and also started sweating out from what he heard.
"No way. I am right. You have memory loss. My gut feeling cant be wrong. And your voice,it is the same. I need to help you.Don't worry  I will help you to regain it. Come with me" Said Jackson with a smile and pulled his hand. Namjoon's head started to pain and the headache got worse with each second. He squatted down and Jackson saw his condition and he kept asking what is the matter. Namjoon was not able to hear what Jackson was saying he was not able to focus on anything. He had some flashback images that played like a film in his mind.
"From now on you are Caseo Mors my son and the only heir"
"Joonie don't worry, unnie(sister)will be always there for you"
"If you don't obey me, I will make your unnie's life worse than hell. "
"Joonie promise unnie that you will take care of yourself"
"She was killed by him. I am not responsible for her death"
All these flashed in Namjoon's mind with an intense headache. Namjoon's eyes were shut tightly due to pain and when he opened the eyes were red and he was breathing very quickly. Jackson was by his side and was worried about his sudden change in health
"What happened Caseo, are you okay? Feeling better now? " Asked Jackson with a voice full of concern.
Namjoon nodded his head weakly and got up. Jackson took a water bottle from his car that was parked outside the alley and gave that to Namjoon. Namjoon chugged half the bottle down and was breathing normally. He thanked Jackson as he was not feeling any kind of danger from him and then he went away from there. Jackson stood still with a  worried face like a statue.
Namjoon ran non-stop from the alley to the house.
"I had a unnie. Where is she now? How is she? " Namjoon asked himself while stressing to remember what happened.

Back to the present,
"Who was I? What type of person was I? And unnie, I can't see her face clearly but I need to find out how my unnie looked and where is she now. I must find her. " Said Namjoon to himself before closing his eyes.

In Taekookmin room
"Why did hyung send me here, you two are busy and not giving me any attention, " Complained Taehyung while reading a magazine and looking at Jimin and Jungkook who was busy typing documents for contracts, deals that were to be done in the upcoming week.
"Is our baby getting bored? " Whispered Jimin to Jungkook.
"But making him angry isn't good, we learned that last week. He won't let us be near him as a punishment." Jungkook replied in a low voice.
"Let's go then and play with our baby" Whispered Jimin.
"No, I have many documents pending, if I don't write now Seokjin will make me run along the field hundred times. No, no I can't afford that" Said Jungkook.
"Oh, come on he is not every time ready nor do we get time. I will take responsibility for the work . " Said Jimin while making his eyes big and pouting his lips.
"You... Your cute, innocent face won't help. I won't" Said Jungkook and was back to typing again. Jimin scowled and was back to his work. He drank the water and ate some snacks to make his mood.
Suddenly Jimin was not able to control himself and was fidgetting on his chair
"Jimin, are you okay? Why is your face so red? " Asked Jungkook making a questioning face. Jimin was not replying just tapping his foot on the floor and trying to concentrate on his work. Jungkook realized that Taehyung went to the bathroom and that he was the reason that Jimin got triggered.
"That brat, he spiked my drink," Said Jimin while fisting his hand tightly to control himself.
"F**k, let's play for some time. " Said Jungkook while lifting Jimin from the chair and barging into the bathroom which obviously was left open for Taehyung. Taehyung smirked looking at Jungkook and Jimin. Jungkook smirked and gently put Jimin in the bathtub and whispered to Taehyung " You are in big trouble, baby" said Jungkook and smirked while taking off his shirt.
(Now just imagine the rest. Also, you can suggest who to be top and bottom.)

In Sope room
No need for words or to provoke, both Hoseok and Yoongi were totally busy with each other unaware and unbothered of what is happening in the world.

(Sorry but I have never written 18+ contents. But I will write in the future, probably)

The next morning,
At the dining table, all of them looked like zombies except Namjoon and Seokjin.
"Hyung, are you alright? Why do you all look so tired? " Asked Namjoon to Hoseok who was sleeping on the table.
"Nothing Joonie, hyung had a very busy night yesterday," Said Hoseok in a sleepy voice.
"Hyung you should not exert yourself for work. Health comes first. " Said Namjoon while getting up and going to the kitchen counter where Seokjin was preparing sandwiches for them.
'"What are you doing here, Namjoon? "Asked Seokjin.
" I want to make strong coffee for my hyungs. They worked all night. They need some energy" said Namjoon while starting to make coffee.
"Yes, they exerted a lot of energy in that work. What a bunch of ... " Seokjin was saying when Namjoon put his finger on his lips.
"Hyung, you only said not to use bad words. How can you go back on your words." Said Namjoon.
"Okay, I won't,  I will do whatever you say" Said Seokjin and smiled while Namjoon nodded and started to continue the work.
"But you should not give them so much work, see how tired they are today. " Said Namjoon while making an angry face.
"My... My work. Those hormonally imbalanced monsters were not doing my work. They were... " Before Seokjin could complete Yoongi came and shut his mouth with his hands.
"hyung you should be careful of what you say. Don't you know the proverb' Think before you speak' said Yoongi while giving a smile towards Namjoon? Seokjin nodded as he realized what he was gonna speak and Namjoon being an innocent baby did not understand what they were talking about. Namjoon's coffee was ready and he took them to the dining table. All of them thanked Namjoon.
"Hyung what is today's challenge" Asked Namjoon to Hoseok who was beside him.
"Today's is a very simple one Joonie. Just one word I would say - Run and save your skin" Said Hoseok with his sunshine smile.
"What do you mean by that? " Asked Namjoon.
"The room is filled with water and there are present little tiny crocodiles and there are planks on top of the water. So just run from one door to the other. You can swim or run on planks whatever you want. Easy right" Said Hoseok.
"Easy for you to say as you are perfect in balancing, and dancing. Only Jimin and Hoseok were able to do it within minutes without getting a drop of water on your dress. " Said Seokjin while the other nodded and Namjoon gulped.
"hyung I am the worst when it comes to balancing one's body," Said Namjoon.
"Don't worry Namjoon. Giving up before starting itself is a half failure" Said Yoongi.
Namjoon nodded and then they all left towards the base.

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