Chapter 50

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As the clock struck one in the dead of night, Yoongi prowled the dim lit corridors of their mansion yawning like a kitten half asleep but his senses on high alert as always. It was a stroke of luck—or perhaps fate—that led him to stumble upon the dimly lit studio with door slightly open. And their he saw someone lying on the floor.
"RM!" Yoongi's voice pierced the stillness like a thunderbolt, his heart hammering in his chest as he shook RM gently, willing him to awaken from his slumber. But the only response was the cold touch of blood staining Yoongi's hands, a stark reminder of the danger that lurked in the shadows.
"We need Jin!Jin hyung.Seokjin..KIM SEOKJIN" Yoongi's voice echoed through the empty halls, a desperate plea for salvation in the face of uncertainty. Hearing the loud yells all others arrived.Jin saw this and his steady hands and unwavering resolve were a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume them all.But as Jin tended to RM's injuries, questions lingered in the air like an unsolved puzzle, their answers tantalizingly out of reach.
Why had RM kept his pain hidden from them? What happened to him? Where was he till now?
As RM stirred from his unconsciousness, confusion clouding his eyes, Hoseok and Jimin stood vigil at his side, their concern etched upon their faces like a map of worry. "Are you feeling hurt anywhere,Joonie?" Jimin's voice was soft, but the weight of his concern was palpable in the air.
RM shakes his head. "Who treated me?
"It was Hana. We had no choice. Jin hyung can help but not a professional one. We saw Hana's capability so we called her. She came through teleportation within minutes. It is still hard to believe that i am living among people with unnatural powers that i have read only in the books," Hoseok replied, his relief evident in the tension that melted from his shoulders at the mention of her name. But their relief was short-lived as RM's silence hung heavy in the air, a veil of secrecy that threatened to suffocate them all.
"Why didn't you tell us about your injuries, RM?" Hoseok's words were gentle, but the underlying urgency was impossible to ignore.
RM's gaze drifted to the floor, his thoughts a whirlwind of self-doubt and guilt. In the silence that followed, his inner demons whispered their poisonous lies, threatening to consume him whole.
RM hesitated, his gaze shifting between his concerned brothers. His lips parted as if to speak, but the words caught in his throat. A brief moment of vulnerability flickered in his eyes, a silent plea for understanding."I..." RM's voice trailed off, his heart heavy with unspoken thoughts and emotions. "I'm sorry," he finally managed to say, the words loud in the quiet room.Before anyone could press further, RM changed the subject, his determination evident in his tone. "I want to meet Hana," he declared, a newfound resolve shining in his eyes."I'll go meet her right now," RM insisted, his voice edged with urgency as he stood, his resolve unwavering.
Jimin, ever the voice of reason, stepped forward. "It's past 1 AM, RM. You can go tomorrow morning."
But RM was already moving, his mind set on his course of action. With a swift motion, he changed into another black shirt, a symbol of his resolve and his loyalty to Bangtan."I have to go now. Tomorrow is my shift," RM explained, his words carrying the weight of responsibility. "I'll be back soon."The tension in the air was thick as RM's determination clashed with Jimin's cautious concern.
But before the two could say anymore, RM had barged out of the room. They can't force him when they themselves kicked him out of the team. Well, not kicked out, just kept him away from the mafia work for a while.With that, RM left the mansion, the cool night air brushing against his skin as he made his way to Hana's house. The contrast between their worlds couldn't have been starker—the grandeur of Bangtan's mansion,the powerful yet comfortable surroundings of Hana's home and he himself with no home or nothing of his own.
As he stood outside her house, RM couldn't help but feel a pang of longing mixed with frustration. His eyes traced the lines of the house, noting its grandeur yet undeniable comfort. It was a stark reminder of the disparities in their lives, a reminder that he couldn't afford to ignore.Hana's surprise was evident in the way her eyes widened slightly as RM took the initiative to visit her. Despite the late hour and the unexpectedness of his visit, she welcomed him with a warm smile, appreciating the gesture of reaching out.
RM returned her smile with a respectful bow, a silent acknowledgment of the mutual respect and understanding between them. Although Hana was on par with the other six in terms of influence and status, RM had never harbored any ill will or enmity towards her. Moreover, he knew that the rest of Bangtan held Hana in high regard, listening to her and respecting her decisions for reasons known only to them. RM saw no point in creating unnecessary conflicts or enemies, especially when there was no animosity to begin with.
As Hana delved into the past, her words carried a weight of nostalgia and bittersweet memories. She spoke of RM's parents with reverence and fondness, painting a picture of a loving couple who had left an indelible mark on her life.
"I knew your parents," Hana began, her voice soft with reminiscence. "They were remarkable people—kind, generous, and full of love."
RM listened intently, his heart aching with a mixture of longing and curiosity. He had never seen his parents, nor did he have any memories of them. Their absence in his life had always been a void, a question mark that lingered in the depths of his soul.
"They always spoke of you with such pride," Hana continued, her eyes reflecting the warmth of her memories. "They believed in you, RM, and they would be proud of the person you've become."
As Hana sat in her quaint abode, only the presence of two across the room as she wanted RM to feel as comfortable as possible, she beckoned him closer with a gentle smile. Hana knew that RM came this time all of a sudden to know about his past. So she began to tell him without him asking anything. The air seemed to hum with ancient tales and untold secrets, and Hana's voice carried a melodic cadence as she began to weave the story of their hidden realm."RM, there exists a place deep within the earth, a sanctuary of hybrids like us," Hana began, her eyes reflecting the distant memories of a bygone era. "It was a realm not bound by limitations, where the fusion of our innate powers and advanced technology created wonders beyond imagination."Hana's words painted a picture of a world where teleporting boxes shimmered with ethereal energy used for transportation,communication rings and bracelets hummed with unseen connections used for communication and weapons infused with the elemental forces of nature gleamed with otherworldly power. The technology was far beyond that of human world but always short for humans' greed and sly nature.
"Our realm was not one of backwardness, but of boundless innovation and prosperity," Hana continued, her voice filled with pride for their lost paradise."But alas, our peace was shattered by the deceptions of Park Pyung-ho and his nefarious gang. Yep your guess is right. He was the father of Byung-ho "Hana's tone turned somber, a hint of regret lacing her words.
"They sowed seeds of betrayal that led to the destruction of everything we held dear."Hana's eyes flickered with a mixture of sorrow and determination as she recounted her role as the General, a position of honor and responsibility beside her husband, a hybrid whose strength and cunning matched that of a snake.
"Our King, Kim Ji Yong, and Queen, Kim Soyeon, were not just rulers but beacons of kindness and power," Hana's reverence for their monarchs was evident in her words. "They guided us with wisdom and compassion, but even their foresight could not shield us from the treachery that unfolded. As hybrids we had the habit of forming packs and having a king and queen. "
As the tale unfolded,she spoke of their unique naming system, adopted from humans to foster unity and connection with those who traversed between worlds and many other things that the hybrids had in common or adopted from humans."And then came the curious incident involving Park Pyung-ho," Hana's eyes sparkled with intrigue as she delved into this pivotal moment.
"A human who stumbled upon our realm by chance, sparking debates among us—should we eliminate this intruder or seek understanding?"Hana described the cautious yet compassionate approach of their King and Queen, who chose to keep Pyung-ho under house arrest rather than outright hostility. "They were wise leaders, wary of human nature but willing to explore the possibility of cooperation," Hana explained.
As the night wore on, Hana's narrative wove a spell of fantasy and intrigue around RM, transporting him to a world of magic, technology, and ancient alliances. The tale left RM with a deeper understanding of his hybrid heritage and the challenges faced by their ancestors, a legacy that now rested on their shoulders to reclaim and rebuild.As Hana continued her tale, the room seemed to grow colder, the weight of tragedy bearing down on them like a heavy shroud. Her voice trembled as she recounted the darkest chapter of their history, her words carrying the bitter sting of betrayal and loss.
"RM, what I'm about to tell you is not just a belief—it's a truth that turned into a curse for our kind," Hana's voice was heavy with sorrow, her eyes clouded with memories of the horror they had endured."Pyung-ho, the human we once held captive, discovered a secret that our ancestors had guarded with their lives," Hana explained, her voice barely above a whisper. "He learned that by absorbing the core of a hybrid—the very essence of their being humans could be freed from any disease, their bodies cleansed and revitalized."
The revelation hung in the air like a death sentence, a chilling reminder of the power that lay within their cores—the power that had ultimately led to their downfall.
"He deceived our King and Queen, gaining their trust before betraying us all," Hana's words dripped with bitterness, her fists clenched in anger at the memory. "Pyung-ho slaughtered the hybrids mercilessly, harvesting their cores to fuel his insatiable thirst for power and immortality."
The room seemed to close in around them as Hana spoke, the weight of their shared tragedy pressing down on them like a suffocating blanket. The flames of the hybrids, once a symbol of life and vitality, had been twisted into instruments of destruction by the greed of a single man.
"In the chaos and bloodshed,my husband guarded King Ji Yong and Queen Soyeon till his death.I managed to escape with you,and a handful of others," Hana's voice wavered with emotion as she recounted their narrow escape. "We fled into the human world, hiding our identities and our heritage, lest we too fall victim to Pyung-ho's insatiable hunger. I had promised Soyeon that I will protect you with my life but i failed her. I was injured and passed out. I put my faith in two other hybrids who were with me to take care of you till I am okay before passing out. But they betrayed and cowardly fled for their life leaving a two year old baby alone alone with a unconscious woman. When I woke up I found myself in the same alley but neither you nor the other two hybrids who I entrusted you were to be found . I was angry and started finding you but to no avail. Then I bumped into a mafia leader of Slyers and thats when my journey in mafia world started. I kept searching for you but no result. I would capture boys and test their blood. Hybrids can identify each other. If their blood drops on floor and repels each other then they are hybrids. Due to difference in hybrid power, our blood also repels. I tried but found no one and due this I got famous as catching small age boys and using them for sex pleasure. But I did not have time to care for fake rumours. I would pray and ask for forgiveness to my friend Soyeon to protect or find you. Finally my prayers have been answered."
The truth of their past lay bare before them, a painful reminder of the depths of human greed and betrayal. But amidst the darkness, a spark of determination flickered in Hana's eyes, a silent vow to honor the sacrifices of their fallen kin and to someday reclaim what was rightfully theirs.
As the echoes of tragedy faded into the night, RM felt a surge of resolve coursing through his veins, a legacy of resilience and hope passed down through generations. And in that moment, he knew that their journey was far from over—that the flames of their fallen brethren would guide them towards a brighter future, no matter how dark the path ahead.
RM bid a reluctant goodbye to Hana, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. He excused himself, citing the late hour and the need to rise early for work, aware that his absence might concern his hyungs. Deep within, a fire of determination burned, fueled by a desire for vengeance against those who had taken his parents and fellow hybrids.Yet, as he walked through the quiet streets, anger mingled with a strange sense of guilt and confusion. How could he seek retribution when he himself had blood on his hands? The memory of Joon-wo's parents flashed before his eyes, a haunting reminder of his own past sins.
The night seemed to mirror his inner turmoil, the dark clouds overhead threatening to burst forth with a downpour that matched the storm in his heart. RM's steps were slow and hesitant, as if each footfall carried the weight of the world."Why did it have to be this way?" RM's voice was a whisper, barely audible amidst the quiet of the night. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, the physical pain a meager reflection of the emotional turmoil within.
As he continued his solitary walk, the rain began to fall, gentle at first before turning into a relentless downpour. The cold droplets mingled with his tears, a cruel reminder of his inability to escape his own grief.RM's mind was a tempest of conflicting emotions. Anger at himself for his past actions, sorrow for the lives lost, and a deep-seated despair at the seemingly insurmountable challenges ahead.
The empty streets echoed with the sound of his footsteps and the rhythmic patter of rain, a melancholic symphony that resonated with RM's inner turmoil. He longed for a moment of respite, a chance to unburden his heart and find solace in the midst of his pain.
With each step, RM felt the weight of his guilt pressing down on him, threatening to crush his spirit entirely. The world around him felt distant and indifferent, adding to his sense of isolation and despair.But as he walked, his tears mixing with the rain, RM found a strange comfort in the shared sorrow of the night. It was as if nature itself understood his pain, offering a fleeting moment of connection in the midst of his overwhelming grief.
And so, RM walked on, his heart heavy but his spirit resilient. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and hardships, but in that moment, surrounded by the rain and his own tears, he found a glimmer of hope—a fragile thread to hold onto as he navigated the depths of his sorrow.

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