Chapter 43

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Namie had fainted with blood gushing out from his backside. Others can't even see how his condition is because the opposite gang kept on attacking them without any rest. Jimin had tears in his eyes, not due to fear of dying but because he is unable to help his other mates.
Seokjin was thinking of a way to retreat but they were fucking on the 5th floor. They can't jump from their!! Tae and Hobi were fighting but due to injuries their attacks were not accurate or fatal.
Suddenly their was a loud gunshot heard from below the building. Before someone could even see the reason behind it, Madam Hana kicked the door open where the fight was going on.
" An old hog!! You called an old hog for help. Too ridiculous " Laughed the leader making noise of  a pig while laughing.
" Boss!! You should call me great boss, you idiot! " Said Hana and gave a strong punch on his cheek that blood came out of it.
Seeing the strength all were shocked. They attacked together but before they could attack her, bullets came from no where and all were killed.
The others stopped fighting. Bangtan was also relieved as well as surprised that Hana came  to help them. But she definitely is not alone!!. Who is with them?
Jackson and his team came out from behind!!
" What a bunch of cowards. Kidnaped, torture, back attack. You guys are nothing but cowards. If you have the guts confront directly. COME ON! " Yelled Jackson.
GOT 7 team defeated the men within no time.
Seokjin aided to Tae and Hobi while the others to Namie.
" His hair colour!! They changed!! Again?? " Said Jungkook being confused while looking at unconscious Namie.
" Let's talk about that later. He needs a doctor. Madam Hana. Can you? " Asked Yoongi.
" Yes, I only can. He can't be shown to a normal doctor. His heart beat, pulse everything are beyond normal for a human. He can't be shown. I will help him. I brought the kit with me in the car. Let's go" Said Hana.
Jungkook lifted Namie and they went down. The fight was over. Jackson along with Seokjin were discussing how to deal with the bodies. Jimin took Hobi and V with him. Hana treated Namie while Jungkook and Jimin treated Hobi and V. The others also came and they got back home.
At home,
Namie was still unconscious but was safe. The wound was bandaged and he would be okay with rest of few days. V and Hobi had injuries but none was severe. They were also bandaged but they wanted to stay with their hyungs.
" I visited to talk to Namie but found that you went somewhere . I was shocked with the news of V and Hobi kidnapped. So I called Jackson. Because such a thing happened for the first time so it must be serious. Thank God we reached in time" Said Hana.
" You knew Got7 team? "
" Yes, Jin. I knew them. Don't forget they are forced to work for Byung-ho. Just like me. So i know them "
" Why are you forced? What is your weakness? "
" Family!! They know about each of our family and threatens to kill them. To keep them safe we need to work for him. " Said Jackson while sighing as he was tired  doing evil work for Byung-ho.
" Thank you very much. We owe you our lives. We will try to find out a way to help you as well as to destroy Byung-ho completely. "
" Jin hyung, if you want to destroy Byung-ho, count us in as well"
" Deal. But today's dinner on us. Don't deny. " Said Yoongi.
Others smiled and nodded. Suddenly Namie came out. But he looked a completely different person than before.
Namie and Namjoon both shared a love for effortless style. They preferred their hair soft and fluffy, steering clear of any elaborate styling. The duo had a penchant for bright-colored shirts, and they weren't bothered about matching them meticulously. Comfort took precedence, with oversize shirts being their go-to choice, creating a look that was both cozy and carefree.
But RM donned a sleek black turtleneck shirt, its sleeves meticulously rolled up, revealing a set of well-defined, muscular arms adorned with a carefully styled arrangement of chestnut-colored hairs. The overall aesthetic exuded a captivating allure, evoking a sense of undeniable attractiveness that could be aptly described as "hot as fuck."
" Emm.... RM?? " Asked Yoongi like he was confirming his own guess.
RM nods and then goes in the kitchen to eat something .
" He looks totally different. ". Said Jimin
" Yeah more sexy. More handsome" Said V.
Others nodded while still looking in the direction of Namjoon.
Seokjin saw that even Got7 was staring at Namjoon. So he cleared his throat loudly and everyone was out of their trance.
" Jin hyung. No need to be jealous. We are good in our poly relationship. We don't wish to add anyone,.. Well RM could be an exception but he is already taken. So we won't. Be assured. " Said Jackson while frowning while looking towards RM.
" Ta-taken? He.. He is not. I did not say anything!" Said Seokjin.
" You are still in a denial? Weird. Anyone would grab the chance to approach him. He is with you all day and you still deny that you don't feel anything for him? " Said Jackson making a quizzical look. Others only sighed seeing the reluctant behaviour of Jin.
RM comes and takes a seat beside Hoseok.
" Are you two okay? Feeling better? " Asked RM.
" Yes, Joon-ah. We are better. But you were hurt more than us. You should rest"
" Hobi hyung, can I know why you two went together in the middle of night? "
This question caught both of them off guard. Even others forgot about that.
" Umm... what happened is.....
" Hyung, I am warning that I like to listen to truth only, okay? " Said Jungkook with an eyebrow raised.
Taehyung gulped at the statement and looked at Hoseok.
" We were thinking of a way to uplift the mood of all and remove the bitterness between us. We are not a big family, so we dont want discord among 7 of us. We were planning for a surprise midnight meal with favorites of all. So we went out" Said Taehyung. Hoseok nodded in confirmation.
"Ohh... So sweet. But Taetae you should at least tell me. From now on two groups are not permitted to go alone." Declared Jimin.
Others also nodded firmly. RM was still thinking.
" But hyung how did the kidnappers know that you are going to go at that particular time? " Asked RM.
" Yeah!! How did they know about this? How is it possible!!?? " Shouted Taehyung in shock as he did not pay attention to this detail.
" Might be a coincidence.... " Said Hoseok while himself asking what he just said.
" It can't be. Their is someone spying on us" Snarled Seokjin angry that who has the guts to spy on the mafia kings.
" Let's be cautious and don't the alert the culprit. Okay? " Said RM.
" Okay, but Joon are you giving orders to us? "
" What do you think? "Said RM with a smirk.
"Wow, look who's the authority here! Our beloved maknae suddenly handing out orders," scoffed Seokjin, raising an incredulous eyebrow.
RM responded with a smirk, "Oh, you've got a point, Jin hyung. Let me rephrase. Dear hyungs, kindly attempt normalcy. Spare me the drama; I'm not in the mood to play problem-solving babysitter. After all, who'd want their mess sorted out by a mere maknae, right?" The emphasis on 'maknae' dripped with sarcasm, accompanied by a raised eyebrow that spoke volumes.
Yoongi gave a smirk at this and Jin was unable to even scold him seeing the complete different side of Joon.
" If you don't want to discuss anything, let's go to our rooms to rest. " Said Namjoon while yawning.
Others just kept looking at him as he went to his room.
" He... He is... "
Seokjin was interupted by Kook, V and Jimin who at the same time said.
" Dominating and sexy. "
" Yahh!!  You.. You three.. are you enchanted by him, huh? He is.... He is... "
"HE IS dominating and sexy. " Affirmated Yoongi.
Seokjin just huffed but he too was mesmerized by RM's behavior. Hoseok was flush red and was amazed that his persona is totally different from the others.
"Where is Hoon hyung? We did not see him since he heard about V and Hobi kidnapped? " Asked Yoongi.
This made rise the suspicion but that vanished when all saw him barging looking tired.
"Tae, Hoseok! You are safe. Thank god" Said Hoon while huffing and bending trying to catch his breath. Before anyone could ask he started explaining himself.
"I went to the police station to help them find V and Hobi. But it is good that you found them. As soon as your guards informed me about this, I came running back".
Before anyone could speak, RM came down and spoke up,
Good. Good that you helped even though it was useless," remarked someone unimpressed.

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