Chapter 38

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" Little Joonie I will be back. I have to talk to your hyungs. You watch and also keep an eye on Jungkook hyung. Don't let him fall off the couch." Said Namjoon while keeping some extra pillows down on the floor unless Kook falls ,he will fall on pillows.
" Seokjin hyung, where are you?" yells Namjoon while coming out of the room his breathing unstable and he looked pissed off.
All of them gathers around Namjoon except Jungkook.
" Namjoon first you went away making us worried then you come back and does not give us an explanation  and now yelling my name ,what do you think you are doing?" asked Seokjin as he was worried as well as angry that Namjoon took a big risk of going  to Byung-ho's  house.
" Hyung i am sorry i was wrong. Punish me as you like afterwards. First tell me did your doctor found the antidote to my problem?" asked Namjoon and his face was pale and looked like he would burst down any moment.
" Ye- Yes, she fou-found it." Said Seokjin with a little stutter because of the weird behaviour  of Namjoon.
Namjoon's  face lit up and he was so happy that he hugged Seokjin too tightly.
" Thank God. Thank god. I was so terrified. Thank you. Thank you very much hyung. " said Namjoon while still hugging Seokjin making him unable to breath .
" Joonie I understand how happy you are. But leave Seokjin hyung ,he is getting paler and paler." Said Jimin while himself giggling at the cute scene.
Namjoon immediately  leaves Seokjin who takes a few deep breaths  while Namjoon gives a sheepish smile and bows for an apology.
"  Wow Joonie that is some very good strength. I was not able to breath properly. You are stronger than average. Good, good " said Seokjin. Namjoon  bows as an apology.
" When will doctor Choi bring the medicine?" asked Namjoon .
" First she was about to bring it herself after one week but your temporary  antidotes are over and tomorrow  is the day of deadline of two months. So we paid extra money so that the botanist himself can come to Korea early that is by tomorrow by our private plane. " said Seokjin.
" Tomorrow!!, that's great. Hyung make sure that the antidote is safe. And I would like to go to pick him up from your airport  personally " said Namjoon.
" Okay no problem if that's what you want." Said Seokjin and the others nodded.
" But Joonie why did you go? And then suddenly cane back? What happened? Are you okay?" asked Hoseok.
Namjoon says that he found the wrong address and that why he came back and he was worried that they might be after Joon-wo so he rushed to see him. No one suspected his lie and just engaged themselves in other works.
In Byung-ho' House,
" Why did you let him go? We should have kidnapped him and then use him when time comes" said Byung-ho.
" Do you really think you have the capability to keep him at your place with his strength  and intelligence  plus Bangtan ever ready to locate our location and they wont spare you once you are caught as the hatred is deep-rooted." said the masked man.
" Then what is your plan? Because you know tomorrow  is the lunar eclipse day . If you say that we can't keep him under our control now then we don't even stand a chance when he becomes THAT!!" said Byung-ho.
" I know all that. But you don't know much. We know that Namjoon is the only son of the king and queen of the hybrid clan in Seleno Land – also called as the Celestial Land. Away from the eyes of human situated in between the snow covered mountains ,it was indeed a beautiful  place. But what to do, my grandfather found it and took over that place and became hell a rich.  That's when we found this little kid and raised him. But he does not know a thing about it, all thanks to you. " said the masked man with a rogue grin.
" Why are you telling me things that i already know, how is his past related to how we make him obey us and get what we want?" asked Byung-ho.
" His past will definitely not help us but the past of the leader – Kim Seokjin will help us . That Seokjin has a deep hatred towards hybrid. Once he knows that his precious Joon is a hybrid, he will himself throw him out of his group. That's when we will take action" said the masked man.
" do you know about Seokjin's  past? Even that is a mystery to me? And his hatred towards hybrid?? That means he already knew that hybrids do exist, right? Asked Byung-ho.
Suddenly they heard some noise outside.
" Who? Who is there?" shouted Byung-ho.
" Leave her. She is our Madam Hana – the Arctic fox hybrid. She was there all along . She heard it except the part that Seokjin hates hybrids as I came near you and said that because I can't let her hear everything, right?"  asked the masked man.
" You knew she was here?!  Yet you told her everything. Now she will protect the heir of her king and Queen at any cost " said Byung-ho.
" She does not have that much ability to make Namjoon listen to her. She is their enemy, trusting her will take a lot of time. And that will bring benefit to us" said the masked man.
" all planned this beforehand. I hope you know that every step you take will have its pros and cons.  You are really  very meticulous but obsessed with things you want that might create problem for you. " said Byung-ho.
" Tell me something I don't know. And I know what to do and what not to. Now, I have someone to attend. Excuse me." Said the masked man and went out of the room.
" What work he has at the middle of night?" thought Byung-ho.
The next day, Namjoon was already up and looked very eager as well as anxious about going to pick that old botanist. It takes a one hour journey to go and come back. What made Namjoon  worry is that the poison that Joon-wo ate acts up in exactly 1 hour and half hour and only two hours were left. If the poison acts up, the person feels extremely  tired and feels very cold no matter what the weather is. Throat  feels too dry and eyes hurt with a severe headache. Lungs feel heavy and breathing becomes difficult.  This happens so as to slow the metabolism for that body and is a slow and painful process.
Namjoon came with the antidote box just 20 minutes before Joon-wo's poison acts up. Everyone was beaming with happiness. Seokjin and Yoongi noticed that Namjoon's  complexion looked very pale and tired. His eyes were red ,lips as dry as desert and he was sweating very much.
" Are you okay?  You don't look so well" said Yoongi.
Namjoon nods and gives a smile.
" Hyung,I want to play with Joon-wo for a while as i promised before going out. He will be angry if I delay him further" Said Namjoon.
" But first you should eat the pill" said Seokjin.
" I-i ate. On the wa-way, so can I go?" asked Namjoon in a low voice. All others nodded thinking that he looked exhausted because he took the antidote.
Meanwhile Namjoon took Joon-wo's favourite chocolate, melted it and crushed the antidote that he got from the botanist after confirming from him that he the antidote is 100% effective. He then mixes it well and applies on smalls buns so that Joon-wo eats it without making a fuss.
Then Namjoon goes to Joon-wo's room where he was playing with his toys.
Meanwhile Madam Hana comes running and is blocked  by the guards. She pleads to meet the Bangtan . The guards inform Seokjin about Hana and reluctantly  Seokjin agrees.
" Why are you allowing her to enter?" asked Jungkook angrily.
" Because she helped us to find the location of Joon-wo's parents. No matter what I do she once helped us a lot. I am also reluctant but I have to let her give a chance. Lets see what she has to say" said Seokjin.
Hana comes but guards also follow her. Seokjin tells the guards to stay outside alert. As soon as the bodyguards leave Hana starts to seeing around the house and ignoring  Bangtan like seeking for someone in particular.
" What do you want, now? And what are looking for?" asked Seokjin sternly.
" See i will be honest with you all. Because even if I don't tell now, you will see it in the night.  Actually I am a hybrid and so is your brother Namjoon. We came from the Seleno Land and Namjoon is our king's only heir. I know it is difficult to believe all this but I can show you if you promise that you won't reveal us to the world." Said Hana within one breath because  she knew if she hesitate then she won't be able to utter a word.
" What the- !! What are you talking about? Ridiculous! This is 21st century!!" said Yoongi.
All others were stunned but when they heard Yoongi, they also nodded but Seokjin hearing all this froze at the spot. He was not even blinking and just stared at Hana continuously.
Hana sighed and then immediately  closes all the windows within three seconds. Then she transforms . A beautiful white fox with big blue eyes and soft big ears that twitch every now and then . Everyone was mesmerised by the beauty of the fox.
" I never thought that the old Hana is so beautiful  when transforms into her hybrid form. So hybrids do exist?!! It is still hard to believe  all this in 21st century. But you are in front of me. I can't deny then." Said Taehyung making Hana snarl and grit her teeth for calling her old.
" But that means what she said is true. Namjoon....he- he is also a HYBRID!!" Jungkook basically yelled and jumped while clapping in tiny.
" He is a HYBRID. What is so exciting in that? Isn't it still shocking for you to digest this ?!!" asked Jimin .
" Don't you feel exciting about it? I mean he is a hybrid, wonder which hybrid he will be and also he will be a great help to the team because according to stories they are very strong. I always loved fantasy and now it becoming real is so great." Said Taehyung instead of Jungkook giving the answer.
Jungkook nods agreeing with his hyung. Jimin says nothing but he is also excited to see what Namjoon will be like after being a hybrid but is a little nervous as this is somehing you can only dream of and hard to belive!!
Hoseok was a little shocked with the strange piece of information given so he said nothing still finding it hard to believe that his brother will be a hybrid in near future. Yoongi seemed the least affected by the information. Jimin was eyeing him again and again.
" What?? Why are looking at me like that?" asked Yoongi.
" Are you okay hearing this news? You don't have any ill intentions towards Joonie now that he is a hybrid or will become one.You wont expose  or sell him ,right? " Asked Jimin. Hearing this the other two maknaes also got alert and sternly looked ta Yoongi.
" Hey! Why would I?  I dont care whether Namjoon is a hybrid or not. I just know that he is Namjoon, someone I can trust on " said Yoongi without  any hesitance.
" Aww! Hyung I know you wont do such a cruel thing even if he is not our Joonie. I was just teasing you but it felt very good hearing your honest answer." Said Jimin while giving a big smile.
All of them smiled and the mood got a little light after the sudden outburst of strange news. But Seokjin looked like he was not listening  to them at all. All the time he just stood in his place and was not reacting to anything at all like he was in a trance . Then suddenly  he comes to his senses and then starts running to Joon-wo's room where Namjoon was.

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