Chapter 21

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"Today's mission is about target precession. There are three target boards that you need to hit. I clearly said 'Need to hit', so it does not mean you need a bull's eye every time because, in front of targets, there are big rings that are moving two and fro. There are three rounds and you can hit as many as you want for each round. In the first round, you need to hit two targets out of three and the obstacle rings moving are only two. In the second round you need to hit all three targets with obstacle rings four in front. And in the third round, you need to hit two targets again and in this round, there are six rings as an obstacle. You need to pass your arrows in between the rings when they come in front of the target. And the rings move in different directions. Some left to right and some right to left. So be careful. Also, the target boards are not replaced. So if your arrow gets hit by your own arrow it is your fault. And in that room, there are moving walls that have holes in them from a few places. That holes emit fire and so for every wrong hit the walls move closer. That is why you can shoot as many arrows as you want but for every wrong hit, the walls move closer. And that's all you need to know" said Yoongi with his gummy smile.
Namjoon nodded with a serious face taking in every information he got.
"Wow, Yoongi hyung this is the first time you said this much. I am amazed" Said Jimin while showing a thumbs up.
Yoongi knew that the younger was teasing him but as it was morning and he was feeling a little sleepy he just scoffed and turned his head away. Jimin chuckled seeing his hyung reacting like a child while others smiled.
"Okay then let's go " Said Seokjin and after dressing up they headed to their base.
Before reaching the base, Namjoon requested his hyungs that if they can install cameras when he is performing as it might help him recall something when he sees that video again. And who would say no when he lowers his head and fiddles with his hands and when he looks at the big puppy eyes? The Bangtan gang said "Okay" within seconds. And then the dimples smile -uffff. They would agree to anything blindly if they are to see the dimpled smile.
Namjoon entered the room and the first reaction that he gave was -HOT. It was very hot and humid. Namjoon had to take off his jacket in that room even though the winter season has set a little.
"Okay, Namjoon are you ready" Asked Yoongi. A person can easily hear what the other was saying.
Namjoon nodded with an okay sign and the mission began. Namjoon eyed the camera and then took a deep breath ready to do the mission.
Namjoon held the bow firmly in his hand and took out an arrow from the quiver. He took his first shot and 'bang' it hit the bull's eye of the target precisely. The same went with the second and third shots.
"He is very good at archery. He impresses me with every mission and gains my respect" Said Yoongi.
"Hmm.. One hardly gains respect from you hyung. It is good for Joonie then" Said Taehyung.
"Shh.. Let me watch" Said Yoongi grumpily. Others chuckled a little and then again paid attention to Namjoon.
Now there were four rings in front of the targets and Namjoon needed to hit two. Namjoon was doubting on himself whether he can do this or not but his instincts told him that this was nothing. Namjoon took a deep breath and hit but it clashed with the ring moving in front as the arrow hit earlier. The temperature was very much but as the walls of both sides move closer the temperature increased. The fire coming from the holes spread smoke which made it difficult to see and eyes burned badly and tears came out from his eyes. He took the second shot and it hit the target but near to center not exactly at the center. He took his third shoot and it got hit at the bull's eye again. The third level started with two more rings appearing making it six rings in total. Now the room temperature might be above 50 degrees Celsius. Namjoon was all sweaty and was trying to not close his eyes due to the smoke. The smoke was inhaled by Namjoon making his throat dry and he was coughing now and then. He thought that the faster he aims and ends this, the more quickly he can get out of this room. So he took his aim. This time two targets. He aimed and missed making the walls come closer and increase the smoke, the heat making it unbearable to breathe and stand. But Namjoon had to go in otherwise the more time he takes the more he inhales. Yoongi did not decide on this game based only on precision but also speed. Namjoon had to shoot the two last targets otherwise the door to the exit won't open and the person dies here. He took an arrow, stretched his arrow, and waited and then when he was sure he shoot. And it hit the target. Namjoon relived a sigh of breath but quickly covered his mouth as he can't inhale smoke. He then was ready to shoot his last target on which his kids depended. And Bang he hit it. That was the last of the shooting. As soon as the exit door opened Namjoon dropped his bow and ran out of the room covering his mouth with his jacket. He saw all his hyungs standing there. Namjoon drank water and a doctor checked him upon Jungkook's request as Jungkook did not want any complications later on. Namjoon was totally fine, even Namjoon himself said that he had no problem in breathing and no pain anywhere but still Jungkook made the doctor do the checkup. After the mission was over, all the other gangs left while Seokjin said that he needs to talk with all his members so they were alone in the building.
"So, what is it that you want us to talk about? " Asked Jungkook.
"We need to tell Namjoon about all the work we do because after tomorrow he will be a part of our team and so he should know everything," Said Seokjin.
"But that can be done after we move...
Jungkook was interrupted by Yoongi.
" I think we should give Namjoon a tour of our whole base. Namjoon only saw the meeting room and the mission room. So what do you say Namjoon, shall we go? "Asked Yoongi. Jungkook was confused but still did not say a word after a  glance from his Seokjin hyung.
" Ye-yeah sure," Said Namjoon.
"Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung you three take care of the food we will be hungry when we reach there," Said Seokjin while taking Namjoon's hand and he went in the other direction. Yoongi patted on Jungkook's shoulder and said " I want chicken, remember to bring it, okay? "Said Yoongi and went in the direction where Namjoon and Seokjin went followed by Hoseok.
The three trios looked at each other in confusion and went to do what they were told.
Namjoon was seeing everything and trying to remember and also keenly listening to what his hyungs were saying. He wanted to do his job properly as now he would be a teammate tomorrow he will have new responsibilities that he should fulfill as this was a new life and a new chance. So he wants to do his best.
They entered a room full of computers and other electronic devices. It was a dark, black-painted room with designs of good on it. There were thick curtains to avoid light entering. Only small lights were there present. The room gave a calming yet mysterious aura.
"This arena is owned by Yoongi and Jimin. They are the hackers on our team. And there is no program or device that can't be hacked by these two. Later if you are interested to learn hacking, tell them" Said Seokjin. Namjoon nodded and then all of them moved forward. Then they came across another room which had walls painted of red and green contrast and there were many documents and folders filled up in cupboards made of glass. There were two tables at the center and a couch beside with plant pots placed on either side. The room had a warm, cozy feeling.
"This is the room where Hoseok and Taehyung do the work. They are the ones who take responsibility for various deals that we make with others. They are perfect at it. "Said Yoongi. Namjoon just saw the amount of documents that filled the room and gulped. Then the others went into the last room at the corner. It was a plain white room with all sorts of weapons to practice with the practice dummies, gym instruments, etc. Namjoon got more interested in this room as he took the initiative to enter the room which was not the case for the previous ones. He saw different shapes and types of swords, small to big knives, daggers, revolvers, snipers, shotguns etc.
"This is where all members practice but mostly Jungkook and I practice as were the killing point of this team - The Assassins. " Said Seokjin.
"You are the killing point! Then do you have abs? " Asked Namjoon all of a sudden.
"Why?.. Umm.. I mean why?.... I-i...
Seokjin was trying to say something but Yoongi interrupted with a chuckle.
" He does not. He just has a fit body, wide shoulders with great inner core strength but no abs. But Jungkook does have. " Said Yoongi and Seokjin glared at him.
"Ohh, sorry hyung I did not mean to embarrass you. Sorry" Said Namjoon while lowering his head.
"No need to say sorry, Joonie. I did not feel bad. I don't need to have abs as I can easily fight with Jungkook. Just wait I will show you. And also I will teach you how to use all this stuff. " Said Seokjin.Namjoon gave a small smile and they exited from that room. After a little walk in a long passage, they entered a room. Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok eyed each other with a smirk. As they moved forwards Namjoon was puzzled as the room was empty. What is there to show? But Namjoon did not say anything and followed them. Namjoon was behind all his hyungs and all of a sudden three people dressed in all black with faces fully covered took all the three boys excluding Namjoon who was at the back. The masked people moved the older ones' hands behind their backs and put a gun on their heads ready to kill them! Namjoon panicked and was thinking of something he could do to free his hyungs
"Wh-what do you want? " Asked Namjoon trying to speak confidently but the fear of his hyungs getting hurt is evident on his face.
"Namjoon, they are just assassins with the aim of killing only. So need to worry about us, run" Said Seokjin.
No, I won't leave you behind." Said Namjoon while thinking of a way to save his hyungs. He saw that there were many cabinets behind and beside him.
"There must be some weapon to use against these assassins. I should give it a try. " Said Namjoon to himself and started going back while facing his hyungs. He then took out his jacket and threw it in front of the assassins and his hyungs and then quickly opened the cabinet to search for any weapon. Luckily, he saw a gun that was loaded. He sighed in relief and then faced towards his hyung ready to kill the assassins who dared to hurt his hyungs.
Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok were amazed by the younger's actions.
"Leave my hyungs or I will shoot you," Said Namjoon without stuttering and full of anger.
But the assassins did not even budge. That made Namjoon more angry. So he did what he wanted to. It was like he did not have control over himself and wanted to kill anyone who tried to hurt his hyungs. He pulled the trigger and it directly hit one of the assassins forehead and it fell leaving Seokjin free. Then he did the same with the other two. There was not a single regret on his face seeing that he killed someone.
"Joonie, are you alright? " Asked Seokjin concerned when the younger stood motionless. Namjoon was clutching the gun tightly but when Seokjin asked him the question he took a deep breath and looked in the direction of his hyung.
"Yes, hyung I am fine, why are you asking? " Asked Namjoon.
"You just killed a few people, are... Are you okay? Asked Yoongi a little confused.
" Ah.. I am okay. Just a little shaken. But they deserve it as if I had not killed them then they would have killed you and that is something I can never afford " Said Namjoon in a low voice with a little moist eyes. Seokjin was surprised that Namjoon was not affected that he killed someone instead he was crying because someone could have killed them a few minutes ago. He quickly hugged the younger in a tight embrace.
"You have done very well Joonie. Very well" Said Seokjin. Namjoon leaned on Seokjin's shoulders, closed his eyes, and let out a few deep breaths.
"Well, you really did a great work. And you passed it. " Said Yoongi while looking towards Hoseok who nodded with a smile.
Namjoon got confused and he opened his eyes and looked at Yoongi. Seokjin also saw Yoongi showing his gummy smile.
"What pass? What are you talking about hyung? " Asked Namjoon with a little smile.
"This was a test for the. The last mission was set by Seokjin hyung. And you passed it. " Said Yoongi.
"Hmm... Okay.. " Said Namjoon. Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok got confused. Such a plain reaction. This was unexpected. Namjoon then was about to walk out of the room but then his movement came to halt and his eyes widened.
" Mission? It was the last mission!! " Screamed Namjoon while bulging his eyes out of the socket.
"Yes, these are not assassins Joonie, they are robots. You did not kill anyone. " Said Hoseok while taking out the mask and showing the robots that got damaged by being hit by the bullet.
"Well, I must say your accuracy to hit is pretty good," Said Yoongi while seeing how the bullet was in the exact middle of the forehead.
"So... I did not kill anyone, right? " Asked Namjoon. His face was a little pale and his eyes got moist. Seokjin understood how Namjoon was feeling so he went towards him and side-hugged him. Namjoon looked upwards directly into Seokjin's eyes and relaxed a bit.
"You are very strong Joonie . I vomited when I performed this as I thought I had killed someone" Said Hoseok with his sunshine smile to encourage the younger.
"Now let's go. Chicken is waiting for me. I want to eat and then take a good rest" Said Yoongi already yawning. Others nodded and went to their car and settled in. Namjoon was happy as well as a little shocked. Happy that he succeeded in the last mission and shocked as he almost killed three people today. Seokjin, Yoongi, and were more than eager to include Namjoon in their team. They saw his abilities during missions so they knew that he can be of big help and a great addition to their team.
When they reached home, maknaes were already at home and then they all ate their lunch together. Yoongi told them to bring chicken, which they brought but before Yoongi and the others got home all the drumsticks were eaten by Jungkook and Jimin saying that the drumsticks were the price they took for home delivery. And Yoongi was hella angry and was yelling at them and running behind them with sauce in a small cup to put on them. Jungkook and Jimin were running while laughing. The others smiled seeing them running in the whole house, hiding behind Hoseok and teasing Yoongi by calling him 'grumpy grandpa'. And with all the ruckus it was evening time and all were on the bean bags, Jungkook snuggling with Jimin, Taehyung with Hosoek, Jimin, and Yoongi while Namjoon sat beside Seokjin. All were passing their time leisurely by watching Netflix.
"Umm.. Guys sorry to interrupt, but we need to talk about something" Said Seokjin.
Seeing the seriousness on Seokjin's face, Jimin paused the video and all looked toward him.
"Namjoon completed his last mission set by me, so he is now legally our team member. And tomorrow we need to head off to our real house in Seoul so kindly pack your bags and be ready sharp at 8'o clock. " Said Seokjin. Seokjin saw all at a glance and they had wide eyes and open mouths Seokjin took a deep breath and covered his ears as though he predicted something was coming. Namjoon was confused at Seokjin's actions.

The noise made by the three boys filled the peaceful silent room. The noise was so much that even when Seokjin had fully covered his ears he could hear them. Namjoon had to quickly close his ears and Hoseok jumped like a squirrel as he was startled. Yoongi got angry and threw pillows at the three to stop them.
"I did this all of a sudden because we have something urgent waiting for us. So we need to head off tomorrow only. Got it? " Asked Seokjin. The others did not need to ask what important work is there. They just agreed and went to pack up in their respective rooms. Seokjin said that he will help Namjoon pack his which the younger did not give much thought but for Seokjin even little moments like this made him feel very good and gave him goosebumps. Seokjin did not know the reason for this feeling but the younger managed to gain his attention since he is living with them.
On the other hand, Jackson and the others were planning on how to kidnap Namjoon and bring it to Byung-ho. They did not like this but no one was able to disobey Byung-ho.
Will Jackson and his team be successful in taking Namjoon with them? Or will Seokjin unknowingly help Namjoon and take him away from that place? What will be their DESTINY?

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