Chapter 18

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The previous night-
In the abandoned house,
"How did it go? Did he recognize you?" Asked Bambam excitedly to Jackson who was in his own world walking without seeing where he was.
"Was your hunch right? Is he the one we are searching for? " Asked Mark while looking at Jackson trying to study his face. Jackson was still not paying any attention to what the others were saying and where he was walking. He was about to bump his head straight onto the pillar which was just a few inches away from him when Jay B pulled him by the collar and made him sit on the nearby bean bag.
"What the...... Jackson was about to curse on who pulled him by the collar but when he saw who was he and he just smiled while rubbing his neck.
" Hi, everyone... Said Jackson while waving his hand lightly and looking at everyone one by one.
"Hi, we asked so many questions and your response is Hi. You... You did not hear whatever we said, right? " Asked Bambam while standing on the cushion.
"Huh... Sorry, I was thinking about him. He is very confusing. " Said Jackson.
"Tell us everything that happened. " Said Jinyoung and Jackson nodded and started narrating everything.
"So, you are saying that he lost his memory? But are you sure? Maybe we are barking at the wrong tree. " Said Mark.
"Maybe but that chance is only a little. When I said a few things his head started paining like what we see in a movie where a person feels a headache when he/she regains memory. " Said Jackson.
"But this is not a movie. He might be ill or there might be another reason for his headache. You can't judge anyone. He might be a stranger to us. " Said Jay B.
"Hmm... But what if Jackson hyung is right? Then we might miss the chance to help him to regain his memories" Said Yugyeom.
"What then? We can't ask him anything unless he comes to ask for help and that won't happen. So we again came to a dead end. " Said Jinyoung while others sighed.
"Hyung, a message came from the master. How come he knows what Namjoon is going to perform tomorrow? Are there more spies other than us? " Asked Young-jae while showing the laptop.
"He is asking about our progress as well as if we know what is tomorrow's mission for Namjoon? " Said Jay B while looking at others.
"We don't know what is tomorrow's mission. What to say? And our progress to talk to him and making him our friend is at a standstill. " Said Jay B to all of his teammates.
"Just say honestly. Nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the master. Being honest is better" Said Mark and Jay B nodded and typed his message.
After some time a new message popped up on the screen.
"Tomorrow's mission is to run on planks that are floating on water. Beneath the water are.... ARE CROCODILES!! " Said Jay B while being shocked and worried and looking at his members.
"Crocodiles.... Okay. " Said all the members. Jackson and Bambam were busy eating noodles even before doing dinner. Mark, Yugyeom, and Young-Jae were passing the time by playing halli galli. Jinyoung was cooking their dinner. So suddenly all of them came to their senses after they REALLY understood what their leader said. Jackson choked on his noddles while Bambam started coughing, Mark got hit on his palm by Yugyeom who was still concentrating on the game while Young-Jae did not play his turn and was staring at Jay B with a face asking "Seriously". Jinyoung who was boiling water to cook rice all of a sudden increased the flame when he understood what Jay B said. All of them looked towards Jay B with big, bulging eyes and open shocked faces.
" How is he going to do it? "
"Is he good at balancing? "
"Can he swiftly run on the planks? "
"Are the crocodiles furious?"
" Do they attack unnecessarily even when they sense no danger? "
All these questions were asked together to Jay B. Jay B saw this coming and did not pay attention to any of it and just typed a message to their master.
"Can the boy solve this mission successfully?
The reply came very soon
" He can. I have taught him much. If he can't complete then he should die. He has done more dangerous tasks while being on the edge of his life. "
Jay B was surprised by the reply of his master. Does he care about him or not? He knows about everything and cares for him but still, he does not care whether he dies or not.
"Hyung, wxbaghy are you not listening to us? What are you so busy with? Shouted Bambam breaking the trance of thoughts of Jay B.
" Uh.. Ahh....what? Nothing... Just master gave a message "said Jay B while showing the message he received.
" HOW CAN HE SAY THAT? EVEN IF HE IS A MASTER HE CAN'T SAY ABOUT HIS OWN SON LIKE THAT? "Screamed Jackson his face becoming red and banging his fists on the table. Bambam held him and tried to calm him down.
" We need to quicken our work and see if our hunch is right or wrong. Then only we can see decide whether to help him or not. Because rebelling against our master is not possible but for him, we can. So let's start our plan "said Mark.
" But what about tomorrow's mission? "Asked Jackson.
" We need to focus on our plan. That is something he has to figure out himself. We can't interfere or help him, can we? "Asked Jinyoung and the others agreed on it. Jackson was disappointed and worried.
" Believe in him. If he is the one we know then he definitely will solve it. "Said Mark while looking towards Jackson and he nodded and gave a smile.
Then they planned on how to approach and what to do next.

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