Chapter 48

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The dimly lit alley echoes with the frantic footsteps of Jimin and RM, shadows dancing around them as they pursue the mysterious van. The urgency in the air is palpable, matching the pounding of their hearts.
Jimin's lungs screamed for rest but he continues "Namjoon, we can't let them get away!"
"I know, Jimin. We're almost there." Said RM fueled with anxiety as his brother was going far and far away from him.
Their breaths intertwine with the air, a symphony of determination echoing through the narrow path.Suddenly, the alley takes an unexpected turn, and in the urgency of the chase, RM collides with a pile of discarded crates. The crash resonates, momentarily distracting him from the mission at hand. RM again gets up and balances himself.
"Namjoon, keep up! We're losing them!"Jimin who was behind him was just keeping his eyes fixed on the van.
RM stumbles to his feet, his eyes filled with regret, but Jimin doesn't notice. As they sprint forward, Jimin's foot catches on a loose brick, sending him tumbling to the ground with a sharp cry of pain.
"Agh, damn it!"Jimin yells while clutching his foot.
RM, realizing Jimin is hurt, rushes to his side, guilt etched across his face.
"Jimin, I'm so sorry. I should've been more careful." Said RM.
Jimin who was in pain said through gritted teeth" It's not your fault. Just go! Catch that van."
RM hesitates, torn between the urgency of escaping and the lingering fear that the assassin might still be nearby. Despite Jimin urging him forward and the van pulling away, RM reluctantly decides to follow the van, his unease palpable.When RM was a few steps away, a piercing scream shatters the air, confirming RM's lingering suspicions. Jimin, caught off guard, falls victim to a swift blow from a rod to the back of his head. Stunned, RM watches as the van speeds away, leaving them in a moment of chaos. RM froze in his place his hands shaking unable to move his eyes anticipating in horror as the assailant was moving closer to Jimin.
In the midst of the confusion, a knife comes out of nowhere, finding its mark in the neck of Jimin's assailant. The rest of the team, led by Taehyung, emerges from the shadows. Taehyung shoots RM a disapproving look as he gathers the unconscious Jimin in his arms, the team now united in the aftermath of the unexpected attack. The weight of RM's hesitation hangs in the air, adding an extra layer of tension to the unfolding situation. They all head back to mansion as Joon-wo was with them and they don't want further damage.
At the mansion,
Yoongi's eyes narrowed accusingly at RM, the atmosphere thickening with resentment. "You were supposed to watch his back, Namjoon. How could you let this happen?" His voice was sharp, cutting through the room like a bitter wind.
RM's gaze dropped to the floor, his shoulders slumping under the weight of guilt. "I-I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just... distracted," he stammered, his words barely audible. He hesitated before continuing, "I was insecure about Joon-wo being with Soo Hoon, and it clouded my judgment during the fight."
Seokjin's eyes blazed with an intensity of anger as he lashed out, "Again! Really, Namjoon, we have to deal with your pathetic drama now? Insecure much? This is not the time for your absurd personal issues! Jungkook's safety hangs in the balance because of your ludicrous insecurities!"
A thick, oppressive tension settled in the room, almost suffocating, as Taehyung's fists tightened, his voice trembling with a mix of frustration and hurt. "You let your messed-up personal problems jeopardize all of us and throw Jungkook into the lion's den. How could you be so damn selfish? It's like your arrogance and stubbornness know no bounds, even in the middle of a crisis! For God's sake, there is absolutely zero evidence for you to doubt Hoon hyung. It's been one after another of your screw-ups since the very beginning."
Hoseok, who had been silently observing, couldn't hold back any longer. His tone cutting, he added, "This isn't just about you, Namjoon. Your absurd paranoia is risking the safety of the whole team. How can we trust someone who's so blinded by their own misguided suspicions? Your actions are putting everyone at risk, and I'm sick of it.
Seokjin's frustration erupted into a vehement outburst, "I get it, I've messed up with you in so many ways. Your life was on the line because of my bad judgment. But, at least, I kept that mess confined between us. Now, Jungkookie's stuck in the enemy's lair, and who knows what they might do to him? I never thought your suspicions would blow up into such a mess, Namjoon, but here we are."
His angry words lingered in the room, creating a thick atmosphere of tension. Seokjin continued, his tone cutting through the air, "I never imagined your unfounded suspicions would spiral into a full-blown crisis, putting not just you and me but the whole team at risk. This goes beyond our personal issues – it's about Jungkook's safety and the trust we had as a team."
"Let's first find a way to find Jungkook's location. " Said Taehyung while telling Soo Hoon to take care of Jimin and Joon-wo till they bring Jungkook back.
As RM followed the others to go to their secret discussion room, Yoongi stopped him.
"I can't believe we trusted you with Jungkook's safety," Yoongi spat out, his words like venom. "You've proven yourself unreliable. We'll handle this without you."
And the others left him all alone standing in the middle of the stairway. The hurtful words hung in the air, a painful symphony of accusations and disappointment. RM's attempts to explain himself were met with a wall of silence, the members turning away, each lost in their own thoughts of betrayal.
The atmosphere was thick with tension as the urgency to find Jungkook intensified. The team, usually a tightly-knit unit, was frantically trying to piece together any leads that could lead them to their missing brother. Every passing moment without news of Jungkook heightened the collective anxiety, and the room echoed with hushed whispers and panicked murmurs.
Yet, as RM attempted to contribute to the conversation, his words seemed to dissolve in the air, unheard and disregarded. His attempts to bridge the gap and offer his insights were met with a wall of indifference, adding to the growing isolation he felt.
RM's heart sank as he watched his friends turn away, shutting him out from the group he had considered family. The pain of their hurtful words and the guilt over Jungkook's abduction intertwined, creating a knot in his chest that seemed impossible to unravel. As they moved forward with their plans to rescue Jungkook, RM remained on the periphery, a pariah among those he once called brothers.As the team grappled with the fear of the unknown, the impending danger to Jungkook served as a harsh reminder of the fragility of the brotherhood that once defined them.

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