Chapter 52

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In the dank and oppressive atmosphere of an abandoned garage, Yeonjun's head pounds relentlessly, each throb echoing the urgency of their perilous predicament. His eyes flutter open to see himself and his comrades, bound and vulnerable, each tethered to separate pillars by unforgiving restraints.
"Guys, wake up. Soobin! Soobin, snap out of it!" Yeonjun's voice carries a mix of desperation and determination, cutting through the suffocating silence that envelops them.
Soobin's groans resonates in air as he fights against the darkness threatening to engulf him. "My arm... it's killing me."
"Binnie, focus! You with us?" Yeonjun's voice, though strained, carries an unyielding resolve born of their shared struggle.
As Soobin's bleary eyes struggle to make sense of their grim surroundings, the reality of their abduction crashes down upon him like a relentless tide. "Hyung! We've been taken..."
"We need to act fast," Yeonjun urges, his mind racing with possibilities amidst the overwhelming uncertainty. "Wake the others, quietly.".
Soobin's efforts are met with groggy responses from Beomgyu and Taehyun, their senses slowly awakening to the dire situation they find themselves in. Hueningkai was awake due to the noises made by other two.
Beomgyu nods grimly, scanning the dimly lit space for any sliver of hope. His eyes lock onto a rusted shard of metal, a crude lifeline in their battle against captivity.
With stealth born of desperation, Soobin maneuvers the metal piece closer to Beomgyu, their silent communication a testament to their unspoken camaraderie and determination.
Just as Beomgyu inches closer to gaining a sliver of freedom as the metal shard was just between his feet, the creak of the door shatters the fragile calm startling Beomgyu making the metal fall back to it's place. Three imposing figures step into the garage, their menacing presence amplifying the tension to a suffocating degree.
"Ohh the babies are awake. They look cute tied up there, don't they? " Asked a funny, weird voice but the person who told this was nowhere to be seen. All of them frowned for a second and then their eyes widened. They exchanged wary glances, each of them knew the source of this voice—their nemesis, the one responsible for their delays and anxieties in England.
Yeonjun's jaw clenched as he nodded with unwavering determination, a glint of defiance in his eyes. The others mirrored his resolve, their expressions hardening with determination. Today marked the end of their torment, the culmination of their struggles and fears.As they stood united, a silent promise echoed in the room—a promise not to cower or retreat again.
Yeonjun's frustration reached a boiling point, his words laced with bitterness and a tinge of desperation as he called out into the shadows. "Aishh! Yahh! Brat rat, show yourself! Come in front where we can see you clearly."
His voice echoed through the dimly lit garage, a stark contrast to the sinister silence that seemed to envelop them. The sense of déjà vu weighed heavily on Yeonjun's shoulders, the haunting memories of past torment resurfacing with each passing moment. The same helplessness, the same confinement—it was a cruel twist of fate that thrust him, thrust all of them back into a nightmare they had hoped to escape forever.
At last, a figure emerged—a dwarf of diminutive stature, barely reaching four feet tall. His appearance was almost comical, with oversized teeth protruding from his mouth and a long, skinny face that seemed out of place in the grim setting. Beomgyu couldn't help but release a loud laugh at the sight as always, finding a momentary reprieve in the absurdity of the situation. Soobin, on the other hand, maintained a steely gaze, his annoyance palpable as he assessed their diminutive captor.
"How dare you call me rat?" The dwarf's high-pitched voice squeaked with indignation, his attempt at intimidation undermined by his comical appearance.
"Did you miss the 'brat' part, you idiot?" Yeonjun's smirk was evident in his tone, his words dripping with sarcasm as he emphasized the insult.
The dwarf's face contorted in anger, but his bravado faltered under Yeonjun's cutting remarks. "Being cocky, huh? You will regret it soon."
With a twisted sense of amusement, the dwarf revealed the cruel reality of their predicament. "I was considering having some fun with you, but any scars on your bodies would reduce your price. So, better not show off any stunts. You have electric wires attached to your wrists along with the ropes. Don't get too shocked!"
"Boss, what about the sixth one?" A buff men's voice carried a sense of urgency, his eyes narrowing on the purple haired unconscious guy.
The dwarf boss, a figure of authority in the ruthless underworld they found themselves entangled in, considered his men's question with a dismissive flick of his hand. "He's just a human, not like these five. Not worth much in the grand scheme, but a little extra coin never hurt anyone."
The man again asks with brow furrowed in disbelief, his mind racing with questions. "But how can you be so sure they are hybrids?"
The boss's response was chillingly matter-of-fact, his tone carrying a cruel certainty that sent shivers down their spines. "I've been tracking them for a long long time, all the way to England. Witnessed their powers firsthand. Taehyun's display was quite impressive, saving Soobin. And then the others, showcasing their unique abilities to protect one another. But you know what? Their true value lies in being used as... pleasure slaves. Their hybrid nature makes them... desirable."
The revelation struck like a dagger to the heart, each word a painful reminder of the dark fate that awaited them in the clutches of their captors. Yeonjun's rage simmered beneath the surface, his knuckles turning white as he clenched his fists in frustration.
"SHUT UP!" Yeonjun's voice rang out, filled with a mix of anger, fear, and defiance.
The boss, seemingly unaffected by Yeonjun's outburst, outlined their grim destiny with chilling finality. "Tonight, we celebrate our victory. But for you lot, it's the end of the line. Enjoy your last moments together. Forty minutes to reminisce, then it's farewell."
As the dwarf and his menacing entourage made their exit, leaving the captives to their uncertain fate, a heavy silence settled over the group. The weight of their impending separation and the cruel intentions of their captors hung like a suffocating blanket, casting a shadow over their once hopeful spirits.
"What do we do now? How to escape?" Taehyun's voice trembled with apprehension, his eyes darting between his companions, seeking guidance in their dire predicament.
As Taehyun's voice broke the heavy silence, a collective sense of urgency filled the air, mingled with fear and uncertainty. RM's eyes flickered open, his mind immediately processing the gravity of their situation. However, he kept his senses masked, aware that revealing his true strength could jeopardize their chances of escape and put them in even more danger.
"I will try to free myself. The shock won't be severe. Trust me," Yeonjun interjected, his voice filled with a mix of determination and a hint of desperation born out of their captivity.
"Don't ever take a risk where you are not sure that you will get a good result," RM's voice cut through the tension like a knife, his words carrying the weight of experience and caution.
"H-Hyung! You heard everything?" Soobin's voice trembled with disbelief, his eyes wide as he searched RM's expression for any hint of reassurance.
RM maintained a composed exterior, his gaze shifting subtly as he considered the delicate balance they were in. "I heard enough to know we're in trouble, but let's not panic. We need a plan."
The weight of RM's words settled heavily upon them, a tangible reminder of the perilous path they faced. Taehyun's fear was palpable, his desperation driving him to seek any means of escape, even as the others shared a quiet concern about what RM might have overheard during his 'unconscious' state.
"Then what should we do, hyung?" Taehyun's voice quivered with apprehension, his eyes pleading for guidance amidst the chaos.
RM's gaze softened as he assessed their options, his mind racing to find a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. "Just give me a moment," he said calmly, his hand moving instinctively to his pocket in search of his mobile phone.
The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning—these flimsy ropes were a constraint not just physically, but also symbolically. While metal chains might have posed a challenge, these ropes were mere threads to him. Yet, he had to hold back his strength. He can't reveal his identity to these newly met friends. He trust them, but trust had always been a distant dream for RM .Despite being part of a team, a supposed bond that should bring solace, he felt isolated in his struggle. The longing for genuine connection and understanding left a hollow ache in his heart, a melancholy that colored his every action.But for now, he remained trapped in his own emotional prison, wrestling with the ghosts of broken trust and unspoken emotions.
"I had started recording on my phone since I called Jin hyung. We can learn a lot from that recording; I just need to get my hands on it," RM grunted with determination, his fingers working diligently to retrieve the phone from his pocket.
"Hyung, let me help you—" Beomgyu began to offer his assistance, but Yeonjun's sudden yell cut through the air like a warning bell.
"NO...!!!" Yeonjun's shout was sharp, filled with urgency and a hint of fear, his eyes staring at Beomgyu warning him not to do anything in haste that might reveal their identity.
"Yahh!! Why are you shouting? The men may enter," RM cautioned, still focused on extracting the phone without drawing unwanted attention.
"Sorry. But Beomgyu, be careful. Don't do anything risky," Yeonjun's voice held a note of concern as he fixed a stern gaze on Beomgyu, emphasizing the need for caution in their delicate situation.
Finally, RM managed to bring out the mobile from his pocket, a small victory in their battle for freedom. "Okay, let's see," RM said, relief evident in his voice as he glanced at the ongoing recording. He quickly navigated to the beginning and hit play, the sound of Jin hyung's voice filling the tense atmosphere of their captivity. Each word captured in the recording held the potential to be a key to their escape, a ray of hope amidst the darkness of their ordeal.

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