Chapter 12

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"Tell!! Tell us. Don't make us wait" Said Hoseok impatiently.
"Okay, okay we won't push this topic further. " Said Jimin while glancing at Taehyung and Jungkook.
"That incident happened ten days after we defeated the 'Sirius'."Said Jimin.

Three months ago,

Bangtan team had to keep a check on the prisoners that they kept in their basement. People were assigned the task of providing food, and clothes but still, they visited them twice every week. One week for the older boys and next week for the younger boys.
An incident happened after they caught Namjoon and put him in the basement that made the boys meet Namjoon.
Ten days later it was the turn of the maknaes to visit the cellar. They saw that four new guards were present and they thought that their hyungs appointed them so did not ask anything about them. They saw that Jack was serving food properly to everyone and they were proud of their Yoongi hyung to be able to understand people. Jimin saw that Jack was trying to wake up a boy who was not sleeping on the bed but on the cold, stone floor.
"Wake up, want to have food or not? "Asked Jack a little loudly.
"Don't want. It tastes bad" Sulked the skinny boy with a white T-shirt and black pants with his untidy dark black hairs long covering his forehead and his lips dry and his hands and legs covered in cuts. He had a bandage around his head. But despite all this, he attracted the attention of the three of them.
"Don't want!! Then die. Don't ask again even if you are dying I won't give " Said Jack in a low voice so that the three boys can't hear him.
And when he was going to close the door of Namjoon's cellar at that time the three boys were surrounded by the four new guards that were present at the entrance. They threw a smoke bomb in the middle of the cellar and white smoke covered the whole basement. After a few seconds it dissipated but all the people there were feeling dizzy. Some have already fainted and some were on the verge of fainting. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were trying their best to stay awake but they knew they won't be able to for a longer time. The four guards slowly approach the three maknaes. They were slow because they knew one mistake and they will pay with their lives because they were dealing with the team famously known as -Archfiend Trinity. All three were the best at deceiving, torturing, and without showing mercy killing anyone who harmed their family. They were considered more dangerous than their older brothers because of their merciless behavior. All the people in the cellar alive are only because the older brothers spared their lives. Only if they were caught by any of the maknae then their place would be in the graveyard instead of the cellar.
The four guards had ropes in their hands and long rods in the other. The three maknaes were trying to save themselves but they were barely able to keep their eyes open. The guards were ready to beat them and kidnap them but suddenly Namjoon came in front of the boys.
"Move!! What are you doing idiot? They captured you, we are giving you a chance, run away and let us handle these three" Said One of the guy.
"I suggest that you should run. Because I won't let you touch them" Said Namjoon while holding a steel rod that he took from Jack who fainted due to smoke.
"Are you crazy!? Why are you defending them? Move out of our way! " Shouted a guard who took out a pocket knife for frightening the boy. He did not want to hurt the boy as he looked pitiful. Even his hands were shaking when he held the rod.

"Yes, I am totally crazy. I also don't know why, but I can't see anything wrong happen to these three. If these  four guards did not used the smoke bomb and had a one-on-one fight I won't have interrupted even if these three were about to be killed by them. But as they used an underhanded method, I can't sit by and watch. But I don't even know how to fight. What to do " Said Namjoon to himself.

The guards were ready to attack and Namjoon to defend. The fight started. All the three maknaes had fainted. Namjoon kept dodging their attacks but that too by sheer luck. Now the attack was from all of them and it won't work by simply dodging them. Namjoon took a deep breath and tried to attack as hard as possible on the nearest guy who was also ready to attack. What surprised everyone was that in a second the guard lay on the floor unconscious.
"What just happened? Who are you? Do you know fighting skills? " Asked another guard.
"He is dead" Declared a guard who knelt and checked the unconscious guard's body.
"How come he died? I did not do anything to him. Just hit with this rod. I really did not mean to kill him" Pleaded Namjoon scared.
"Kill him. Attack!! " Shouted a guard which happened to be their leader.
Within five minutes the fight was over leaving one dead body, and three injured along with a shocked Namjoon.
"How can I fight? What happened here!" Said Namjoon to himself and no one saw as everyone was sleeping. He tried to shake the guards but they were not budging at all. He then tried to wake up the three maknaes, but to no avail. His head started to hurt badly and when he touched the back of his head he saw his hands covered in blood.
"What is happening? I did not kill them.. I did not... I-i did... not " Saying this loudly Namjoon fainted beside the three maknaes.
When he woke up, he saw that the boys were talking to a few people and he was back in his cellar.
He woke up and sat up on his bed. His head was still paining, but then his memory of what he did with the guards flashed in his mind. He started to panic as he had killed someone. The three boys noticed that he was about to have a panic attack due to his heavy breathing.
They rushed inside the cellar and came near him, but they were shocked as Namjoon fell from the bed and crawled to the wall behind them.
"I-i am sorry. I-i did no-not mean to ki-kill them. Please don't pu-punish me, please" Pleaded Namjoon while his whole body was shivering due to fear.
"Don't worry. We won't punish you. You saved us, we owe you a favor" Said Jungkook showing his bunny smile.
"Really!! Said Namjoon making his eyes big and looked at the three of them one by one studying their facial expressions to see whether they are telling the truth.
" Yes, look you helped us, so why would we punish you? And that man who died was a murderer and assassin, so it's okay even if you killed him"said Taehyung while giving his body a smile. Namjoon nodded a little and said 'Thank you' in a low voice. The boys then went away but Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other and then at Namjoon and then smiled at each other. After that, they got familiar with Namjoon as they daily visited him in the cellar. But they hid that from Jimin. They would make excuses upon being asked about their whereabouts. Their older hyungs had no time due to continous missions.Jimin knew what his little brothers were doing but still, he could not make them spill the beans. So he decided to catch them red-handed. One day the older brothers had gone to catch the drug dealers and Jimin also went to get an errand.  Taekook then took this opportunity and went to visit Namjoon. What they didn't expect was that Jimin did not go anywhere, he said that just to catch them.
When Jimin went to the basement he saw that Jungkook and Taehyung had been sitting leisurely and were eating some snacks. Namjoon looked very happy and his health also looked better than before. For a moment Jimin thought that he should not disturb them, but he got jealous that his brothers paid more attention to Namjoon than him. And that jealousy turned into anger due to the mafia lifestyle it was natural to doubt any person.
"What are you guys doing here? " Asked Jimin in anger.
"Umm... hyung sorry. But we want to meet him and he had become our good friend" Said Taehyung.
"Friend!! You know who you are, and what work you do. And still, you are here making a friend" Shouted Jimin.
"He is innocent and saved our lives. No one did that before. And you are wrong we are not friends with him" Said Jungkook a little loudly.
Hearing that he was not their friend made Jimin feel at ease and Namjoon's face became sad but he did not to show.
"We are his brothers" Declared Jungkook sternly.
"WHAT?? Shouted Jimin loudly.
" Yes, we considered him as our brother and we will protect him," said Jungkook. This made Namjoon surprised and Jimin shockes
"Ridiculous! Are you really planning to take him out of the cellar and bring him into our home? " Said Jimin angrily.
"Hmm... We did not think of that. But you gave us a good idea and we will follow it. Joonie don't you worry, now you will live with us" Said Taehyung happily.
This made Jimin angrier and Namjoon afraid by seeing Jimin's cold and angry eyes.
"You... You two are crazy! Why help him? " Inquired Jimin
"What reason he has to stay here? " Questioned Jungkook back.
"He... He has... Ahh, he belongs to the family of our enemy - SIRIUS. " Said Jimin as he recalled who Namjoon was.
"That's it. That is the reason to put him behind the bars, that is ridiculous. " Said Jungkook.
"Yeah... He has... done... "
"He did nothing for him to be treated like this. So why the unnecessary restrictions on him? " Said Taehyung interrupted Jimin who was thinking of  a reason.
" Stop it. Now I will give you two choices - either come with me and I will say nothing to Seokjin hyung Or I will take this brat to Seokjin hyung and let him deal with him" said Jimin.
"You... We agree to neither of those. If you take him to hyung then we will also go with him" Said Jungkook.
"Alright, now don't blame me for this," said Jimin and took out his whiplash to hit Jungkook and Taehyung.
But Namjoon came in between and was hit by it.
JOONIE! Both Jungkook and Taehyung shouted at the same time and looked angrily at Jimin.
"Why? Why did you took the hit? We did the mistake not you! " Said Jungkook while making Namjoon sit on the bed.
"It is my fault. I should be punished not you" Said Namjoon with a little smile.
"Silly boy, we meet you everyday, we help you so how come it is your fault? " Asked Jungkook.
"Why did you took the beating that was meant for them? " Asked Jimin.
" You are there brother. If you had hurt then it would have been very very bad"said Namjoon in a low voice yet it sounded cute to the three boys and they chuckled a little
"How it will be very very bad" Said Jimin while raising his eyebrows while having a little smile on his face.
"I don't know much about people and their relationships but i think I know that if someone is hurt by the people they loved, then that pain hurts more than any wound " Said Namjoon while eyeing Jimin a  little and quickly looking down. Jimin was amazed by what he said.
"So i dont want you to fight between yourselves just because of an outsider like me. I promise I won't talk or see them again. But dont punish them or tell to any of your Seokjin hyung" Said Namjoon.
Jimin thought about how the boy was so innocent and good at heart. He went and closed the door of cellar. Jungkook and Taehyung were were smiling at Namjoon and assuring him that it will be alright.
" Hyung he had a past like us. We can't leave him alone. Please help us to convince our older hyung to let him stay with us"said Jungkook.
"Alright, I will help " Said Jimin while giving his cute smile which made his eyes look small.
"Really? " Said Taehyung and Jungkook at the same time.
"Yes. But you two are so bad. You did not spend time with me properly for the whole week." Said Jimin while pouting .
"Ohh.. So the real reason  for anger was that you were jealous that we spend more time with Joonie and not with you, hyung" Said Jungkook. Jimin's eyes became big and he started looking elsewhere . Taekook laughed and Namjoon smiled. While Jimin was looking around his eyes landed on a dusty, chocolate brown wooden chest.

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