Chapter 25

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(Jungkook's pov)
The man kept his words and even took me in secret to show that he has given the money. He made up an accident scene where a truck loaded with oil crashed with a man's car and the oil had spilled and was all over the place. The car was about to burst and whoever near it would have been burnt to death. Then I came and somehow saved the man but was burnt in that car.He even replaced a body with same figure and height of mine. He told one of his fellow member to go as the man whose life was saved by me and gave them 100000 won. My heart clenched seeing my family crying and sad for me but if I missed this chance, I did not know when I would have been able to collect that much money for my father's operation and my family. Sometimes one needs to be idiotic and crazy in life and I did not felt wrong in that. Then that man took me away from my family. I hope now my family will live happily without any further troubles. If I was away from them it would not be so much trouble , time will heal them. But if my father dies then the mental and physical pressure would have surely killed all of us.
I was taken far away from the city and in a small, old building which has stood there for years. It was on a little hill and one can view the whole area of city from there. But the building was hidden with trees so only few can guess whether a building is there or not. A good choice for doing illegal works. At the age of seventeen I sold myself and my family thinks I am dead. Ridiculous , isn't it? .But I don't regret it, but on this new journey, I need to save my own skin here.
My hands were tied and i was taken into a cell like basement . There was one more boy in that but from his face he looked that he doesn't give a fuck to who is coming and going. I was thrown like a toy but that guy caught me in his arms and kicked the guy who threw me.
"DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO TREAT PEOPLE!! WHY DID YOU PUSH HIM?? " Yelled that boy furiously in his deep voice.
The man who fell down due to the impact got up and was about to say something when the same buffy leader came.
"Is tiger angry, how may I help you? " Asked the buff guy. I don't know why the buff guy was so polite to this guy. But one should be polite if he is that furious. The nickname is perfect -TIGER!!
"Tell your men not to behave like animals in front of me. Or I would beat them that they are unrecognized by you" Said the guy.
The buff guy was angry but did not say anything and pulled the others angrily by collar and closed the cell.

(No one's pov)
"Sorry, if I scared you. My name is Kim Taehyung. What's your name ? " Asked the boy.
"My.. My name is Jeon Jungkook. Thank you for the help. " Jungkook said still a little afraid of the new guy.
"Umm... You don't look like you would willingly end up here. Who forced you? What's your story? " Asked Taehyung.
They both sat on the bench in the cellar and started talking and knowing each other.
"Umm.. Nobody forced me. It's odd to listen but yes, I sold myself. " Said Jungkook. As soon as Taehyung heard it, his eyes bulged out and he abruptly stood up.
"WHAT THE... I MEAN WHO WOULD SELL HIMSELF TO SUCH PEOPLE!! " Taehyung shouted a little louder making Jungkook flinch.
In front of Taehyung, Jungkook was true to himself and as he had nothing to loose, he also started becoming fearless.
The yell from Jungkook immediately quietened Taehyung and he sat in the bench again beside Jungkook.
Then Jungkook started narrating his whole story. Taehyung felt a little bad for yelling before but it was understandable because by the way Jungkook told. Anyone who cares would react the same way.
Jungkook asked Taehyung's story and he also told his to Jungkook.
"I feel that what happened with you was worst than mine. I had no regret in what I did because now I have no one to care. But you have a family you might be worried about them" Said Taehyung while slowly holding Jungkook's hand.
Jungkook smiled and squeezed Taehyung's hand.
"But i think the opposite. At least I had a family who lived and cared for me. I did this because I want them to live happily.But you never saw your real parents, and got mistreated instead. How can my conditions be worse than you? And i don't want to argue on this. Let's talk about something you like. " Said Jungkook.
Taehyung was a little surprised but they talked about some random things. No sooner they were giggling, holding each other like they were friends for a long time.
After a few days, they both thought that the buff guy is nice to them for the time being, but he is not keeping them for free. He must have a motive. So before he makes a move, they need to escape from this place.
"But what if we are caught while escaping? " Asked Taehyung.
"It doesn't matter to me. Being with you till the end is all that i want now" Said Jungkook while protectively holding Taehyung's hand. Taehyung gave a boxy, confident smile and said,
"Live together or die together, never be separated" Said Taehyung and Jungkook nodded with determination.
Jungkook had a far away relative who was a police officer of nearby town and he would be of great help for these two. Jungkook's father and the police officer were childhood friends so Jungkook knew that the man was reliable. Now all they have to do is gather some information about the whole place and then tell all that to the police officer named - 'Ji-Ho'. At night time, when everyone is asleep, they both got up and knocked down the person who always sits in front of their cell and quietly took out the keys from holder. They opened the cell and sneaked out. Somehow, Jungkook took out a notepad and pen stolen from the people who gave them foods and water. Then Jungkook started drawing the pathways they took. Taehyung was fully alert and paying attention so that Jungkook can peacefully draw all the places, and all the illegal materials and other things they are keeping. They both covered almost the whole area. Fearing that they might be caught and they are far from their cell, they went back to their cell. They kept the key in the knocked out man's key holder and locked themselves.
"Phew, now I can breath. But why are the hallways empty today? Generally there are many guards.I thought it would be very risky. " Said Taehyung.
"Hmm..just consider ourselves lucky. By the way I drew the map, not exact but not so bad either, it will help the police and they will belive us. So lets call. " Said Jungkook ready to take the cell phone from the knocked out man lying in front of their cell. But Taehyung stopped him.
"Not today" Said Taehyung. Jungkook looked at him in a quizzical way and raided his eyebrows.
"Even if the police comes, they won't catch the main people and they can come after us even if we are free from here. To ensure our safety they should be behind the bars. I know how police investigations are. Even if the police gets to know about this base,  I am sure before they catch the people , those people will find us. So lets inform tomorrow. Just one more day, okay? " Said Taehyung while smoothly rubbing Jungkook's hand.
Taehyung knew that Jungkook was disgusted about living here but to catch those people was necessary.
They both had grown closer and they both knew they were more than friends. They were peacefully talking when they heard footsteps. Thankfully till that time, the knocked out man confusingly woked up, saw that everything was alright and then again went to sleep. Taehyung and Jungkook saw three men coming with a nasty grin. They looked like hunters hunting for something . They were going to pass through TaeKook's cell but one guy stopped and pulled the two and pointed towards them, mainly Taehyung. They kicked the man who was sleeping and told him to open the gate.
Jungkook was not afraid but only anger showed on his face. Taehyung would not have been if it was not the betrayal of his family and his mind playing all the nasty things his family said and did to him. That developed fear in him and he was cowering behind Jungkook.
Jungkook instantly understood Taehyung's situation but what can he do?
"Hey cutie pies, wanna play with us? We will be nice to you! " Said a man with beard, black eyes, brown hair and malicious smile on his face.
"Can you all leave!! We are not interested! " Jungkook yelled a little with anger evident upon seeing Taehyung's condition.
"Aww, getting angry baby boy. You over there let's play some. After that we will play with the other one. " Said the man while pointing towards Taehyung.
Jungkook stood in between Taehyung and the man.
"What? You wanna be the first! The order does not matter to us, right fellas? " Asked the man while looking at the other two.
"I MEANT SCRAM!! " Yelled Jungkook in a loud voice with cold face.
"Is he your boyfriend, huh? Get him boys, then get a taste of his boyfriend! " Said the man and the three attacked Jungkook. Jungkook had learned kung fu when he was in school and due to the bad luck of these guys, he had a black belt in kung fu. He was easily handling the three guys. Taehyung was sitting on the bench with his knees upto his chest while shaking in fear.
"Charon, go catch that boy we will hold him till then" Said  a small height guy with a nasty scar on his neck.
The Charon named guy launched towards Taehyung and started forcing himself upon Taehyung. Taehyung tried to fight but his fear had completely overpowered his mind and was finding it difficult to fight. Jungkook saw tears on Taehyung's face as Charon had sneaked his hand under his T-shirt and was abusing him. That made Jungkook infuriated and he punched one guy in his face and his one tooth came out along with blood. The other guy got a very hard kick from the knee in the stomach. Then Jungkook pulled Charon like a doll by his collar and threw him on the gate of cell which was closed. He then started kicking him with full force. Charon was groaning and pleading him to stop but Jungkook was not hearing anything. The image of Taehyung crying was stuck in his mind . Taehyung saw that Jungkook was going to kill Charon at this rate. Taehyung himself wants him dead but if he does this would only create problem for Jungkook. So he yelled "KOOKIE STOP IT. WE CAN'T KILL HIM HERE. STOP IT".
Hearing Taehyung's loud voice few guards came along with the buff guy.
" Archeon save us. He-he is crazy. Look what he did to Charon. "Said the short guy.
" Shut up Kal Jung. Get up , take the others and leave from here. You are beaten up by a seventeen year old boy. Get up and get lost from my sight. "Said Archeon the same buff guy who  the deals with Taekook.
Jungkook was rubbing Taehyung's back slowly while Taehyung was just starring at the floor. When everyone went out, Jungkook immediately pulled Taehyung into a tight hug.
" I am sorry-i don't know why-bu-but i got af-afraid. I am really sorry"Taehyung said while hiccuping and making the hug more tight. Jungkook was making circles on his back to calm him and whispered "It's okay, nothing happened. It's alright. "
That helped and Taehyung calmed down then they slept holding each other in the small bed. The other day they both were ready to excute the plan. Today they saw the trio who came yesterday which made Taehyung and Jungkook boil with anger.
They also saw Archeon and they decided that they should call the police today at any cost. Because today all the main people were here and they needed to call. But there was a little problem. Due to the incident of last night, Archeon made another guard stand in front of their cellar instead of the sleepy guy. So taking his mobile to call, might get a bit troublesome. They waited for that person to bring food for them but that person was too cautious to be taken off by surprise. Jungkook's patience was going down minute by minute. At last he stood and gave one look at Taehyung and then marched forward. Taehyung's eyes widen and was about to hold Kook's hand to stop him, Jungkook held that guard man by his neck into his arms and was pressing his mouth with other hand tightly. The man was struggling . Taehyung instantly took his skinny hand out of the cell and tried to grab the mobile. He succeeded while Jungkook was still fighting his arms and the man was not struggling much, instead was gasping for air. Jungkook gave a big squeeze on his neck and the guy fainted. Then Jungkook quickly dialled Ji-ho police officer's number . The police officer picked the phone at the second ring only and Jungkook started explaining every small detail and Ji-ho got excited and was noting down everything .
"Don't worry I will reach there with my full force. Hang in there. " Said Ji-jo with full confidence . Jungkook and Taehyung then waited patiently, surprisingly no one came to check on them even when the guar is unconscious with a deep red mark on his neck due to choking.
"They must have been busy in a meeting or something" Said Taehyung trying to divert the anxiety that both of them held. Because today if the police did not arrive then what will they do? They can't contact every police station and narrate, and doing that is too risky. And that Archeon is going to sell them to some old, gruffy foreigners.That was the reason he was being so nice as the price which he gave to Tae and Kook would be tripled for him if they are untouched with no scars and bruises.But the tension,anxiety to be seperated was more than being sold as sex slaves. They needed freedom and wanted to enjoy their lives together.They just don't know when that will happen? Escaping from this place seems to be possible but if they are sold and taken to a foreign country as slaves, they are doomed for the rest of their life.
They were sitting next to each other, trying not to show any trace of fear, anxiety on their faces so that the other is not troubled. Two hours passed and nothing happened, they both were losing hope as time passed by.
Did Ji-ho did not believe them?
Did the police lost their way or were they unable to find them?
High-pitched sounds of gun shooting was heard and gabbling of people was heard. They were many people rushing past and few yelled 'We have been attacked!! Run and throw away the illegal stuff!! QUICK.
Taehyung and Jungkook had their hopes high and they got goosebumps. This situation might be able to free them from the clutches of those men.
"Free all the people in the cellar and ask who called me? " A voice echoed and few officers stated opening the cells and freeing the people. Lastly they opened Taehyung and Jungkook's cell.
Ji-ho had contact with Jungkook's father only when they lived in the same area and that was ten years ago. So Ji-Ho did not knew that the boy he rescued was his friend's son. He thanks them as he had caught a notorious gang whom he was searching for.
Taekook also thank him for saving their lives and then they departed. Ji-Ho asked them that they might need to fullfill a few formalities and need to come with them to the police station. Both of them agreed and sat with Ji-ho in his personal car. Taehyung and Jungkook requested Ji-ho not to reveal as to who called the police as they did not want any trouble further in their lives. Ji-ho assured them that everything will be confidential and besides him no one knows about who made the call and made the whole team get caught .
Taehyung and Jungkook borrowed masks from the police and then they went inside the police station. They did all the formalities, Taehyung giving most of the answers as Jungkook was introvert type and found a little difficult to converse. Also there might be risk of giving awaya his identity in front of Ji-ho. Of course he would love to meet his parents but he is dead for them and he can't go back. Plus he does not want Taehyung to leave alone, the boy has no family where would he go, and Jungkook's affection towards his little tiger had grown to the extent that he does not want to leave him. While immersed in his thoughts, he saw a boy of around his age in one of the cell crying while hiding his face in the knees which were pulled upto his chest.

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