Chapter 24

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"Namjoon now I need to you reveal all that you are hiding from us. We will also tell you everything about ir past. Because you know about our little Joon-wo so we can't take risks. We need your hundred percent loyalty and by telling everything about yourself, you can prove it. "Said Seokjin.
" Hyung...I think...
"No excuse this time, Taehyung. I need to remove all my doubts and queries regarding him" Said Seokjin sternly. Seokjin did not mean to be harsh but they revealed their weakness and secret to him - Their Joon-wo. Anyone can kidnap him, or harm him in many ways if this news is spread. So an assurance is needed for Seokjin that he can be trusted fully.
"Hyung, I was telling you that we should first tell our past to Joonie. After that, he may feel relaxed and answer our questions. " Said Taehyung. Everyone thought and agreed on it. But Namjoon was just listening to them like a statue.
"Joonie don't worry. We all know how it feels. How can people judge you or say words to you? But believe us no matter what your story is, we won't say a word about it either today or in the future. Just we need to. And I hope you also don't judge us on what we all have gone through" Said Taehyung.
"I won't ever judge any of you hyung. Don't worry. " Said Namjoon with assuring eyes and a dimpled smile.
"Hmm.. Now I will start as this team started forming with me. " Said Taehyung

(This part will be in Taehyung's pov)
If you think that being born handsome and pretty looking in an average-looking family is great then I can prove you wrong. We were a family of seven. My parents, two brothers, two sisters, and me - the youngest. It was unexpected. I am not criticizing by the way one looks and after all, they were my family, but if I don't then why do my own family does that to me. Isn't it ridiculous?
"You are good for nothing. Everyone's eyes are on you and that brings trouble for us. Why don't you just scratch up your face and hide away forever!! " Shouted my mother when I accidentally burnt today's breakfast. I bowed down and apologized but was it necessary to remind me that I am a burden just, JUST BECAUSE OF MY LOOKS? Does that even make sense? But for my family it does. They don't leave a chance to hurt me or say bad words to me over petty things. I am very used to it. But this all took a downfall for my thinking ability. Now my brain accepts all the negative things and words they speak to me.
"Whore! Always want attention! "
"If we leave you alone, you can't even stand for yourself and will only attract unnecessary attention. "
"You deserved to be fucked up. That is the only thing you could be good at. "
"How are you even staying with us till now? We are ashamed to have a dickhole with us"
"Can't you go to pubs and spend a few nights with people? That slutty face will help your father to earn money for your family" Said my father and I said nothing in return.
They used to give me food at the last and that too even if left. My bedroom was also not so spacious, an old closet which  came to be my personal space after sleeping on the floor for 13 years. I don't know how I offended them, but if good looks are a problem for them then I can't help that. But I am really tired. Every day listening to all those insults, and being called names, makes you feel robotic. Do the house chores, and then stay in the closet. They did not even send me to school because there I attracted a lot of attention and made many friends within a day due to my friendly nature but that was not liked by my brothers and they told our parents to not let me out of the house. The reason they told me was that I was seducing everyone in the school and everyone was swarming around me and that would tarnish the reputation of the family. Like how can a ten year seduce someone!! But my parents were convinced within minutes or they were just trying to find a reason to keep me at home all the time.
One day my father brought lots of gifts for the whole family except me of course.
"Honey, how did you get so many things? We hardly fulfill our basic needs. How did you? " Asked my mother.
"I have asked for lots of money in exchange for something. So now we don't need to worry about money for the rest of the few years. " Said, my father.
I had mixed feelings - a little happy because after all, they were the only people I knew who were happy now but sad as they don't want to share that happiness with me. I sighed but smiled a little seeing my sisters smile. They did not taunt or insult me but they behaved as if I didn't even exist but at least that was better than to listen to insults. My thoughts were interrupted by the conversation between my parents.
"I sold somebody to the loan sharks in return for the loss of money. And you know what , they gave us 100 million won in exchange for it. " Said my father with a crooked smile. That smile was not pure, it gave me a weird feeling. And he approached me with a grin. My closet was not big. A window was there open through which I can see and hear everything. And now what I saw made me unknowingly shrink further to the closet. My father dragged me out by the collar of my shirt like I was some kind of rugged doll. Of course, my weight was so less that even girls could pick me up. And all that thanks to the leftover food or food thrice a week and that too at night alone. My father threw me on the cold floor.
"He is the thing that we need to exchange. The loan shark leader would be coming any minute to claim his price. " Said father happily like he is doing something good.
The color of my face grew white and my eyes bulged out in shock. How could he?!!
I crawled and held his leg and begged him to spare me.
"Father, please I will do whatever you want. I won't cause trouble. I will be in my closet and won't disturb you. Please Father I beg you" I pleased with my hands joined and tears running down my face.
"Tch, tch, tch. I never wanted such a useless son plus your beauty is equal to the girls who sell themselves. So why not you too be sold out? At least you helped your family to gain money, you proved yourself useful, isn't it? " Asked my father. I Sat on the floor like a statue. What was I thinking of begging like that? What hopes did I see in my heart and mind? They never treated me as a family, how can that be an exception now that they will pity me ? I was tired and now ready to surrender to whatever my fate held for me.
"Oh and before you leave, I want to tell you something. You are not my own blood. Your father was my brother - Kim Seong-Ho.
This made my body cold ,my heart and mind boil in anger.
My father continued -" I was always jealous of him. He took care of me and our whole family when we were literally living on the streets. He joined the mafia and raised our standards within a few years. But after he found his love of life - Chang Dae-Song -a man who was a slut to me. I never liked or wanted a gay brother. And he was so blind in love that he gave up the mafia world and lived with his love. And then you were born -very cute and handsome. That was my limit of mine. I came in contact with one of the rivals of your father and told him the whereabouts of Kim Seong-Ho in return for money and he agreed. I thought I got rid of your whole family, but did not expect that slut Dae- Song to end up at my door begging to save you. I thought to take advantage of the situation and made him sign the documents which gave me all the property of his house and money.And then gave that slut's location to the rival. I got double the profit that day and got rid of both your parents. "Said my father while giving a wicked smile.
I was shocked to the core knowing the tragedy of my parents. I did not see them nor had their love. What a life!! So I took all this torture from the person who killed my parents!! He... He is the reason for all this... Today HE MUST DIE!!.
I got from the floor, wiped my tears and from today the regret to let down my family, sad about being a disgrace to my family was gone and replaced by REVENGE. I was about to speak but got interrupted by the knock on the door.
The man whom I used to call father quickly ran smiling like an idiot and bowed 90 degrees to greet the loan sharks' leader. He was a buff man dressed in a black suit, with a brown beard, a big tattoo showing on his neck, and a big scar on his chest.
"Welcome, sir. He is here in front of you. Your years of waiting have been fruitful. He is totally handsome and worthy of your reward. " Said the man.
I was just staring at the ground clenching my feet. The loan shark leader came forward and held my chin and make me look up and said
" My years of wait are truly fruitful. You know I was waiting for you since you were ten years old. I waited eight years more and now I finally got you.
"You waited for eight years. That means you would have done anything to gain me, right? " I asked him.
"Yes, my dear as long as you won't run and be obedient  I can fulfill your every wish. " Said the leader.
I smirked and took out the gun from his holster that was peeking and stood in front of my so-called family. I had a quick grasp of everything once I see. I had seen how to use a gun while seeing the dramas that my siblings see through TV and I saw that through my closet's window.
"I would have left without saying a word thinking that I helped my family by taking care of me till now, but what you did with my parents and still made my life miserable, I can't just leave you all. SO GO TO HELL!! " I shouted.
Remove safety.
Move the barrel.
And bang!!.
I pulled the trigger and simultaneously shot my father, mother, and brothers on the forehead exactly in the center and shot my sisters in their legs. They did not do anything to me but neither did they treat me well. So I told them to run away from here. They were horrified by what happened but the two girls ran away never looking back even for once. I turned towards the leader and handed him over his gun.
"I want all the money transferred to my bank. Thanks to school where I went eight years ago,they made it compulsory to have a bank account. Also, I need the documents of my original house in my name. And I know you have the information all about me if you have been waiting for whole eight years. So don't give me any excuse. And also take care of these bodies. Then I will obey your every command" I said firmly as I had no fear of death now. So why need to be afraid?
"You impressed me brat. Seeing you change fully excites me. For a second I thought you are my boss, commanding me. That deep voice is dominating and sexy" Said the leader.
I sighed at what a 360 degree turn my life took in a day and sat on a chair till the leader did his work. After that, I was taken by his men to their base. And there I meet my Jeon Jungkook, he was totally different from what he is now. And he will tell his own story.

End of Taehyung's pov.

Namjoon had tears in his eyes hearing what his hyung had to go through. What more he has to listen from his other hyungs? What did the others face in their past which makes them tremble a little even now when they are the mafia king themselves?
"Umm... My story is very simple. I did not face anything " Said Jungkook and started telling his story.

(This part will be in Jungkook's pov)

"My family's condition was good but it started to decline in terms of the economy when my father's health started to get worse. He tolerated, ignored and worked hard but in the end, his body gave up. He was diagnosed with a kidney problem and needed a kidney donor urgently. Despite his illness, he went to work until his body gave up. He tried to collect money for kidney transplantation but did not have enough money for it. I had an elder brother who worked three jobs to meet the money requirements, I also tried to work in restaurants and bars but we had not much money but time was left very little. My father's condition was worsening and at this stage, we can't lose him. He is the only source of income for us. My mother also started cooking and selling bakery products. But to meet the requirements of 81000 USD is too much for a poor family whose monthly wage is only 3,89000 won.
I once overheard my parents' conversation.
"Honey, if we are not able to collect the money, what we will do? "Asked my mother to my father.
"Hmmmm.. Well, then you can sell my other kidney and leave this place and live in another city. Our sons are more than capable to take care of you after I am gone. " Said the father with a chuckle.
"Jeon!!! " My mother screamed and burst into tears.
Hearing this my eyes widened in shock and my eyes bulged out with tears rolling down my face. Covering my mouth I ran away from there careful to not make any noise.
I ran and ran as far as my feet could take me. I can't imagine what will happen after my father's death. How will be the condition of my mom? The burden on my brother's shoulder will increase!! How will my brother manage it all? I can't let that happen! Father needs to be back fully revived.
I was walking and saw that I reached the bar where I work. So I thought to earn some money I wiped my tears and got in from the back door, did my makeup, and went to serve there as a bartender.
After serving a few customers, a buff man with a big tattoo on his neck and a big scar on his chest. He sat down and I provided him with a drink. I felt his gaze weirdly looking at me, I did not like his expressions.
"What a cute bunny!! Come with me, and I will provide you with lots of money" Said the buff man while looking at me and licking his lips.
I was afraid of him a little bit because of his body. I was a lean boy and can be easily crushed by the mere strength of the man. But the offer about money sparked my interest in me.
"I will give you 100000 USD if you come with a me. Interested? " Asked the buffy guy.
"I have some conditions. Can you fulfill it? " I asked in confidence.
"I like the confidence bunny!! Tell me, if I can I will do it. After all, I will have you after our deal. "Said the Buff guy.
" I want to fake my death so that my parents don't know that I sold myself for money. And you have to give all the money but give any other reason for giving money. If you do that and be confidential about it then I will listen to everything you say" said Jungkook.
I knew the path I am taking is the darkest with many thorns. But for my family, I need to do it. I may not be strong, or clever but I can do anything for the people I love. So this is it. I have decided on this path. Let's see what I can do on this new path......

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