Chapter 28

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"Mumma, I will go, he already tainted me, it won't be a big loss. He just wants someone, I will be the substitute of both of you. It will be better this way" I said my voice cracking at the end, thinking about what will Song do.
"My baby, how can i let you go into the hands of monster. And dont worry i have a plan. I have already called the police and they will be behind us. I will take the kids and if I sense any danger then I will have a walkie talkie with me . I will just press a button and the police will rush inside. "Said my mom.
" Then... Then I will also go with you. I won't be with you, I will stay behind like police, please " I said while pleading her with moist hands and holding her hands tightly like if i leave her hand she will disappear.
"Okay, you can but you will be with police and even if I call police you won't come, got it? " Asked My mom. I nodded but I was not going to take any chance.
"And don't you worry my baby, IT'S NOT LIKE I AM GOING TO SOME WAR AND NEVER COME BACK! Don't worry! " Said my mother and patted my head.
I nodded but was determined to help her.
We all headed off to a old unused factory in a remote place.
My mother and cousin went inside the old factory while we waited outside behind the trees a few meters away. But I knew how ugly that bastard can be, so I got out telling I needed to attend nature's call and then went towards the factory. There were many broken windows and doors to enter, but no one guarding outside. There were four cars parked in the open ground but no one around. It was easy for me to enter the factory through the backdoor. There were only two guards present there.
"Uhh?.. Was that Song really expert in doing illegal stuff.. How come there is no tight security, did he really thought that i would let my mother come alone... What a dumbass, today that asshole for sure will pay for what he did. " I said to myself and silently pressed the acupoints on the neck of guards and put them to sleep.
I entered further and saw my mother and cousin standing there with Song and two foreigners sitting on Royal chairs. But where were the kids?
I had to search them before I rescue my mother. I went in other directions where I could see some guards. Without making noise I went and knocked down the men. How weak... Can't even hire good fighters.
I slowly opened the doors and alas I saw the little ones tied to chairs but were not hurt anywhere thanks to my relief . I quickly untied them and they were unconscious which was good for the time being . I picked them up and quietly sneaked my way out. I quickly went over the police van and handed the kids safely to them.The police were surprised but i ignored them and went back.
Meanwhile, Jimin's mother and Song were engaged in a conversation.
"Welcome sister-in-law and niece. See, I would not have been forced to do this if your son did not reveal my doings. So you are paying for the deed your slutty son did. Now the cost of freedom of your children is that you two willingly go to these customers and accept your fate as slaves" Said Song with his crooked smile and pointing towards two foreigners who also smirked seeing the two ladies in front.
"What my son did was ABSOLUTELY THE RIGHT thing!! Don't dare say a word against my son, you asshole. And where are my children, I want to see them right now! "  Jimin's mother said
"You won't see them unless you sign the contract" Said Song.
"Okay....... I will..... accept...
" Mumma, the kids are safe with the police. No need to do anything " I yelled at the top of my voice.
All of them saw me with surprised look, with eyes bulged out. Mom's face sparkles with new energy and my cousin had tears of happiness in her eyes. She must be really afraid of all this.
I ran to my mother and cousin. My mother hugged me tightly .
"Really, where are the kids? " My mom asked. She also had tears in her eyes. I wiped her tears and was about to tell something when my little brother throwed a loud tantrum to the poor officer.
"WANNA GO TO MUMMA, I WANT MUMMA" Yelled my little brother.
"My baby, are you okay? " Asked my mumma while running towards him who was wriggling in the arms of officer indicating to let him down. The officer had enough punches and kicks of the little one so as soon as he saw his mother coming, he let him down. I chuckled at the cute angry expression of my brother towards the police officer and then instantly changing his face to a happy one when he is in arms of mumma. The police came and arrested Song and the two foreigners who were human traffickers.
"Thank you police officer, thank you for helping" Said My mother.
"Ahh... Umm.. It was all your boy's work. We... We did not do anything" Said the police head being a little embarrassed that all the work was done by a little boy.
"Really, Jimin-ah.. You..
I was expecting some compliment from my mother that I did a great job. But...
" PARK JIMIN!!  What did I tell you before leaving? That I don't want you to do any sort of mischief. You... You actually took the risk of sneaking the little ones out. What if you got hurt?What if something happened to you? "Asked my mumma.
"Mumma... I am sorry... But I will do like this again, if it happens. Sorry " I said but with no remorse.
My mother was about to say anything but just patted my head and gave her cheerful smile. My mother entangled her hands with me with the little ones in the arms of my mother and my cousin smiled.
We were going to leave that place when we heard a commotion. Song escaped from the grip of officer and pushed them aside and in a flash of second pulled out the revolver from the pocket and aimed at me. And fired... I just closed my eyes ready to accept it while tightening the grasp on my mom's hand.
When I opened my eyes, I saw her eyes had tears but she smiled with my little brother in arms.
I looked at her and she handed my little brother to one of the officer. It was chaos. Song was beaten by police  officer, my brother started crying, my cousin started crying and Song was yelling in pain. But my whole attention was towards my mother. She knelt and fell. I caught her in my arms. As soon as I caught her, I felt sticky behind her back, I brought my hand telling my mind to think that it is not what I think. But my mind betrayed me, it was BLOOD. MY MOTHER....SHE IS SHOT.
"Mum.... Mum-mumma, are.. are you ok-okay? " I asked her, my voice cracking at every word.
"My boy you ha-have gro-grown up.You ma-managed to save your lit-little bro-brother. Mumma is pr-proud of you my son. You have to ta-take care of you-yourself. Pr-promise me. And ta-take ca-care of your little br-brother, ok-okay? " My mum asked in a weary voice. She was in pain but did not let it express it on her face. But her eyes showed it.
"Mumma, ever-everything will be al-alright. It will be ok-okay. " I was trying to assure mom Or myself I did not know.
"Tell your papa, I lo-love you three very much. Don't worry, you are my bra-brave child. Ever-everything will be al-alright." My mom said and she caressed my face and then smiled with her eyes closed and tears rolling down. And then she went limp in my arms. I shook  her and called her mamy times, but she won't budge. The police head came and kept a hand on my shoulder.
"Sorry, we called the ambulance but it was a little late. Your mumma... She... She is no more" Said the police head.
I was staring at my mom's pale face and i knew that from this moment all is over. My life started ruining since Song came. And it has reached up to the points where my mom is killed my him. It's all his fault. This ....THIS SONG, HE DOES NOT DESERVE A LOWLY GOVERNMENT PUNISHMENT.
"PARK SONG!!! " I yelled at him and kept my mom in the arms of my cousin. I wiped my tears and stood in front of Song.
"You should not have done that. YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE " Jimin said in a deep voice stressing on each word loudly with his eyes gone red.
And within a flash Jimin slashed his small double sided pocket knife deep in Song's neck and he immediately fell down and even before the police came to him to save him, he breathed his last.
"You killed someone, are you crazy! Do you know the consequences of it" Said one police officer.
"I know that he killed your mother but by killing him, you will be forever away from your family. Do you get in what situation you will be in? You will be jailed Jimin-shi! And no one can save you!!"Said another officer who felt pity for the boy.
"I know. And I do not regret about that, because if I left that bastard alive, then he would cause trouble again, I was sure about that. I have no regret. Only one regret, that I did not die in place of my mumma and that regret is for life that will torture me till the end of my life. " I said and took my mumma in my arms.
After that, the police head tried to reduce my sentence but it got reduced from fifty to ten years,only. I will rot here for ten years. But I can only think of the face of my mumma who was proud of me when I rescued the children. I did not even get to see my mumma last time before burial. "I said to Jungkook and Taehyung the two strangers who were so kind by heart that they listened to my whole story.And I was very thankful that they listened to the truth that no one listened.

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