Chapter 34

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Seokjin while hidden messages doctor Choi about the symptoms and all about the pill that Namjoon told him.
" Hyung, will Joonie be okay? We can save him right? " Asked Taehyung in their group chat.
"What if we are not able to find the way to remove the effect of medicine? Any other plan? " Asked Yoongi.
"No other plan, till now. I need to first know what doctor Choi has to say in this. After that only, I can do other things. " Messaged Seokjin.
"This won't do. We can't just sit back and ask doctor Choi to handle it. What if she says she can't and we are too late to do anything!! " Messaged Jimin.
"Jimin hyung is right. Can we capture one of the henchman of Byung-ho and investigate him? " Messaged Jungkook.
"Do you think Byung-ho told everyone that he gave a life threatening pill to his son? " Messaged Yoongi .
"Don't start arguing here. Jungkook is not totally wrong. Something is better than doing nothing. We should start searching for clues about Namjoon" Messaged Seokjin and the conversation ended.
"Now it's your turn to find me " Said Joon-wo while pointing out at Seokjin who while chatting unknowingly sat up and Joon-wo noticed and was giggling while Namjoon was thinking of how dumb can his hyung be. He can work on his phone while laying down, why the need to get up. And he is not even half alert, how is he the top in this work?
"Now, both the Joonie's don't think that i am caught, I purposely did that. By the way, Little Joonie, you first  caught Big Joonie, so why is he not the seeker? " Asked Seokjin.
"Because big Joonie will be in my team" Said Joon-wo and gave a small giggle.
Seokjin sighed and then called out to everyone and then again all of them hide and Seokjin started counting. Joon-wo got very excited and pulled Namjoon alone with him to his room. Joon-wo's room was to facing towards the lawn so that fresh air and sunlight can enter and one can view who is outside in the lawn through the windows.
Seokjin started his count and others hid, but on their usual places because they know that Seokjin will first start to search for Joon-wo. Joon-wo pulled Namjoon in his big wardrobe with door of wardrobe slightly open for air to go in and out and also for Joon-wo to peek outside.
This happy time of little family got disturbed by some intruders of Madam Hana as she was supposed to carry out the plan to capture Namjoon. Six people all dressed in black with masks came in the lawn. Madam Hana knew that either they give a surprise attack or fight in any way, they are no match for Bangtan. So the only option for them is to kidnap Namjoon secretly. The six men went behind the house and opened up the ventilator box. They put sleeping gas inside  ventilator that belonged to Joon-wo's room because they had a keen eye on them from a long time. They were not able to understand as to what the gang was doing by going in different rooms because they were not able to see little Joon-wo from outside. And no one ever knew about the little boy. But he can't be kept hidden forever.
The ventilator started its work and the gas started spreading in the room. Namjoon was with Joon-wo in the cupboard. Suddenly when he felt dizzy he thought it was because of the pill, but Joon-wo was also not able to stand properly. Thats when it clicked in his mind.
"Danger!! "
Namjoon told Joon-wo that he will look where Seokjin is and told him to stay inside and dont come till he calls. Joon-wo nodded but was not fully attentive because he was feeling dizzy.
Namjoon came out and locked the door of wardrobe leaving a very little open because he can't close it as it can be risky.
Namjoon was right about someone releasing sleeping gas inside the room. His first instinct was to call his hyungs, but he can't leave Joon-wo alone. And by the sound of walking outside, Namjoon guessed that the kidnappers are trying to take him or Joon-wo away without putting a fight. Namjoon took out his phone and started the recorder in it and hid the phone behind the table. As soon as he did that, three men came from the window. They did not made any noise, but Namjoon knew they came.
"Who are you? What do you want? " Asked Namjoon still covering his mouth to stay awake.
Namjoon's idea was to resist as much as he could so that the whole attention of the three is on him and no one would notice Joon-wo.
"Come one little baby, don't trouble your big brothers. Come with us" Said one of the guy.
"No, go away. Hyung... " Namjoon was trying to go towards the door so as to move them away from the wardrobe which was close to them.
As Namjoon thought they moved to catch him and Namjoon sighed a relief that Joon-wo is being silent despite of the commotion.
The guys grabbed Namjoon and pushed him on the floor. With Namjoon's training and ability, it was not difficult for him to tackle these three down, but what mattered the most for Namjoon was that they don't detect anything about Joon-wo. So he let them do what they wanted. Escape plan can be made, but if they see Joon-wo that will stir big trouble in mafia and for Bangtan.
They tied Namjoon and was about to take him away, when one of the three stopped them. He was looking around the room, the room looked like of a kid. Why would Bangtan have a room for kids?.
Namjoon had inhaled much of the sleeping gas, so concentration became difficult for him. He tried to stay awake and cause a ruckus, so the attention goes to him, but one of the three was more interested in the room .
"Boss what happened? " Said the other one.
"This room... It's of a child. We don't have any information about Bangtan having a child. We need to find about this" Said the leader of that team.
"No, I can't let them. I need to call Seokjin hyung. Why hyung is not coming, did they already let the sleeping gas in all the rooms!! What will i do now? " Namjoon was thinking while trying to fight with sleepiness.
And yes, he was right, as a precaution the remaining three had let the smoke in the whole mansion so that they are not interrupted. Because if caught by Bangtan, that would mean only death and the major problem for whole gang. But Namjoon needs to take them away from here. Namjoon pushed one and got up and with his hands tied to his back, he kicked the other one and went to open the door so as to either gain attention so as to keep Joon-wo safe or to call his hyungs for help.
Namjoon was not far from the door but was hit hard by the third person on the back of his head by a rod . He felt immense pain and the dizziness increased too much for him to handle.
“Stop causing ruckus ,will you? “said the third one and again started searching.
“Hyung, where are you? Joon-wo is in danger Namjoon was praying for any of his hyungs to come. Blood was trickling down from his forehead but his full concentration  was that the third person would not go near the wardrobe. He tried to get up again  but he was unable to.
There came a thud sound from inside the wardrobe. Joon-wo must have fallen asleep due to the gas.
The three people heard it and were heading to the wardrobe. Namjoon’s breaths got stuck and his fear was increasing  with every breath he took.
The boss of that gang opened up the wardrobe and Namjoon tried to get up again but the pain and his body was not allowing him to move an inch.
“Hyung!! We are late. And I don’t know what to do!! Hyung!!Please...”Namjoon thoughts continued  with his laboured breaths with fear growing inside.........

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