Chapter 22

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Seokjin quickly packed his things and went to help Namjoon. When he entered he saw that Namjoon has packed all his clothes, only a few things were needed to pack. There were many things in his room such as plushies, books, a laptop,  headphones... And the list went on.
"Wow! They really are trying to spoil him by giving so much. But they won't win against me. Just you guys see when we reach Seoul I will provide Namjoon with everything." Said Seokjin to himself while smiling to himself.
"Hyung? Hyung!! HYUNG!!!? " Yelled Namjoon making Seokjin come out of his dream thoughts of what he will bring to Namjoon and what will be his reaction.
"Huh? What happened? " Asked Seokjin with a confused expression.
"You are sitting on my blanket. I need to pack it " Said Namjoon in a low voice. Seokjin saw where he was sitting and when he saw that he was sitting on his blanket which Namjoon was trying to pull but Seokjin was not budging at all.
"Ah!! Sorry, I came to help you, will you tell me what to do? " Asked Seokjin.
"No need hyung. There are only a few things left to do. You must be tired. Take rest. " Said Namjoon while folding the blanket.
"I literally did nothing Namjoon-ah, except a few deals on the phone and a few meetings, and that too for a few hours. You did two missions altogether. Sorry for that sudden mission but we need to go tomorrow to Seoul. But I can tell that you will like the reason for our sudden departure" Said Seokjin while smiling.
"I will like the reason? Really? Then let's see" Said Namjoon smiling but his dimples were not as deep as they normally are. Seokjin could see that the smile was not totally genuine. Like something was bothering the younger. And he knew unless he provokes the younger to tell him his problem, he won't. So he grabbed Namjoon's hand and pulled him onto the bed. Seokjin also lay down and back-hugged him, Namjoon being the little spoon automatically.
"What happened, hyung? My.. My packing.. It's not com.. complete" Said Namjoon stuttering a little due to the sudden hugging of his hyung. And Namjoon would be lying if he said that he did not like the hugs given by his Seokjin hyung.
"We can rest a little bit and then together finish up the packing. What do you say? " Asked Seokjin. Namjoon just nodded as he snuggled more into the hug and pulled Seokjin's hand to be closer to him. This action of Namjoon makes Seokjin's doubt more clear that something is bothering Namjoon, as Namjoon would never start a skinship. He only does it when he is sick, worried, sad, or nervous.
"Are you okay? Do you wanna talk about something? " Asked Seokjin.
"Umm... hyung did I do the right thing when I shot those humbots? " Asked Namjoon in a low voice.
"Hum.. Humbots? What is that? " Asked Seokjin thinking.
"The human robots! The one included in your last mission. " Said Namjoon whining a little like a baby when his hyung did not understand him.
"Ah!! The human robots. You combined and said humbots. Wow new word! Well about your question, yes you did the RIGHT THING. If the people were real it was either them Or us and the decision would have been yours. So what do you think if it was a real situation and you killed those assassins would you feel good or hurt? "Asked Seokjin.
"Of course good. But still, it feels weird. I should not but still... I don't know why am I confused? But I don't like this killing stuff, it gives me goosebumps" Said Namjoon.
"But you lived in a mafia family before, right. So did you not kill anyone before? " Asked Seokjin while frowning.
"I.. I don't remember.. whether I killed someone or not. " Said Namjoon in almost a whisper and his eyes moistened, as him not remembering his past is a nightmare for him from which he wants to wake up.
"I am sorry. It must be very difficult to cope up with your present when your past is like a shadow giving a vague appearance in your mind but not leaving you. " Said Seokjin.
"Hmm... But hyung Hoseok hyung said that he vomited and felt very bad. Whom did he kill? " Asked Namjoon.
"Umm.. Yes, he did... But whom did he kill and why.. It's better if he tells you.. I can't tell in his absence. " Said Seokjin.
"Sorry.. I understand. And thank you for spending time with me. If I was alone I would be thinking bad and only hurting myself. Your presence helped me very much. " Said Namjoon snuggling in Seokjin's arms.
"Always, I will be always there for you like a moon to clear the darkness in that little brain of yours. " Said Seokjin.
"Pro.. Promise" Whispered Namjoon.
"I promise, and don't be hesitant to tell me anything or about any matter Joon-ah, okay? I will always be by your side in any situation and protect you. " Said Seokjin. Namjoon nodded and they slept while talking about random in that position. The next day, Namjoon woke up early and start packing his remaining stuffs. Seokjin also woke up a little later and helped Namjoon. After a while, everyone gathered. Yoongi and Hoseok had prepared breakfast as they knew Seokjin and Namjoon would be having a night talk about the incident and might wake up late. Then they all sat in two cars with one group of the older ones and the other of the younger ones. Namjoon was forcefully taken by Taehyung saying that it's so long since he talked with Namjoon dramatically and hence Namjoon was with the younger team. Then they took a flight and reached Seoul within two hours(please consider a place far away from Seoul. I don't know any. And major things will happen in Seoul. So please consider any place nearby Seoul)
There at the airport for black cars were present and a few buff men standing waiting for the Bangtan gang. All of them wearing a white shirt with a black blazer along with earpieces, a typical guard style. They bowed at 90 degree to Seokjin and the other members. Seokjin just nodded and all went inside the car. Although Namjoon was almost the same height as that of the guards but their buff and rough body made Namjoon feel very small and he saw that Jimin was the last one so he held Jimin's black shirt sleeves a little. Jimin looked at Namjoon with a questioning face and was about to ask him what is the matter but seeing that Namjoon was eyeing the guards and looking down being a little afraid, Jimin held Namjoon's hand. Namjoon was a little surprised, so he raised his head to look at Jimin. Jimin smiled but his smile was hidden behind the mask but still, Namjoon was able to understand his hyung's gestures as Jimin's eye turned into a crescent shape and small in size whenever he smiled. Then they all sat up.
"Namjoon, are you okay? You are not the one to be intimated by some random buff people. What happened? " Asked Jimin. All the four boys were sitting at the back with Namjoon then Jimin, Jungkook, and lastly Taehyung.
"I am okay, hyung. Just due to the guards and all the cars other people were staring at us like owls. I don't like such attention. So I held your hand as I felt a little uneasy. " Said Namjoon while rubbing his nape.
"Oh, it's okay. By the way Namjoon it's still one hour till we reach. We three wanted to ask you some questions if you are okay to answer. We all six decided to ask  because we are curious as well as confused about a few things. And Seokjin hyung said that it is better if we three ask you. So can you answer them honestly?" Asked Jimin.
"Hmm... hyung it depends on the questions. But I promise that the answer I will give will be honest but if.. If I feel that I can't answer a question then can.. Can I keep quiet? " Asked Namjoon with big eyes looking so adorable that the three boys forgot the seriousness of the atmosphere and were ready for everything that their little bear was telling them.
"Joonie when did you remember that you know a few fighting skills and knew how to use katana swords? " Asked Jimin bringing up the first question.
"That... That was when you three were attacked in the cellar. At that time I unknowingly protected you all and myself. Then I got curious about what more I know, so I asked the help of my cellar friend - Mark. He was also a good fighter. With his help, I came to know that I know kung fu and how to fight with Katana swords. That's it" Said Namjoon with a smile.
"That Mark is really good. We should ask Seokjin hyung to reward him. Now the next question is why do you have panic attacks, Joonie? You always say - ' don't punish me, I will do whatever you tell me to do.' Do you remember why you say these things? " Asked Jungkook.
"Umm... About the panic attacks, I still don't know hyung. And I don't remember even a thing of what I do when I have a panic attack. Sorry" Said Namjoon.
"Don't need to be sad, Joonie. We are asking you all these just so that we can help you. We also want you to be perfectly healthy, and also remember everything that you forgot. So just answer if you know, no need to be upset or angry with yourself for this matter, okay? " Said Jungkook with his bunny smile.
"Hmm.. What is your next query of yours? " Asked Namjoon getting anxious a little.
"Joonie do you remember you cut your palm when you were doing the first mission. Was it on purpose to lure away the eels? " Asked Taehyung.
"Lure away? How can I do that? And about cutting my palm, it was not intentional, why would I hurt myself during the mission? It was an accident" Said Namjoon getting confused by the question.
"Ah, you are right. We were just confused.. " Said Jimin chuckling a little.
"So, the next question is.... Can you tell us what is in that chest box of yours that you did not show to anybody? Can you tell us? " Asked Jungkook.
"Hyung, I... I can't  I will tell you, I promise but I am not confident about telling you now. Please believe me, it is not something which can harm you, so just let me keep it to myself for some time" Pleaded Namjoon being a little afraid when his chest box query was asked.
"Okay, okay. Don't worry. We trust you and you should also trust us. Take your time. We won't ask this again unless you tell us. " Said Jimin while patting Namjoon's back.
After that, no question was asked and for the rest of the journey they only talked about random stuffs.
When they reached the place, their home, Namjoon was awestruck by it. It was a BIG home, no not a home, it was a big mansion. It had a garden on the right side with a swimming pool on the left. The mansion had a combination of white, purple, and gold. It was beautiful yet simple looking. The garden was full of a variety of flowers, and there were even some vegetables, and fruits. It was looking all splendid.
"Sir, he has arrived and is not in a very good mood. Please be prepared" Said a butler who was chubby, with his neck barely seen and only a few hairs on his head. But the sincerity and shine of work were evident on his face.
As soon as Bangatn members heard the Butler's words their faces turned pale and a few started rubbing their foreheads. They all looked tensed and afraid.

"Who has arrived? And whose presence can make Bangtan afraid and tense? Is he more powerful than Bangtan? " All these questions cane in Namjoon's mind worried for his hyungs.

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