Chapter 37

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"Is he crazy? He should be concerned about how to remove the poison from his body but no..he wants answers from his past. Are we not here to help him?" Said Hoseok angrily because he was worried about Joonie's health.
" But where did he go? Byung-ho? But does he know where he lives?" Asked  Taehyung.
" Well now we need to bring him back. And then give that idiot bear the antidote to his poison" said Seokjin happily.
" Really? Doctor Choi made the antidote. Wow! I will prepare lots of gifts for Sister Choi." Said Jungkook while clapping his hands.
" She did not made it. She got it from a botanist  specialist.  It was the flower –    'Lycantyx',   which caused the problem to Joonie. Its seeds are the problem. Luckily he has the antidote but only one. So I told her to bring the antidote herself as it is single and has no formula to make it again" said Seokjin with a small smile.
"But there are many doubts in this matter. According to doctor Choi this flower is so rare that it does not exist in records. Some say it is just a myth and most of the botanist does not know a thing about it. The old botanist  who knew about it said that he saw that flower only once in his life and that too deep in the mountains of the east side. If the flower is so rare how did Byung-ho a mafia got it and also made temporary  solution of it so as to control Namjoon. We got the ultimate antidote which will completely  remove the poison. So from where Byung-ho got all the information?" asked Seokjin while others also frowned .
" Dont know. But first let us search Joonie. He should be given the antidote so we can celebrate his birthday tomorrow. We can convince him to stay with us and help him with his past" said Jimin excitedly.
" Oh yes!! Tomorrow  is Joonie's  birthday. We should tell Joon-wo about it.  He will be so happy. " said Jungkook and they all went to see Joonie eating a vanilla cake kept on the table. Seeing the cake everyone frowned.
" Little Joonie where did the cake came from ? We clearly remember of not bringing any vanilla cake for you" said Yoongi.
" This. Umm..the new butler – Mr. Ahn gave it to me. He said that today is his last day of work here. So as a farewell treat he gave me this." Said Joon-wo while licking the spoon with which he was eating.
" Last day? We did not heard from him anything like that" said Seokjin and all went to see where Butler Ahn is.
" Mr. Ann you joined us only two months  before and now you want to leave . Why?" asked Seokjin with a deep ,stern voice.
" Sir, my son and daughter are going to shift in other city due to their office work. And they insist that we also should stay with them. So I have to take leave from here. I am sorry for my inconvenience " said Mr.Ahn an old man in his 60s while bowing before them as an apology.
" Oh I see this is the reason. Then it's okay. You may take your leave whenever  you want. Thank you for your work up till now." Said Seokjin with a smile.
Then they left and went to the living room where Joon-wo had finished  and was drawing in his colouring book. Taehyung and Jimin sat beside little Joonie and he enthusiastically showed them his colourings. Others were sitting on the other couch.
"Did you tell them the work  to do?" asked Seokjin. Yoongi nods and folds his arms while admiring the cuteness of the Joon-wo.
" What work?" asked Jimin.
" The background of Mr.Ahn." said Seokjin. Others only nodded and gave a small smile. All of them won't take any risk for THEIR Joon-wo.
" Now let's see if we can track the big Joonie down. I wonder how did he got the address to Byung-ho's house." Said Seokjin.
" That was not difficult. Hana herself forgot her mobile and the last contact was made by Byung-ho. And I saw Namjoon take her mobile while he was in the old factory." Said Hoseok.
" Why would he take her mobile at that time?" asked Yoongi with a frown on his face.
" Probably because he thought that if Byung-ho 's men had already taken you and Joon-wo to his house and we are late we can track him down. He was determined not to waste even a second for Joon-wo." Said Seokjin. All of them were impressed by Namjoon's intelligence and protectivness.
" That means he used that mobile and we already taught him the basics of hacking  so he put a good use to it. " said Yoongi.
" I don't think Joonie might have left the mobile ,so can you track Byung-ho your way." Asked Seokjin while looking at Yoongi and Jimin the hackers in his team.
" It will take time. Maybe an hour or two" said Yoongi and both him and Jimin went to the computer room to find locations.
Meanwhile Namjoon had reached Byung-ho's house.
" This is totally different from my memory. How is master living now?" thought Namjoon. Namjoon still had some respect for him inspite of being tortured and used by Byung-ho because  he was his saviour after all.
" Took you more time than I expected to return." Came a voice from the room which Namjoon at once recognised this voice.
" Master,...I-I ca-came to ask some answers to my questions. And only you can give the answer" said Namjoon to Byung-ho who was sitting on a big chair with two men around him. Byung-ho sends his two men outside. As soon as the two men goes there enter another men with his half ace covered by metal mask with black design on mask.
" Do you remember  this mask? Or me?" asked the boy.
Namjoon frowns and thinks but nothing clicks.  So he shakes his head.
" So what do you remember that you wanted answers from us ?" asked Byung-ho.
"Was I a killer? Did I kill people?  How many and why? I remember all the screams of people begging me to spare them. And then their families cursing me and crying in vain. Those screams and all make me difficult  to sleep. So I came here  to ask what is that all about?" said Namjoon while a tear trickled down his face when he remembered  the screams and voices in despair.
" Don't you think you should worry less about your past and worry about your little Joonie.?" Asked the boy standing in mask.
" Why? What did you to him? He is safe and sound with Bangtan." Said Namjoon but worry was evident in his voice.
" Nothing major happened. After all what we can do if the Bangtan is together. But I should tell you that poison with which  you are dealing ,its similar pill was crushed and perfectly mixed with a vanilla cake which was send specially for Joon-wo . I wonder if he ate it or not?" said the boy calmly with a grin on his face .
" YOU...WHAT?? LISTEN HERE MASKED BRAT IF YOU EVER DID WHAT YOU JUST SAID , THEN BETTER BE CAREFUL BEACSUE I WILL DUG YOUR GRAVE BEFORE THE POISON EVEN ACTS ON MY JOON-WO" said Namjoon outraged in a loud voice. The masked man for a minute was frozen unable to move or say anything.
Byung-ho was terribly scared hearing the deep raged voice as he knew the capabilities  of Namjoon more than Bangtan. Namjoon dashed out without seeking any answers that tormented his mind. He ran up  got a taxi and went straight to Bangtan house. As soon as he reached he  straight away went inside running. He opened the main door and saw three members sitting but without paying attention to them he was running around the house searching for only one – Joon-wo.
Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok who saw Namjoon got delighted after seeing him. But he did not even gave a glance to them. They were confused and looked at each other.
Namjoon saw Joon-wo seeing a cartoon while clapping his hands while Jungkook sleeping curled up on couch.
Namjoon smile unknowingly  and slowly approaches Joon-wo. As soon as Joon-wo sees Namjoon he gets up on couch and hugs him by the waist. Namjoon lifts him and hugs by his chest tightly.
" Big Joonie, where were you? I searched for you ,asked for you but nobody told me . I will listen to you, don't leave Little Joonie . I have not played with you nor showed you my drawings, my favourite cartoons, my favourite  books. I want to show you all these." Said Joon-wo while looking in Namjoon's  eyes while Namjoon held him softly yet firmly. Namjoon hearing this had tears in his eyes but he blinked rapidly so as to avoid tears falling down.
" I promise Little Joonie,I won't leave you. We will do all that you like together. But Little one can you tell me something. Did you eat any cake today?" asked Namjoon.
" Yes it was a delicious one. It was given by Mr.Ahn. He gave as a farewell treat and it was a vanilla cake." Said Joon-wo with a big smile.
Hearing this Namjoon's breathing got unstable and he fisted his other free hand tightly. He then makes Joon-wo sit on the couch and pats his head.

What will Joonie do now? Why is Byung-ho afraid of Namjoon? Who is the masked  man?

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