Chapter 10

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"Yes, I will give the first challenge now itself" Said Namjoon full of confidence.
"Ahh... hyung I remembered now, I had an important detail to share with you all regarding our house. It's urgent, everyone please excuse us. " Said Jungkook.
"If my brother is telling then it is an urgent job. The challenge is postponed for tomorrow. The meeting ends here" Declared Seokjin. All six members rushed outside pulling a confused Namjoon along with them. Madam Hana was shocked by the behavior of the boys as they neglected and made a faulty excuse for the first time. All the other gangs just watched as they did not have any courage to question them.
When they got in the car, all sat silently. For Namjoon the silence was normal and he enjoyed his view from the window, whereas the silence of the six was like calmness before the storm. When they reached home, Namjoon happily walked inside while the others were ready to cause thunder in their home.
NAMJOON!! All six shouted together. NAMJOON jolted upon hearing the loud sound and put his hands on his ears.
"Why are you all shouting so liye! You will call the whole neighborhood here! Said Namjoon while stomping his feet on the floor.
" Why! You are asking why we shouted at you! You..... you are such an idiot. "Said Jimin with eyes bulging out due to shock.
" Why am I an idiot? Did I do something wrong? Asked Namjoon innocently while scratching his forehead thinking about what he did.
"You accepted the six challenges. Joonie who told you to dig up your own grave" Said Taehyung while keeping his hands on his waist.
"Ummm.... don't worry hyung I can handle them" Said Namjoon grinning ear to ear still not understanding the situation.
"Handle them!! You can handle them! You don't know how to fire a gun and sprain your ankle while doing it, and you say you will handle it. What a joke!" Scoffed Yoongi while throwing himself on the creamy couch.
" Hyung don't be like that. And why are you all angry at me? I did not even know you had kept challenges. I did what I thought was right at that moment "said Namjoon with puppy eyes trying to calm down his hyungs with his cute face.
" Don't even try that face on me. Joonie it's dangerous. People die there. It is more dangerous for you who is innocent like a baby" Said Hoseok.
" I.... I am.. not weak.. I am... no-not what you th-think"stuttered Namjoon while his eyes were a little damp with tears.
" I am sorry Joonie, I did not mean to be angry with you. It's okay. We will help you with the challenge. Don't cry, please. Everyone will be sad if you cry" said Hoseok while lightly hugging Namjoon.
"I am not sad... Ju-just you all... you all are too good..." Cried Namjoon.
"Don't cry please don't cry. We will listen to you. You want to do the challenges, do it but don't cry, okay? " Said Seokjin trying to coax him like a little baby.
"I am not a baby, why treat me like that? " Said Namjoon wiping his tears.
"You are... Even though your height is more than all of us, you are our little Joonie and we all promise to protect you " Said Seokjin ruffling Namjoon's hair.
"Now drink this and tell us what you want to tell us, we will listen to you" Said Jungkook while providing a glass of water to Namjoon.
"Ummm.... I-i know some skills.... Just not an all-rounder like you all" Said Namjoon fidgeting.
"You know! What are they? Tell us. We will help you enhance it " Said Seokjin eagerly.
"I-i was try-trying to tell you all before that I can pro-protect myself. I know kung fu and other techniques and can use specific weapons to defend" said Namjoon timidly while sniffling.
" What weapons you can use? Asked Taehyung excitedly.
"Ka-katana swords," Said Namjoon glancing slowly at everyone.
By listening to this Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok had shocked expressions while Seokjin, Yoongi, and Jungkook were red in anger and had fisted their fists.
"You know how to use katana swords? Asked Jimin loudly.
"Ummm.... Yes. Why are you all so shocked? Asked Namjoon quizzically.
" Uhhh... that.... umm.. "Taehyung was trying to say something when he was interrupted by Seokjin.
" Nothing... we are happy that you can protect yourself. Ummm Joonie I need to ask you something. Will you answer it honestly? Asked Seokjin. Upon listening to this Namjoon nodded with a dimpled smile while others were eyeing both the boys with concern and anger.
"Who taught you to use katana swords? Asked Seokjin.
" My father, the head of Sirius. But why? Asked Namjoon.
"Ohh.... So do you know anyone in the gang who used katana swords" Inquired Seokjin.
"Umm.... Any other. Many used it, but I don't know any of them very well. " Said Namjoon while pondering over his memories.
"Not well acquainted with your mates. How is that possible? You might be their young master as you were the son of their boss. How come Byung-ho's son does not know them? Asked Yoongi in a little loud voice.
" Calm down,hyung. You are caring him for nothing"said Hoseok while putting his hands on Yoongi's shoulder.
"Actually, I am not his real son. So I was just his servant. Not a favorite one I think. " Replied Namjoon timidly.
Hearing this all the members were astonished.
"So you are not the son of Byung-ho. But he mentioned you in front of the whole mafia world at the party last year. We all came to that party and he himself introduced you. I remember you clearly. So why did he lied? Asked Seokjin.
" He never told me the reason. And I complied with everything he said. So I never questioned him. He saved my life so I was in debt. Did not dare to rebel against him even for once "said Namjoon, sadness evident in his voice making it clear to the six boys that his childhood was not so great.
" Don't worry about your past. We are your family now. And we will give you all that you missed all these years. "Said Hoseok while crouching in front of Namjoon who was sitting on a chair. Namjoon nodded and all of them then went to freshen up while Namjoon and Seokjin went to prepare dinner.
" Umm.. Joonie are you confident that you will pass the challenges? Asked Seokjin voice full of concern.
"Yes, hyung I can. Don't worry. But why were you shocked when I said I can use katana swords? Questioned Namjoon while cutting vegetables.
"Umm.... we had a misunderstanding. There was a guy in the Siruis gang whom we hated to the core. When we destroyed the gang we tried to find  Byung-ho and that man but there was no one. They had escaped" Said Seokjin.
Hearing this Namjoon was so terrified that he cut his finger.
"Yahh.. Joonie be careful. Leave the veggies. Let me out a band-aid on it " Said Seokjin while getting a medical kit from the cupboard.
"Hyung... are you sure that my father is alive? Asked Namjoon with a horrified face.
" Yes... neither did we find his dead body nor any sign of him. He was injured that is for sure. But where he is hiding, we are not able to find" Said Seokjin. If Seokjin was not so busy in taking care of a small injury on Namjoon's hand he would have seen the tears and scared expression on Namjoon's face and would have asked him, to comfort him. But nothing like that happened. As soon as Seokjin finished putting a band-aid on his fingers, he straight away went out of the kitchen making the excuse that he needed to go to the bathroom. Seokjin was puzzled but when he saw that the dinner was about to be burnt he engaged himself in cooking. Namjoon walked outside the house and into the garden. His tears were clear like crystal in the full moonlight.
What if he finds me? Will he do the same things he did to me? Will I do all the things that I hate to do? Is this my destiny -to serve him? After finding these guys I felt that everything will be fine! Why did I hear this news? Why did they tell me? Now I will be impatient, worried, and scared. He snatched everything from me, will he do that again?
Namjoon's thoughts were interrupted by the loud voice of Hoseok.
" Coming "yelled Namjoon back while wiping his tears and taking deep breaths to stabilize himself.
" Joonie why did you leave suddenly while cooking? Does the cut hurt very much? "Asked Seokjin while serving rice on everyone's plate.
" No, it is a small cut hyung. I just wanted some fresh air and wanted to see the moon. It is a full moon day and is very beautiful" said Namjoon while stuffing rice and glancing at everyone with a small smile. Everyone smiled at his cute dimples and antics.
"Joonie tomorrow we will have to conduct the first challenge. Can you handle it?" Asked Yoongi.
"Yes, hyung don't worry, just can you tell me before whose challenge it is and what it is? Also, I would need two katana swords" Said Namjoon.
"It is my challenge. It is not difficult as I don't like this rule. It was mainly set by these hyungs" Said Jungkook smiling at Namjoon and sulking while looking at his hyungs.
"This muscle bunny is too soft-hearted for the mafia world. At first, we were always worried for him but now our worries increased by seeing you Joonie. Now we need to protect two babies - Kookie and Joonie " Said Taehyung while pinching Jungkook's cheeks softly.
"The challenge is Brainy mind. Here you are tied to iron chains and kept inside a water tank. There is a box at the bottom you need to solve a cube beside the box where there is the key. Solve the cube, open the small box and free yourself, easy right" Said Jungkook while showing his bunny smile.
"Hyung, I think you shouldn't smile while saying this difficult challenge. I can't hold my breath for much longer" Said Namjoon while pouting and trying to make a sad face. This made Jungkook's smiling face into a worried one.
"Umm... hyung can we exclude it from the challenge. " Said Jungkook while looking at Seokjin. Seokjin sighed and looked at Jungkook and then and Namjoon.
"You know the rules, we can't change the challenge for our Joonie. Others will take objection to it " Said Seokjin.
"What to exclude? Is there more to the challenge? " Asked Namjoon cutely while eating mouthfuls of noodles making his cheeks look chubby.
"Joonie, you are so confident. If I were you, eating food would be so difficult for me. I would be nervous and would practice many different things. And you are leisurely eating food while listening to the challenge. You better know that you are not alone in that water tank. " Said Taehyung while taking a few noodles.
"Hyung, the test is mine, not yours. Why are you not eating properly? Don't worry I can solve the puzzles easily. And who will be there with me, any one of you? Asked Namjoon beaming with joy that someone will be there with him to help.
" Not for helping Joonie, they will be a threat to you. Have you ever seen an electric eel? "Said Yoongi.
" Umm.. Yes once while I went to the aquarium with.... with my... friend yeah with my friend" said Namjoon looking down.
"Two electric eels will be there and these eels are very sensitive and dangerous. If they feel even a little threat they try to attack. Three people who took the challenge died from the eel's electric shock. " Said Hoseok worry evident on his face.
"Hmm... But if I don't disturb them then they won't be harmed. Don't worry I think I can handle it then as well. " Said Namjoon while showing a thumbs up.
"Wow, our Joonie is very talented. Seeing your confidence I am excited about tomorrow's challenge" Said Jimin.
All others then finished their meal and were ready to go to sleep.
"Umm... hyung can I sleep with you for tonight, please" Said Namjoon to Seokjin while fidgeting with the long sleeves that gave him paws.
"Okay, let's go" Said Seokjin while dragging Namjoon into his room and without hesitating for a bit kicked Yoongi out of the bed who was sleeping covering the whole bed like a starfish.
"WHO DARE TO DISTURB MY SLEEP!! " Shouted Yoongi while getting up from the floor and rubbing his eyes. When he opened his eyes he saw Seokjin standing there in his blue night shirt hands folded on his chest and Namjoon peeking from behind with a grey sweatshirt with long sleeves playing with his sweater paws.
"Were you saying something Yoongi? " Asked Seokjin raising his eyebrows.
Yoongi looked at Seokjin and then at Namjoon who was looking at him with puppy eyes. Yoongi sighed and understood that he is being thrown out of the room. So he took his blanket and pillow and went to Hoseok and Taehyung's room.
"Why did he go to the other room? There are two beds and a mattress. I can sleep on the mattress. It was just I was feeling stuffy and feeling a little scared to sleep alone. So I asked if I can sleep with you. No need to kick Yoongi hyung out" Said Namjoon and was going to call Yoongi to sleep but was held by Seokjin.
"I think it is not good for you to sleep on the floor. Winter has started, and you might catch a cold. Besides who gets to be so lucky every day to share a room with you for a whole night" Said Seokjin while grinning.
"What do you mean by that? " Asked Namjoon with a puzzled face.
"No-nothing... Nothing" Said Seokjin while rubbing his neck lightly in embarrassment.
"Well, everyone listens to you. Just now, Yoongi listened to you very well. I will also listen to you" Said Namjoon giving his cute dimple smile.
"About that... he only listened to me... be-because of you," said Seokjin.
" Me? Why would he listen to you because of me? "Said Namjoon.
" He is very moody and likes to maintain a good image in front of people he likes very much. He dotes on you like a big brother. I think he likes you the most in the maknaes. So he listened to me not because of me being his older brother but because of your presence. Otherwise, for others it is like waking up a tiger waiting to pounce at you" said Seokjin.
"Ohh... It's good that you guys like me. " Said Namjoon while smiling.
"Of course I like you.... I mean we all like...Umm...tell me what is troubling you? 'Said Seokjin while holding Namjoon's hand in his.
" No-nothing serious. Just about... about tomorrow's challenge "said Namjoon.
" You showed your confidence in front of all. So what are you afraid of? Joonie in the mafia world one should know the how to read one's face and mind and I think I am very good at that now. So the confidence that you showed was not fake. So what is it? "Inquired Seokjin.
" Hyung do you believe me? "Asked Namjoon in a low voice.
" Yes, I believe you, why? "Asked Seokjin moving a little closer to Namjoon.
" Umm... Hyung if one day someone comes and says something about me and you feel it is wrong, will you believe me Or that random person? "Said Namjoon.
" Obviously I will first ask you, discuss with you, I won't believe any random person. You are our family, Joonie. We all believe you" Said Seokjin.
"Then nothing can go wrong. Thank you hyung. Now let's sleep. I am very sleepy" Said Namjoon yawning a little and went to lie on the other bed beside him.
"Yahh...Wait a second. Why did you ask these questions? What is going on in your mind? " Asked Seokjin with a shocked face due to Namjoon completely ignoring him.
"Let me sleep hyung. Tomorrow is my big day, you also sleep" Said Namjoon while pulling the blanket over his face. Seokjin was flabbergasted but smiled and patted Namjoon's head which was peeking a little and he also went to another bed facing Namjoon and the night passed away peacefully.
The next day it was chaos in Bangtan's house. All the six boys were making Namjoon wear a proper dress, making him eat a lot of food, and Namjoon trying to run away from his hyungs who were doing crazy things to him.
"Hyung stop it, please" Said Namjoon while hiding behind a sofa. In front of him was Hoseok with a bowl of curd to give him, Jungkook with some leather gloves and boots to choose , Taehyung with many daggers in his hand asking Namjoon to choose one, Jimin and Seokjin having books about the information on eels and telling him every detail while Yoongi was preparing more food for Namjoon.
"I beg you all, stop doing all this. I-i... am not going to the military to fight and you are treating me like I will not come back to you!! " Shouted Namjoon a little.
Everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing and was shocked to hear what Namjoon said.
"Don't you ever say such words? We know how difficult the challenges are. We have seen people die there .How can you say anything so casually? Don't talk to me anymore " Shouted Jimin while throwing the book on the sofa nearby and walking away to his room. Silence spread throughout the whole living room.
"Enough, it's time to go. We have given others time. Only 30 minutes for noon. Let's go " Said Yoongi while moving out of the kitchen trying to divert everyone's mind.
"Jimin hyung, sorry.... " Namjoon shouted and was going in Jimin's room but was held by Seokjin.
"No time. We need to go, we can't delay. He will be alright. He is just angry and in a fit said that all. " Said Seokjin.
Namjoon looked in the direction of the room hoping that his hyung will come out but he did not. All of them went to change. Jungkook who shared a room with Jimin changed into Seokjin's room. After a while, all were ready to go but still, Jimin did not come and not unlocked the door. Namjoon sighed and went towards the closed door.
"Hyung, I am sorry. I won't say such things again. Forgive me, please" Pleaded Namjoon with moist eyes. This was the first time his hyung shouted at him and it made him sad and guilty.
"Don't worry he will come before you start your challenge" coaxed Seokjin and dragged him out.
The situation was tense for the boys but for Namjoon it was gloomy. His whole attention was diverted to Jimin. His hyung was angry as well as sad because of him. His mind repeated Jimin's face of anger with moist eyes again and again. He was angry about his behavior and was upset with himself.
They arrived at the company where all people were present. Those who seldom came to attend the meetings were present today. Seokjin smirked seeing all present there.
"All are present here, some faces are forgotten and some look new to me, really surprised me, huh? " Mocked Seokjin while laughing lightly. All had their heads down afraid of being targeted by the mafia king. 
"You came, I thought you will run away from this city like a scared cat. Let's see how skilled you are" Said Madam Hana with a sly smile.
All of them paid no attention to her as she was merely trying to increase their anger because all this started due to her.
"Joonie be careful. If you are unable to hold your breath or find anything difficult, just give me a sign I will immediately help you. All people who took the challenge used the chance. I provided three chances to all. You can go and come out three times if you feel uncomfortable. But for the third time, only you will open and save yourself. You won't get another chance.Everyone used a chance ,no one did it in one time. So take your time ,okay? "Said Jungkook.
Namjoon was nodding absent-mindedly because he was busy cursing himself for upsetting his hyung. He was not concentrated on doing the challenge. With a black shirt and black pants with a leather holster with two daggers, Namjoon was ready to go in the big, transparent tank. The water is filled after the person enters and the eels are left inside once the tank is full and the lid is closed. The six boys were nervous and restless. Jimin was still not present there. Namjoon just hoped that his hyung will come. But no one came. He was inside the tank and water was gushing in. Namjoon sighed trying to concentrate on the mission. He closed his eyes.
"Everything will be okay. Once I complete this challenge, Jimin hyung will forgive me. He will talk to me. Yes, he will, right? Or he hates me now? "
Now the tank was filled up to his shoulders. He held his breath and was ready to start the challenge with his muddled mind. Will he succeed in completing the challenge and will Jimin come for giving confidence to Namjoon?

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