Chapter 26

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"Who is that guy? " Asked Jungkook while looking at Ji-ho and pointing at the sobbing guy who was pulling his hair.
"Him... Bad luck totally bad omen but not for others but for himself ,for others an angel. He killed someone "Said Ji-ho.
"He killed someone and you say that he is an angel for others. " Said Taehyung.
"That's what I heard from the other officers who investigated his matter but I have the full information about him so i know that he is merely nothing but a victim. " Said Ji-ho while looking at the boy in the cell with a pitiful look.
"Can we talk to him? " Asked Jungkook. Tae held his hand as he thought it might bring trouble and he did not want HIS Kookie in danger. But Jungkook nodded and patted his hand. Ji-ho thought for  a while.
"Well, by laws I can't but since you helped me catch such a big smuggling team, might give you another chance to save that boy. Go and talk to him. He is alone in his cell anyways" Said Ji-ho and opened the gates of the cell.
"Hi,... Umm we want to help you. Why are you in jail? " Asked Taehyung after getting a push from Jungkook.
"Who are you ? And why do you want to help me? What do you want in return? " Asked the boy looking up towards both the boys.
"I am Jungkook and his name is Taehyung. We also went through bad times. And we don't have family just each other to support, plus I don't like someone getting punished for the mistake he did not do" Said Jungkook taking off the mask and giving bunny smile to the boy.
"I am Park Jimin. And it's nice to meet an innocent and kind soul like you. But you can't help me. Thanks for asking anyways" Said Jimin with a sad smile.
"We don't know what you did, so why do you assume that you will be punished! Why give up the hope of light when the path is not even started? " Asked Taehyung.
"Because I fucking killed a man!! I killed my own so called uncle" Said Jimin in a loud voice but his voice cracked at the end and his eyes filled with tears but had hint of anger as well.
"Why? Tell us the whole story. Maybe we can help" Said Jungkook with a sweet smile.
"I don't know if you can help but this burden of keeping things within me is too heavy. I need to let it out" Said Jimin and sighed.

I was living in a middle class big, no very big family. My family and three uncles of mine lived together in a big house. My third uncle and the smallest in age of among all three brothers were send to America when I was at the age of ten. After that the space all me and my cousins occupied got bigger and our family was happy. But my grandmother and grandfather favoured my third uncle the most and disfavoured my father the most who was the eldest .The reason was my father had married the love of his life -my mom the most sweet and kind lady. And that silly reason became the reason for hatred towards us. But thankfully except my grandma and grandpa my other uncle and aunts supported my mom and dad.
After a few years later when I reached the age of 16 my third uncle who went to America suddenly turned up and started living with us. When asked the reason he said his company offered a few selected people to do their jobs at homes. So he came to Korea to live with us. Grandmother praised her saying that he is so intelligent that the  company offered him to do his work sitting at home. But grandpa looked suspicious about it. Third uncle had many bad habits like drinking, gambling and many more that i dont know. But anyways everyone accepted him and welcomed him lovingly. He had his wife and two son. I did not liked them nor hated them and had very less communication with them. I thought nothing changed and it was like before, everyone living together.
But my life took a turn of 360 degree when I saw the horrendous and disgusting face of my third uncle. It all started ten days after he came from America. First, he used to touch me on the thighs, rub his nose on my neck or entangle our hands. It was all accidental according to him. But for me coincidence can occur once or twice it's okay, but if it happens five to six times per day, then that is definitely intentional. I started hating and avoided him as much as I can. Two days went by and whenever he was present,I avoided successfully, but things turned nasty after third day. I used to daily go upstairs with my others cousins on the rooftop. It was my favourite place - calm, quite and still lively. Our rooftop had a bathroom and a empty room attached. All the teens and children pleaded the elders to build us a room on rooftop for rainy and winter seasons. I was the most excited person for this room. I even decorated it myself but what happened with me in that room, made me hate and cringe everytime I entered the room afterwards.
On the third day of successful avoidance with my third uncle, I had taken my homework to be done on the terrace with my cousins. After a few minutes, third uncle came up and looked towards all of us and paused looking at me for more than a few seconds. Then he smiled at the others and said that he forgot to show them some things that he brought from foreign and are in his room and whoever wants can check it out. I was least interested as I did not want that suffocating feeling again when he touches me by his so called 'accidents'. But that was my FIRST regret that I have. I was concentrating in my work sitting on the table-chair kept when suddenly someone clasped my mouth tightly and I tried to remove it. I tried to see who it was thinking it was one of my cousin playing a prank on me. But,  he was my third uncle. Fuck why am I even calling him third uncle after what he did.Not more than a piece of shit. "Said Jimin looking at Jungkook and Taehyung with an angry face but it looked cute for Taehyung and Jimin.
Back to the story,
He dragged me into the room and took out his belt and tied my hands behind my back so tightly that ny hands felt numb after a few seconds. He then aggressively kissed me by holding my face with his hands when I tried to resist. I tried to stop him by my every muscle, but the more I resisted the more he tightened his one hand around my neck and bite my nipples harshly. I tired to push but it seemed that all the energy in me got drained. He unbuckled my pants as well as his and in an animalistic way he thrusted inside me so harshly that I screamed my lungs out but all my voice got muffled out when he stuffed my mouth with his handkerchief. Tears rolled down my eyes and I felt hurt and drained like hella both physically and mentally. I was not hard at all, all I felt was either to forgot what happened or end myself here and disappear. After he finished using my body he unbuckled the belt from my hands which had gotten bruised badly and pressed that belt harshly on my neck.
"If you tell to any other and I mean any other soul I won't hesitate to kill you and the other whom you told your story. So kept quiet and be a obedient dog! " Said that manwhore to me while still chocking me. And all I could do at that moment was nod my head in agreement.
"Good now clean yourself, make yourself tidy and come down. Ahh.. And dont forgot your homework is pending" Said the manwhore. I just kept looking and nodding as I was afraid of him.
Since that day, I did not have a good sleep, a good appetite and a peaceful mind. All my life got messed up. My mind played that incident again and again. Everyday felt like a burden and I did not talk with anybody for more than a few minutes. I was like a living corpse.
I... I tired very hard and did not want to do. But I was not able to resist myself. I started causing harm to myself.... Pain became my solace and loneliness my comfort zone.
And continuous harms to myself, staying aloof , daily nightmares etc, etc..bea ne my daily routine
And then after a week I witnessed something which made my mood change within a few seconds of just seeing it. And the incidents after that caused me to be here......

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