Chapter 35

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"I told you to bring Namjoon. Why did you bring a kid along? " Yelled Hana in anger.
"Mam, the kid was with the Bangtan gang in their house . " Said one of her men.
"Are you crazy? Even if he was there ,I asked you to only bring Namjoon. I was clear about that. "said Hana.
"But we can black mail them with this kid. Isn't it a good thing ?"asked the man.
"Nothing is good when it comes to Bangtan. Only if you are tired of living , then you can provoke them. I wanted to end this matter ,but you idiot ,ruined my plan. I never wanted to get involved in this ,what now? "said Hana.
"We should kill the kid ,and then let someone else take the blame" said the same guy.
Hana thought over it. She was thinking of how to solve when she heard Namjoon.
"Killing him will invite more trouble  to you. First this boy is son of police commissioner so that is the first trouble. And second is that the commissioner and Bangtan are good friends. So do you think the risk of killing him is worth your pathetic  life?" asked Namjoon quietly. Namjoon and Joon-wo were tied to a beam. Joon-wo in his sleep had cuddled to Namjoon.
After hearing Namjoon ,Hana was so enraged that she kicked the guy who brought Joon-wo very hard that he fell back badly.
"I was thinking of handing you to Byung-ho and retire from this business. But my people will only bring my demise. What a bunch of idiots I have with me. "said Hana in frustration.
"I have an idea. Call one of my hyung and hand Joon-wo to them. I will stay with you. "said Namjoon.
"You will stay!! Really? And I should tell the whereabouts of Bangtan myself!! Do you consider me as lunatic?" snarled Hana while catching the collar of Namjoon.
" I said to call ,I did not said that you should give the same address. Give other address and safely take this kid away. Till he is safe and sound, your plan may still succeed." Said Namjoon.
"And why do you think that they will listen and only take this kid. Won't they ask for you?" asked Hana.
"Tell that I already fled from your clutches and this kid has nothing to do with your plan. So you are giving the boy back to them. Mislead them and save the kid. I don't think you are a cold-blooded ruthless monster who would kill an innocent soul?" asked Namjoon.
"By doing this , they will treat you as a deserter and the whole Bangtan will hate you for your cowardness. They won't accept you if I say such thing. And you on the other hand will be in the hands of Byung-ho and who knows what he will do to you? After knowing all the consequences  you are still willing to do all this ?" asked Hana because the plan was excellent for her to escape but why would Namjoon do such thing. What is his motive.
"Yes I will "said Namjoon while looking at the sleeping little Joonie.
" It does not matter whether the boys hate me or not. I failed to save Joon-wo and his identity  is slightly exposed. I may have lied that he is the son of commissioner but if one wants, they can find out the real identity  and that will be dangerous for this little soul. So, it is best if he is with hyungs. I will secretly write a message to hyungs about Joon-wo's identity  being exposed. I can't fail twice. This plan needs to work. But Hana may have her second plan. What if she contact Byung-ho about Joon-wo. What if she orders her men to kill Joon-wo along with one of my hyungs!!!." Namjoon's thoughts came to a stop when Hana cane back again .
"I have followed your plan and worked accordingly. Your Suga hyung is coming to take him " said Hana and one of her men took Joon-wo away. As soon as they went  Namjoon typed a message in group chat.
" Joon-wo's identity  has been exposed. Its my fault. Sorry."
Suddenly a message popped up.
"Don't worry  we will save you also big Joonie. We are on the way. By the way you are very smart. Hana called saying that you fled leaving kid alone. We immediately  understood that it is your plan. Because  unless you say we won't belive that you are that type of person. " messaged Seokjin.
"Don't come here unless Joon-wo is safe. "
"Hmm domineering!! I like it. And don't worry Suga hyung is on his way . We are tracing you by your location ." messaged Jungkoo.
Namjoon kept his phone back but he was unknowingly  anxious about his own plan. After a few minutes, there was a lot of commotion and the door banged open and they there was Seokjin. He quickly untied Namjoon. The others also came.
"All work done here. Let's go home. Suga hyung will also reach there in no time." Said Jimin happily.
"Hana !!Was Madam Hana here?" asked Namjoon worry evident on his face.
"No she was not here.Must be there with Joon-wo." Said Taehyung .
Namjoon looked lost in thought and was not at all paying attention to his bleeding forehead or the pain of it. Then suddenly it clicked him.
" Did you saw any other cars parked here on the way?" asked Namjoon. Seokjin thought about it and nodded.
"SHIT!!Hyung quick in the car. To the place where Yoongi hyung is. QUICK." Yelled Namjoon while already running off followed by others. All sat and Seokjin started driving.
"What is the problem ,Joonie?" asked Jungkook.
"Byung-ho!!!. Hana must have told about Joon-wo to Byung-ho. She must have already told my plan to him. Hana is not so cunning, but Byung-ho won't  be deceived by my stories. He must have send his men to capture  Joon-wo and Yoongi hyung.  Both are in danger. The other warehouse has a narrow pathway ,so cars cant go in. So the other men parked their cars here and went ahead." Said Namjoon.
" Joon, are you sure about that she must have told Byung-ho. After all she had to capture you which you were willing to be. Why would she contact him?" asked Taehyung.
"Because she works for Byung-ho. And if she failed, she might have to pay a heavy price because Byung-ho does not like failure at all. And my plan was too faulty as i was sacrificing myself which led her to doubt me" Said Namjoon. Listening to this ,Seokjin fear increased and so did the speed of car.
Within 15 minutes they reached the other warehouse which was 30 minutes away. And Namjoon was absolutely  right. Some men with face hidden with masks were attacking Yoongi. Yoongi made Joon-wo sat on his bike with his eyes covered by his handkerchief and headphones in his ears. He did not want Joon-wo to hear or see all the blood scenes.
"Aigoo our Suga hyung is so caring whenever such situations happen. Our love increases more when I see him like that" said Taehyung looking  at Yoongi who was  killing each and every person with small knives.
Jimin nudged Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung  who was solely paying attention to Yoongi was disturbed. He angrily looked at Jimin.
"Don't tell about love and all openly in front of Joon. We still haven't told him about that part!" whispered Jimin. Taehyung apologised and put fingers on his lips. But Namjoon was far interested in listening to them. He along with Seokjin went towards Joon-wo.
"Little Joonie don't be afraid. All your brothers are here" said Seokjin. Joon-wo immediately hugged Seokjin's waist tightly and nodded. Namjoon had gone to help Yoongi along with others after seeing that Joon-wo is okay and under protection of Jin hyung.
" How did you guess that we would be under attack?" asked Yoongi while fighting. There were 30 men and all armed with knives, swords and baton.
"It was Joonie. He is good at knowing the next move of enemy. Better than all of us." Said Hoseok.
"Very good ,Joonie. " said Yoongi while looking at Namjoon with a smile while strangling other person.
Namjoon nodded with a smile and then they all concentrated on the fight while Seokjin in keeping an eye on Joon-wo as well as his other members.
Suddenly a bullet was shot but was luckily dodged by Jimin. Seokjin immediately understood that it was from the roof of the warehouse. He was under the roof  so he can't help unless he moves forward. The gun shots were continuous . Others had to dodge the bullets as well as attacks from the men and no matter how good fighter they are, no one can concentrate at two things at such situations.
Namjoon was doing well but he kept glancing at Joon-wo. Unknowingly  in only a day the attachment  between him and kid grew much whose reason he was unable to think. Just the bond grew much stronger for Namjoon. The bullets were dodged by all and everything was alright. But twenty more men were present.
Suddenly the aim was directed at Jimin who was dealing with three at the same time. Namjoon and Seokjin both noticed it. Seokjin ran to move Jimin while Namjoon  was seeing where the shooter was. Namjoon got pale when he saw that there were not one shooter but two other people. And one at the entrance of the warehouse hiding keeping an eye on Joon-wo!!
At the same time, Seokjin ran towards Jimin while Namjoon ran towards Joon-wo. Seokjin succeeded in pushing Jimin and handling the three guys and the shooter's aim missed. Whereas, the man cane out from his hiding and was about to go near Joon-wo when Namjoon came in front of him. Namjoon was unarmed but the man wasn't. He took out a knife and was trying to hurt Namjoon with all his strength.  Seokjin tried to go back to help Namjoon but was held by the other men.
Namjoon successfully dodged the attacks. The attacker got frustrated  and attacked fully with force. While doing so Namjoon got moved away from Joon-wo who was still clueless about what was going on. The man saw the chance of the kid being alone and ran towards him. Namjoon saw him and he ran after him. The man's intention was to go and kidnap him because he was the fastest in running . The man himself stumbled upon a rock and when he tried to balance himself  the knife in his hand made a scratch on Joon-wo's hand who winced in pain. Seeing Joon-wo hurt Namjoon lost his patience.
"Enough of all this!!" Yelled Namjoon and snatched  the knife of the man and slashed his neck. Then Namjoon ran upstairs and took the  two by surprise, killing them with the same knife. Then with the help of the sniper he killed each and every one of the men in the gang with one single shot -on their forehead. Not even a single of the person from other gang was alive to interrogate which was a pity but everyone was safe and that was the first priority.
Namjoon calmed down seeing that everyone is safe and sound. That's when the back of his head started paining with blood dripping from it. It was the injury given by Hana's men. When Namjoon touched his head his hands were stained with blood of his own. The headache started increasing and he started feeling dizzy. Seokjin saw this and immediately  ran upstairs.
Namjoon's dizziness increased and he was about to fall on the concrete floor when Seokjin caught him and Namjoon fainted in his arms. Seokjin sighed and lifted in bridal styled and went down.
Hoseok had taken Joon-wo along with Jungkook inside their car so as to bandage him. As soon as they took his eye mask, he hugged Jungkook tightly and had tears in his eyes. They pacified him and bandaged him. Then all of them went home.
In Byung-ho's House a man arrived and sat down next to Byung-ho.
"You failed to capture him? Is he giving you a tough time?" Asked the man to Hana in his deep voice that send shivers down to her.
" I told Byung-ho all about what happened. You had send your men so how come I failed?"said Hana.
" Hmm.. you are right. But the boy was clearly in other place ,in that old factory how did he come to the warehouse which was two kilometres  away!!" the man raised his voice while abruptly  getting up and slashed the neck of one of Hana's men. Other men moved away from him.
"Don't dirty my floor. Make them clean this up and think of a solution as to what to do next" said Byung-ho.
The man had a roguish grin on his face  when he saw the pale and scared faces of Hana as well as the other men.
"What is there to decide? Its clear that my target will be the one that they are protecting with all their might. Park Joon-wo!!" said the man while giving a menacing laugh...

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