Chapter 13

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"Umm... The chest box was brought to me by one of your guards saying that it was with me when you caught me. " Said Namjoon.
"So what is in it? " Asked Jimin while going to pick up the box.
"Don't. Don't open it" Said Namjoon loudly while snatching the box from Jimin.
"Why? What is in there? " Inquired Jimin while raising his eyebrows.
"Uh.. Umm.. I also don't know why am I stopping you. But don't open it. " Said Namjoon while looking at Jimin with big, innocent eyes.
"What do you mean by you also don't know? This is your chest, you should know. " Said Jimin confused.
"Yes, you are right. But I can't remember my name, how will I remember what is inside it? " Said Namjoon while sitting close to Taehyung.
"What? Your name was Namjoon. You clearly said that. So you just came up with that name. Did you? " Inquired Jimin. Jungkook also sat beside Namjoon both Taehyung and Jungkook squishing Namjoon between them.
" Hyung he lost all his memories. But his name is Namjoon because he has a diary where the first page had this name. And Joonie found the diary familiar so we concluded that it must be his diary. "Said Taehyung.
" What does it says in the diary? "Asked Jimin.
" So many questions for you. Huh... The writing is written in a code language. We don't know about it. We need to understand the code first. "Said Jungkook.
" Code language. Yah.... Namjoon what is so precious that you wrote it in code words? And now you don't have any memory. How will you know what I have written there? "Said Jimin while folding his hands on his chest.
" Don't worry, he has regained some memory. But mainly he doesn't remember. Need more time. The last time when we helped him, he made extra pressure on himself and fainted. That's when we decided not to pressurize him anymore. "Said Taehyung.
" How did you help him? "Said Jimin with curiosity.
" We showed him the photos that we collected and all the information about whatever we gathered about SIRIUS. He recalled some of his memories by seeing it. "Said Jungkook.
" You... You showed him our information. How dare you show our information to an outsider! "Shouted Jimin.
"He is not an outsider. The information that we showed was about his own family. How come he is an outsider? " Said Taehyung angrily.
"Alright. I can't win an argument against you two. " Said  Jimin while sighing in defeat.
"Don't worry hyung. Isn't it good that Joonie regained some of his memories? When he will regain his full memory, he can be of much help to catch the one who escaped. Right? " Said Jungkook while putting his hands on Jimin's shoulder and side hugging him and taking him into a corner
"Really? Can he help us to catch the people who we were unable to catch? " Said Jimin.
"Yes. He will help us. His family mistreated him. He did not specify what they did, but that is enough for us to know that he will help us " Said Taehyung joining the two and hugging Jimin in front of the other side and giving his boxy smile.
"What are you three talking about? Is it about me? " Asked Namjoon and when they turned and looked at him he gave a wide smile that made the dimples appear.
"You have dimples!! " Said Taehyung excitedly. Namjoon nodded and again gave a smile to make his dimples visible.
" Can I touch them? "Asked Jungkook while pointing at his dimples. Since Namjoon did not say anything, Jungkook touched his dimples and he felt very happy.
Namjoon was feeling happier to see Jungkook happier. Taehyung suddenly touched Namjoon's dimple and due to this Namjoon was a little shocked and he looked in the direction of Taehyung.
" What happened hyung? "Asked Namjoon.
"I just wanted to touch you. Why? Only Jungkook can touch you? " Asked Taehyung while making a sad face.
"No hyung you can touch Joonie's dimples whenever you want. O was saying is your health okay? Your hands are cold. " Said Namjoon.
"Ahh.. Nothing just.. Little flu.. Nothing else" Said Taehyung while looking away from his brothers.
" Which time is suitable for you to say that you caught the flu, Taehyung-ssi? " Asked Jimin.
"Uhh.... I was about to tell you" Said Taehyung with a fake laugh.
"Hyung you should not ignore your health even if it is a small issue. Now for your punishment, you will not visit this cellar for four days. " Said Namjoon while looking away from Taehyung.
"Four days. That's too much. Kookie and Jiminie can meet you and then Kookie will tease me. Don't do this to me. " Said Taehyung while pouting lightly pulling Namjoon closer to him.
"Hyung I am not so interested to visit. So don't overreact and take your medicines daily. Okay? " Asked Namjoon in a low voice.
"Okay. I can't win you when you make such a cute face, I will take care of myself. " Said Taehyung while pinching Namjoon's cheek and Namjoon smiled a little.
"Taetae you should tell us. It is good that Namjoon detected your flu. Don't hide from us after this okay? " Asked Jimin. Taehyung nodded and the three boys bid farewell to Namjoon.
Taehyung took a rest, Jungkook and Jimin visited Namjoon daily and later Taehyung joined them. Their bond strengthens with the days. Namjoon tried to understand the code written in the diary. The chest box was always on his mind but he did not dare to open it. But one day his curiosity reached its peak and he opened the box. After seeing some memories flood his mind and tears flowed from his eyes. He shut the box and never liked to talk about it. He even told his hyungs to bring him a small lock and he locked his chest box.

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