Chapter 4

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"Hyung he is from the enemy -The Sirius' whose leader we killed,.... he is Byung-ho's son. And he was in the underground jail of ours until... until now, " said Jimin while ignoring his hyungs deadly stares.

"And may I know the reason for you to bring him to our house as a guest? Asked Yoongi grumpily who was forced to not sleep due to the situation.

" He has no reason to stay hyung plus he is underage. We are illegally keeping him in jail. If followed by the laws he should be a free boy." said J-hope telling after observing all that happened and decided to stand up for Namjoon as he thought that the boy did not deserve to be treated like this.

" Well... he -he is our enemy's son, he might plan revenge on us and since when did we start following laws,huh! , "said Seokjin just trying to defend himself and thinking of more reasons and at this moment his brain just stopped working.

"You can't just put him because he is your enemy's son, he can't defeat us alone plus he was not even close to his father. He has no detest against any of us, so why give him the punishment? Asked Jimin turning his sweet mochi mood into a fiery beast. And all knew when Jimin gets mad no one should agitate him and just obey his commands.

"We guarantee that he will not cause any harm to any of us and just let him stay with us. He will help us and if you allow we can train him and include him on our missions" Said Taehyung while keeping his one hand on Jimin's shoulder to calm him down and also lighten up the mood.

"Hmm.... See in mafia life we can't trust easily and he is from the enemy's side so more difficult for him so we can't let him stay......


The sound came from Namjoon's room and all of them rushed to see what happened to him. Seokjin and Yoongi also rushed behind as they thought someone else invaded the room.

What they saw made all of their hearts sink to the bottom. There in the corner of the room was Namjoon like a scared small child with tears flowing down his cheeks and knees up to his chest afraid that someone will beat him.

Jimin and Taehyung tried to approach Namjoon slowly. But with each step, they took Namjoon whimpered and seemed like he wanted to hide in that corner. He looked vulnerable and scared at that moment

"Please, please don't beat me I promise I will practice and won't ask for food also. But please leave me alone. I beg you, I will follow everything you say but don't do this to me, " Shouted Namjoon. His eyes looked hazy and everyone there understood that this is the work of anaesthesia that the doctor was talking about.

"Joonie, don't worry it's fine we will not scold you nor beat you. Just calm down bubba ", coaxed Jimin as he saw how unevenly and heavily he was breathing.

Namjoon shook his head and concealed himself more into the wall. In that process, his hand where the drip was put was bleeding and became visible. And it had formed a cut meaning that Namjoon woke up traumatized and hastily took the needle out cutting his wrist. But right now he wasn't even paying attention to the pain and blood flowing through the cut.

" Joonie doesn't worry, everything is okay we are your friend. We won't let anyone touch you. Said Taehyung trying to get close but that only agitated Namjoon more.

"Back off both of you, it is scaring him more. Let me handle it, I can b it. If his breathing is not controlled he might have a panic attack, " Slightly yelled Jungkook to both of his hyungs.

They hesitated but considering that they were not of any help here moved away from Namjoon. Jungkook crouched down and sat a little closer to Namjoon and played soothing music on his phone in low sound. This made Namjoon pay attention to Jungkook.

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