Chapter 39

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All Yelled as they saw Namjoon fall on the floor and blood flowing from his back.
" He was shot!! But how come?" Yoongi stopped in the mid-sentence  when he saw the gun's handle in the pocket of Seokjin's coat.
" HYUNG!! Why did you do that? Taehyung quick call doctor  Choi" yells Jimin while Taehyung quickly takes out his mobile to dial when Hana stops him.  She also had panic written on her face with moist eyes.
" We can't  call anyone. Today is his 18th birthday, the day of transformation. He will change and if he changes in front of her it will cause trouble. I have experience in this as I aided to my wounds myself  all the time as our furry skin appears if we are wounded" said Hana. The others did not know what to say but it was better to listen to Hana as they do not want Namjoon's  other form to be seen by any other.
She orders all of them to bring a few things except Seokjin who was frozen at his place while tightly  holding Namjoon's  hand.
The others rushed with a towel, bowl of water, scissors, knife in their hand along with medical kit. Hana starts to disinfect all the instruments while Jimin presses the wound with a towel to prevent more bleeding. Hana looked skilled and she took put the bullet in one go. She then bandages the wound.
" He will be okay, right?" asks Jungkook after she makes Namjoon lay on his bed in his own room.
" I don't know. I am not professional. But now the bullet is taken out so he should be fine. Also he will heal his wound tonight as when a hybrid transforms, the whole body rejuvenates and all types of wounds are healed. So don't worry much. But keep Seokjin away from him. I don't trust him" said Hana.
" Huh? Madam Hana. Don't think that just because you and Joon have a relation so you are a part of team. You are the most suspicious and is our enemy. And Seokjin is our brother whom we know very well. He must have a reason for what he did. And we trust him and Namjoon would have said the same." Said Yoongi sternly.
" Then ask.  Ask him what was the reason that he was ready to kill his own brother?!!" raged Hana.
"I have a past with hybrids and it's like a nightmare. From what I experienced, hybrids are selfish and only use feelings of others to use them for their benefits and then leave. I thought Namjoon would do the same ,so I..." Seokjin was about to say but when he saw how pale Namjoon looked his eyes welled up and he was unable to say anything further.
" We hybrids are nothing what you are saying. Also tell me who hurts their dear ones based on something that never happened. And I can bet that any other friend of yours  can betray you, except Namjoon. Because he saved Jungkook from me even though he was not an official  member of your group and was at odds with the older ones. " said Hana getting frustrated after hearing the reason.
" Whatever it might be but Hana you are getting too comfortable with us which we don't permit. You are here in front of us only because of Namjoon. So be careful not to say anything ." said Jimin as he was getting angry when an outsider was yelling at his hyung even though he thinks they are wrong, but he won't let anyone else scold them.
Hana keeps quiet and sat quietly. Seokjin was about to say something when Namjoon moves in pain and helds his clothed chest tightly with uneven breathing .
" What is going on? He should be fine." Said Hana and checks his forehead. It was cold ,too cold for a normal body.
" He....he still has it!!" whispers Hana and checks his pulse and her face went pale. She quickly takes out a needle and a small bottle which had a transparent liquid in it. She pricks Joon on his arm and dips the needle in the transparent  liquid and when she takes it out  it turned dark green. When she saw it her face went pale while she cupped her mouth with her hand in shock. Others were confused but seeing Hana's reaction they figured out something was wrong.
" How come this ?.... guys found the antidote  to  Namjoon's  poison , right ?" asked Hana.
" Yes today only and he ate it . Tell us what happened  to Joon?" asks Hoseok.
Before Hana could answer Namjoon coughs out blood on the floor near his bed. Others got shocked and immediately  went beside him.
" The is still there." Whispered Hana as she was afraid of the consequences that will happen.
" But he ate it and the botanist said that it is fully effective ." Said Taehyung .
Hana was thinking of the possible reason  when she remembered the conversation of Byung-ho and the masked man.
What is there to decide? Its clear that my target will be the one that they are protecting with all their might. Park Joon-wo!!"
His target was that boy. And Namjoon knew about it. But how was that psycho successful in giving the poison to the boy? And how did Namjoon know about it?" questions came one after other in Hana's mind.
Hana tells then that she wants to check Joon-wo. They were confused but took her to Joon-wo who was in a deep slumber hugging his bunny plush.
She pricks Joon-wo's hand slightly and dips the blood again in the same liquid. It also changed green but a very light colour and was mostly transparent.
" What happened to Joon-wo ?" Asked Seokjin in a worried tone. Hana does not want to disturb  the little one's  sleep so she told them to go outside.
" Byung-ho had poisoned Joon-wo the same one that Namjoon already had and Namjoon knew about it. So he gave his antidote to Joon-wo even before the poison's effect takes in his body." Said Hana in shock.
Others were also pretty shocked and were concerned but the most vulnerable was Seokjin.
" I tried to kill him and he ....without even thinking , gave that antidote to Joon-wo. He never thought about himself since I know him.. and I am as stubborn as before...did not trust him...did not understood him....I hurt him again and he saved my family again.. " thought Seokjin while tears rolled down his face that he was trying to suppress form a long time.
" What now...we can't make an antidote out of thin air and he does not have time....what we will do now?" asked Jungkook while looking at everyone but nobody answered him.
" Hana, you said that his transformation removes all types of wounds from his body. Won't it remove the poison?" asks Jungkook.
" That poison is deep rotted in his blood . An hybrid can remove any kind of toxins while rejuvenation but then he MUST be a very strong hybrid. Our  King and Queen were strong but not capable of removing all kinds of injuries. I can't specify Namjoon's  hybrid. Lets go to Namjoon. I can only wait. It depends on Namjoon's  luck and capability. " said Hana and returns to Namjoon's  room to take care of him Others also follow behind her . Seokjin was affected the most by all that happened. He was neither listening  nor saying. Just sitting on the floor beside an unconscious  Namjoon hoping that HIS Joon will get up and say that it was all a nightmare. But nightmares are long, tiring and can leave deep scars in mind.
Namjoon coughed up blood, his lips parched and he looked very pale. His body temperature  was dangerously low ,still he was sweating a lot. Hana had some herbs with her and they all trusted her with this. She crushed and mix then in water and made Namjoon drink it though  he was only able to drink half of it. They all sat their but every now and then one of them would go on to check Joon-wo as well.
It was midnight  when Namjoon  was groaning in pain and was thrashing his hands and legs. Seokjin checked and hissed saying that his temperature  is too hot. Hana quickly brings a bowl full of ice water. Seokjin takes it from her and dips a towel in bowl and then puts it on Namjoon's forehead.
" Its time for his transformation to start .We cant do much. He needs to bear this pain and once he transforms, he will be totally alright. " said Hana.
" What about the poison?" asked Seokjin while tightly holding Namjoon's  hands.
" There are many ways for new hybrids to remove toxins from body. Low strength  hybrids cause their own hybrids to have a permanent defect which can be of any type and those powerful can cause a defect but it is temporary. That way they can remove any impurity from their body. But Namjoon's  poison was deep rooted and was within him for almost 10 years." said Hana.
Namjoon was groaning while tossing and turning  with his shirt drenched in sweat. Seokjin brings a new shirt and decides to change him. When he removes Namjoon's  shirt,he saw a burnt like mark on his chest. What was more astonishing that it was getting bigger on its own.
" What...what is happening to him?" asked Seokjin shocked.
" Ahh..its started. We hybrids have a mark near our heart side. When the mark competed it takes the form of our hybrids and when it completes properly that means that transformation is successful. Its like a tattoo of our hybrid. Don't put a shirt on him so that we can know about his transformation." said Hana
All were worried for Namjoon but since Hana saw Namjoon's tattoo  formation she looked relaxed which got noticed by all.
" What is so special about this tattoo ? You seemed to be very relaxed" asked Yoongi .
Hana gives a smile and points at the tattoo.
" If a hybrid is powerful  or not ,it can be seen by the tattoo. If the tattoo is light blue, light green or any light colour that means the hybrid is not very strong. But Namjoon's  tattoo  is  dark black and it's formation is fast and Namjoon is not feeling that much pain as it varies hybrid to hybrid. So, I am not worried about the poison any more." Said Hana cheerfully.
All others sighed a relief and looked more relaxed than before. Namjoon just whimpered now and then with body temperature  high but not that alarming.  The whole night passed and as they trusted Hana and were very tired they all took a cat nap before the next day starts while sitting in their places.
Sunlight entered through the window indicating  that the long nightmare that everyone feared of losing their Joon ended. Seokjin was the first to get up and he sighed a relief as he saw the moving of Joon's chest up and down. He was very tired and also just woke up so he did not even took a glance of other changes that occurred in Namjoon and slept again. The others were in a deep slumber while Jimin slept with Joon-wo in his room.
Jimin gets up and gives a good morning kiss to the little one who was holding bunny plushie. Joon-wo groans and with eyes closed searches for his hyung and then gives a sloppy kiss on cheeks and then goes back to sleep. Jimin giggles at the cuteness and without making any noise goes outside the room to see Namjoon. But he finds Namjoon MISSING!!
" Guys,  Namjoon's  missing!!" yells Jimin which wakes everyone up.
" Again??!!!"  shouts Yoongi while getting up from the chair startled resulting him in falling down.
All of them dashes off in different directions in hopes of finding Namjoon somewhere around.
" Everyone , come here" shouts Seokjin and then everyone comes huffing and catching their breaths.
" He was not missing. He was in the kitchen all this time" said Seokjin while pointing at Namjoon whose back was facing them.
" Joon...his hair....wasn't Joon's hair colour black ?" asks Jimin to everyone but looked like he was asking himself. Others nodded as they saw Namjoon with different hair colour in one night and went to see what Namjoon was doing early morning in kitchen and that too while sitting on the kitchen table instead of chairs.
Once on seeing what he was doing, all of them stared at what they saw, with eyes open large not even blinking even once.
Their were two empty cups of rameyon, one empty bucket of ice cream, two empty packets of chips and a big bottle of coco-cola about to be finished.
" Umm...Joon? Go-good mo-morning?!" said Seokjin with a smile flustered for some reason.
Namjoon looks at him ,stops drinking his cola ,blinks at him twice and then hums saying a good morning quickly while stuffing his mouth  with chips from the third packet.
" Joonie-ah you must be hungry, don't eat all this ,hyung will cook a proper food for you, okay?" said Yoongi . Namjoon said nothing in response.
All of them found all this weird and were weary of talking with Namjoon suddenly. Joon-wo who has woken up and found no one around him sulked and came out of his room. He saw all his hyungs standing in the kitchen. He goes there and climbs on of the chairs.  He sees Namjoon and his sulky nature vanishes.
Joon-wo was not a shy kid ,he always was excited whenever he sees someone that sparks his interest. He quickly goes and settles in the lap of Namjoon. Others did not stop him because they knew Namjoon won't hurt Joon-wo no matter what. And they were right. As soon as Namjoon saw Joon-wo he wipes of his hands with tissue and hugs him softly. Joon-wo got more comfortable and lays his head on his chest. Both were cuddling and others smiled seeing the warmness between the two.
" Big Joonie, your hair was black yesterday.  Now it is not creamy what colour it is ummm... I don't know but , I also want to have different  colour hair" said Joon-wo excitedly.
Namjoon smiles and ruffles Joon's hair while others smiled but were curious about the answer.
" Good question little one. My hair's colour is silver for now. But it does not change me. I am always your Big Joonie. Now go and wash up. We will then eat breakfast. " said Namjoon.
Joon-wo nods happily and goes to his room.
" You told you will cook breakfast but you did not even start!! Was it a joke?" asked Namjoon rudely.
This new behaviour of Namjoon got everyone startled as he never got angry on anyone. And no one dared to get angry on Yoongi and Namjoon was scolding him which made Yoongi startled a bit.
" Namjoon, what happened to you?" asked Hana rushing out as she was asleep in separate room and woke up upon listening to loud noise.
When Namjoon saw Hana he just stares her and  ignores her question. All got confused as why Namjoon was not angry on seeing Hana as Namjoon had developed hatred for Hana since she kidnapped Joon-wo.
" Namjoon tell me clearly what the hell is going on?  You are not angry seeing Hana, but you yelled at Yoongi and what is the matter with your silver hair?" asked Seokjin in one go.
" Hmmph. I can't drive Hana out. She is like me and I can't kick her out just like that. She helped in my transformation. And why should I not be angry, I get angry, frustrated  impatient when I am hungry. And stop calling me Namjoon. Call me Namie" said Namjoon while pouting trying to show anger.
" Namie!! Why? We are confused. Explain your weird behaviour " said Yoongi .
" Okay I will explain once. Don't ask again. Now it happened that due to the poison in my body my powers got split and that led to splitting of personality. So there are three characters in one body. And you should call me Namie – the one with power of healer and hypnosis. The other me is all that you know Joon . As we are split he is normal human with only very good kung-fu and other fighting skills. And the last one which you better be careful with is- RM. He is like a cold beast to someone who he does not like ,so better don't mess up with him. He has all the physical attacks and is very powerful. And all this is temporary . So don't worry. And our hybrid is a strong alpha wolf." Said Namjoon/Namie.
" A wolf that too an alpha. But according to stories alphas are cold, heartless and very possessive.  But your behaviour is like of an omega. Weird" said Hana.
Namie/ Namjoon do not look at her but while looking at Jungkook he says.
" It is all the problem of poison. My behaviour was not even supposed to exist. But to cope up with poison I was formed. And I don't look like an omega. I am an omega. Omegas are weak and don't utilise much of power which is either magical or physical so Namjoon's  hybrid had no option to transform into an omega. " said Namie/ Namjoon.
" Then if Namjoon  regains his power will his omega form dissappear." Asked Hoseok.
" I don't know as this has never happened before. Namjoon would have died if his alpha was not so strong. This is the first time ever that in a hybrid wolf their is an omega as well as a alpha.  So I also don't know what will happen after full recovery." Said Namie.
" This is against the law of nature. An omega and alpha can't exist together in one body. This is impossible!!" said Hana.
" See I don't care who you are, for us you are our Namjoon whose we knew. So don't think about anything else. Just focus on recovery  and if you need help ,tell us. We are your family" said Yoongi. And the others nodded. Namjoon was not able to say anything and just stared at them for a moment and then started cleaning  while Yoongi and Seokjin started making breakfast.  Others also went in the living room still thinking of what Namjoon or Namie said.

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