Chapter 32

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I was neither in a well-off family nor where the family members would  support and love each other. My parents always fought each other, blaming each other for the miserable life. I was the youngest with two brothers  and one sister . They were in their  own world ,did not had any effect of the constant fights among parents. I was always scolded for even small mistakes. I understand  that I was not so good in studied , but insulting, comparing, judging all that took a toll on my mind. I started to take care of my own expenses by delivering foods. It was a tiring job ,because one after other there was delivery order given and most of my time was invested in the job. At night time while doing a night shift at a shopping mall I did my studies . I was successfully paying my own school fees ,so parents stopped nagging at me and we rarely met each other. Just because I was able to take care of myself ,they neglect me and don’t even ask about how I was doing. Are they selfish and acting like immature or am I just asking too much for myself ?
My usual  stressful days were going on when a call came from an unknown number.
“Hello, who is this ?” I asked the unknown person.
“ Hello,  I am from Kindred Hospital  Center. Is this Min Yoongi who i am talking to?” asked a lady voice from other side.
“Yes, what can I do for you? “asked Yoongi being polite to lady while mentally cursing that it should have been a man currently talking on phone ,then the  mood would have been totally different.
“Your father is in critical  condition, your whole family is here. Its better if you come” Said  the lady which is probably  the nurse at Kindred Hospital centre.
Yoongi cut the call, dialled to his boss, told the situation and closing the mall rushed to Kindred Hospital centre.
At Kindred Hospital centre,
“ Yoongi-ah  your appa he..he is beaten very badly. Please check if he is okay. These good for nothing children tells that he will be okay. “ Said yoongi's mom while pointing at his older  siblings .
“Mom is just making a fuzz. Dad will be fine. Some people  beat him in the streets. He will be fine after treatment” Said the eldest brother.
Just as I was about to say something the doctor came after checking. I taking the initiative  asked my father’s condition.
“ He has a few cuts and some severe swelling in the lower sides of abdomen. His knee on right leg is severely bruised. But the main problem is that he was hit on his head and so there is internal bleeding and he needs to undergo a surgery that might cost you a fortune. “Said the doctor .
“How-how much it costs for the surgery?” i asked getting worried by each passing second.
“ That would cost you exactly 3600 USD.” Said the doctor.
My mom got in a trance state. I was worried as how will I earn that much amount in such a short time. My other siblings too were shocked and to think that they will help me, well I had very less hope from them.
“Mom,did you know who had beaten dad, we can get some compensation for government for an act of assault “Said the oldest sister.
And what can I expect more than a prosecutor. Well  it was not a bad idea after all.
“The one who beat your father...the one who trued to kill him...was a loan shark leader.” Said my mom crying hysterically .
That made all others frozen in place. Such a person won’t beat unless there is something  of that person that you have . I took deep breaths and sat next to my mom.
“How much?” I asked.
My mom looked at me , clutched her dress tightly and took out a piece of paper from her bag.
It was the agreement  paper signed between my father- borrower and the lender named Geon-u who is the leader . The sum given to my father was 10000 USD dollars!!!
“ Mom, you did not spent all the money right? You saved some ,right? “asked my brother after seeing the agreement.
“ We had to renovate our whole restaurant, so we used up all the money. We thought that we will make the money as our new modern restaurant will attract and we did ,we did collect the money but the amount was not exact and we requested time but they refused to give any extra time. They harassed us each day asking for the rest of money but we were not able to collect money . How were we able to when they only gave ten days to earn half of the amount they loaned us. And so the harassment went on and then today they did this ,what to do? “cried my mom.
“We can put charges against the people. I think we can take a refund right, sister?” asked the second sister.
“After listening  not even 50% sure” sighed the eldest.
“Why? “Said my second brother in desperation.
“Because we have not paid the loan in the due date so we won’t be able to obtain the money  instead  we may have to give money for applying the case in court “Said the eldest sister.
“Can you please operate on my father now. I am ready  to sign an agreement  that I will pay the hospital fees within 5 days “ I said looking at the doctor who just came after checking his other patients.
“I will have to talk about that with the chief. I will give a reply in minutes. Can you give me your number? “said the doctor politely
“Thank you very much “ i said while bowing a little.
“ In FIVE days ,are you crazy? What were you thinking?” Said my elder brother.
“ I have my own ways. So if you are not going to help ,then don’t get in my way” said Yoongi.
“Brother, have changed a lot !” Said the eldest sister.
“All thanks to you” I said sarcastically while bowing a little with a smile.
“I am not joking!!”said my sister getting irritated.
"Neither me.What authority you have to ask me that i have changed. You... All of you never supported me, only compared me with others, criticized me. I always hated mom and dad's fights but you pretended like nothing happened. I was only ten years when due to your fight I got injury on my forehead. Instead of stopping  your fight and seeing my condition you scolded me and again fought with dad. You said that he came and noa we would need money for his bandaging. Like a was only a nuisance for you. Others were naturally not, because they would provide money and take care of their own needs. I was not so smart but you never gave me time. "I tooka deep breath after venting my anger and decided it's better to stop there. The doctor came and agreed to my deal. As soon as I signed the paper, I left the place.
All were shocked and my sisters felt guilty as they had tears in eyes  and my brothers were just standing there unable to defend themselves. They already lost their youngest when they did not defend me when my parents would blame me , hurt me and when I in anger decided to live alone and away from all of them leaving the house they did not even stopped me. But now that didn't even matter to me.
I straight away went to find that loan shark leader who put my father in this state. I can’t leave them alone to deal because no matter what they think about me , they are my family whom I have to protect and the only people I know.
I searched for the address that my mom gave of that loan sharks and finally reached in a small alley.
There were many people in some old building
“Who are you? Whom do you want to meet?” Asked a man while showing a sharp knife.
“I wanna talk with you leader.  Take me to him” I said sternly because when dealing with these people I learned to be tough. Spend a year alone on your own in the alleys without the support of parents  ,then you can excel in the worldly matters and learn to be strong physically  and mentally.
The man looked at me and then looked at other men and then said to follow him. He took me in another room where a man in his late 30s was sitting on a cushion with wine glasses and two girls with very short dresses on his either sides. The girls had tears in their eyes and looked scared of that leader. The man who brought me talked with the leader in a whispering manner and then the leader signalled the girls to go away. The other man took the girls  away and closed the door.
“ What do you want?” The leader asked.
“Can you give me whatever I ask? I asked the leader while folding my hands on my chest.
“ Lad, I have many things under my control in this city . But nothing comes free ,if you want something you should also return me something, so ask what you want? “said the leader.
“Hmmm...let’s see . I want to hire a person who can kill anybody for me.” I said .
“Killing is a risky job and so a hefty amount is needed for this . Will you be able to pay?” asked the leader
“ I don’t think you will be able to kill the person I want to kill, I bet on that!” I said.
“And I bet that I can hire such a person who can kill anyone ,  but the price  will be named by me “Said the leader.
“And what if the hired man can’t kill the person I want?” I asked.
“Who do you think I am? My men are very loyal and always listen to me. They would never defy my order. “said the leader.
“I wanna have a bet. If your men can kill the person I want then I will give you 100000 USD after work” I said.
The leader got shocked by the price I mentioned. He immediately agrees with this.
“But what if your man can’t kill ? Then what should I get in return?” I asked.
“ Then...then I will give you 10000 USD in return. I am not so well off like you , so i can only provide this much” Said the leader.
“ Okay, I agree. But I like fair work. Won’t it be good if we put our bet on a legal agreement ?” I asked .
“  Ummm...okay, but can I know your name and from which family you belong?” asked the leader.
“I heard that the privacy is maintained in your business. Well ,I think I got the false information. But it does not affect me. Here is my card. “ I said giving him a card .
“You are the CEO of the biggest digital company!! Sir who is that person bothering you, I will help you take care of that matter very well “Said the leader enthusiastically.
Now , if you are thinking that secretly I am really a CEO of digital company you are fooled just like this nitwit sitting  in front of me. Now ,come on why he did not think even for a second that the business card might be fake and also did not even ask my name. How did he survive in this type of business up till now ?
“ But I want an agreement in which if anyone of the party loses the bet then they will have to work under them and considering them as their leader and a compensation of 10000 USD . Do you agree?” I asked sternly.
“Sir are you sure you agree to this conditions? You will have to give 100000 USD as the price for completing the task and also for losing bet you need to give extra 10000 USD. Are you sure you will not betray us after this treatment?” asked the leader.
“I never went back on my words and also never let anyone betray me. You are not able to complete my task then I will make you pay me by hook or by crook  understood? I asked in a low deep voice to show my dominance .
“Don’t worry sir I will arrange someone to make the agreement  right away and I won’t go back on my words.” Said the leader.
The leader indeed asked someone to print a document with all the rules just like I said. We signed the papers and the leader asked someone to fetch their best assassin. The assassin had an average looking  face ,a well built body and sharp eyes.
“Will he listen to me or you?” I asked .
“ He is the most stubborn one I have and he never listens or talks to anyone of us. But his work is always perfect. He only listens to the one who provides him money . Not me or you  only money can make him agree” Said the leader.
“ I want to have a private talk with this man.  I want to check his capabilities. I think that will not be a problem for you ,am I right?” I asked.
“ He is all yours. But just remember  to keep your promise because I am going to win this bet” Said the leader grinning widely
I took that assassin with me in another room showed by others and made him sit.
“For whom do you work? Answer me honestly. “I said and I was betting all my luck on this guy. If he is the one who does not listen that means that he is not willing to work but he has no choice so he is working here and alos he only works for money so I can  take him on my side.
“ For myself. “said the guy.
“Do you like this work? And if not then why work here?” I asked.
“I am working just to meet my daily ends. “said the man.
“Why ? Don’t you have a family who stops you from doing all this work?” I asked.
“No  I don’t have any and that’s why I am here. And I don’t like this work but I have no option. But looking at you and now hearing your questions  confirmed my hunch that you are not a CEO and just an ordinary trying to fool that idiot, right?”asked  the assassin.
I gave him a sheepish smile and also got worried thinking he might expose me.
“Don’t worry, I won’t expose you and also the paler your face go the more i may believe that you are vampire.So stop getting nervous“said the assassin.
“Thank you ,brother. My name is Min Yoongi” I said moving my hand forward for a handshake.
“Call me Mark or my original name Seul-ki ” Said the assassin moving forward for a handshake.
“So what is your plan? “asked Seul-ki.
“I need money for the operation  of my father. From the treasury  of this gang I will only keep 3600 USD. The rest will be yours.” I said .
“ First let us defeat and take the treasury and then decide what to do with the money “said Seul-ki.
We came our from the room me acting like I lost and sighing now and then. The leader looked more happy and must be thinking of what he will do with all the money he will get.
“Sir ,tell the name of the person you want to be killed.I hope after your conversation  he is capable of doing so,right?” asked the leader cheerfully.
“ My bad. I thought that you won’t have such a capable man but you just happened to have one. Such bad luck for one day. “ I said looking sad about  it.
“ Well then say the name get your work done and pay the price.” Said the leader.
“Geon-u is that person” I said and got ready to take out my two small blades looking at Mark ready for action. As soon as I looked at Mark ,he pulled out his gun and shot the leader – Geon-u who died within 2 seconds. All others became shocked at that each other. Their leader died in front of them and they were unable to save him.
"What... What just happened here? Leader died??!!! " Said a man.
"What now? Shall we kill both of them? " Asked another.
“ Boys ,we leave this area and start somewhere else. Those who want to work under me, follow me.” Said another boy who was the right man of leader.
“But what about revenge for the leader? He clearly killed him in front of us. Are you going to let him off?”asked another sturdy guy.
“Mark has joined hands with him meaning more lose of people would take place Nd I don't think that the one who did this is an amateur, so lose of more men would be the first thing I would like to avoid in this situation  where we are without a leader and need to leave this place. Also we were just his pawns that he won’t have hesitated to use as he pleased. So  I feel no need for revenge ,besides for me it is important to save my own skin rather than dying for revenge because it’s not worth it.” Said the right command man.
“Kwan Chul ,I agree with you . Let’s move to another place and leave from here quietly without attracting attention” said a few and others stared agreeing and made a group and went away. Leaving the building all for me and Mark.
“That was unexpected. I thought they would fight till the end” I said looking at  the dead body of leader.
“Illegal gangs are like this only. They don’t have a true sense of brotherhood or any good relation. Everyone here tries to save their own skin. “said Mark.
“Too bad. I would love to encounter  a team where they get raged and mad like beast if anyone of their team is hurt” I said.
“Won’t it be very dangerous?”asked Mark.
“I think if such a team existed it would be the king of mafia world” I joked and then we decided that we would only take as much as we want for now and keep it a secret . We hide the treasury safe in another  secret place that only both of us knew.
After that I rushed  towards the hospital and when I gave the money for the operation to the doctor my family and the doctor’s  eyes widened and face remained open. It was a funny image of my whole family ,I still remember  and laugh at that. After that my family praised me and respected me like a hero.
But come on ,I did a thing that was appreciable. Like who can bring the money in only two hours when I said for five days. Am I not cool and intelligent?” I said.
“Yoongi, focus on the story . We all know how capable you are “Said Hoseok telling Yoongi to continue his story. Yoongi gave a sheepish smile and continued  it.
Few months went by nicely but one day an unknown number ranged me up.
“ Who is this?” I asked.
“If you want to save your friend Mark ,then meet me at the factory at Necklace Street at 2 “Said a gruffly voice.
I immediately  cut the phone and called Mark hoping it was some prank but my call always went to voice call
“Fuck, they are seeking trouble!! Why at 2 ? I will beat the shit out of them now?” I said to myself and went on towards that factory on my bike.
Mark and I had developed a good bonding over a period of few months. And we have been living a good life because I had someone to rely on ,of course I had my family but once my family betrayed and left me alone  it was hard to believe  them . So me and Mark found a good apartment  and lived there together. We both had a good understanding  of each other. It was all good , not too good because I still had loads of work  but was okay but now this happened. I can’t afford to loose Mark.
I reached  the place and saw many cars parked there. Without giving a second thought I entered the building. There were guards outside. There were three floors on this building. I need to check each floor . I took out my small knives and slashed there  neck without making any noise. I reached the first floor ,it was empty. The floor had not many rooms and all were open. I climbed up to the second floor and saw two rooms locked and two empty. I saw no guards on that floor which was quite weird. I opened the doors quietly so that the noise won’t reach the third floor. I saw in one room a wooden shelf full of different documents. I closed that door and opened the next one. And there was Mark beaten up with dried blood on his forehead , tied to a chair. I was very angry at the treatment  and quickly untied Mark. After that I took Mark outside and I made him conscious. He told that the leader of this gang is the far related brother and wants revenge and money back. I smirked and said Mark to go home . He was worried for me and was reluctant  to leave me alone ,but I called a taxi and send him to our home. And then I went back on third floor because my rule is simple and clear -an eye for an eye.
I saw that there were people who did not belonged to that gang. My enmity  was with the ones who hurt  Mark ,not the others.
I suddenly bursted inside and started killing everyone I saw. Everyone  was shocked and were unable to defend due to surprise attack. I without showing mercy killed everyone and the guards were not so skilled so it was very easy for me to kill. The other gang which came just  stood aside like they were observing me. I ignored and quickly defeated all the minions . The one who called me who was the leader was so frightened that he was trying to flee but under my observation  it was impossible.
I saw a iron rod lying near a fainted guard ,I picked and threw it in the direction  of the leader. It hit him in the head and he fell down. Without asking why he did and what he wanted, I slashed his neck because I don’t want trouble in future just because of my mercy and soft heart now.
My work was done and I was going to go when  a person stopped  me.
“My name is S1111Aeokjin and I am the leader of Bangtan gang. I was going to have a deal with this dead man about drugs. You ruined it. What now?” Asked Seokjin.
“ There are documents in a shelf in the second floor . Fetch it if it’s of importance . Don’t further trouble me ,man you saw the result “ I said pointing towards  the dead leader.
“I like your personality. Wanna work with me? I don’t put restrictions unless it threatens the whole team . What do you say?”asked Seokjin.
The others who looked at me also gave smile and nodded.
“ What profit for me in this? What do I need to do?” I asked.
“ Well nothing much, just come with me to talk care of deals like the others and just in case anything goes wrong, help us. That’s all” said Seokjin.
“ If you don’t pressurise me to do anything  that I don’t like and give me a good place to stay and money  then I am willing  to get in your team” I said.
“ Alright. But what about your family? Won’t you ask them?” asked another guy which looked like bunny when he smiled that made him much cuter than he looked .
“ I have but they don’t care of what I do or where I live. I had contact with them two months ago when they needed me for money” I said.
The others nodded and I settled with them the next day. And further as I listened to their stories I became over protective of all of them. And I am till  now because no matter how strong they are  I still think they are too soft hearted and innocent for this world.
(Present at Bangtan mansion)
"So is that the Mark brother who helped me and is very kind. Are we talking about the same person? " Asked Namjoon. Yoongi nodded and smiled.
"Wow, Joonie are you not surprised when Yoongi hyung told his story. Who would believe him? What we see now is the lazy cat grumping around everytime we disturb his precious sleep. And only orders to do things. Never does it himself. Who would believe that such a person once killed oit a whole gang of 30 people alone  without getting hurt himself? "Asked Jimin.
" No, I don't feel weird because Yoongi hyung's gaze that I saw for the first time was enough for me to understand to never mess up with this guy"said Namjoon. Yoongi smirked while looking at Jimin who was shocked.
"You have a good understanding of people, Joonie" Said Hoseok. Namjoon smiled and blushed a little at that comment.
“ Now , Namjoon  we would like to hear your part!” said Seokjin while looking at Namjoon with keen eyes. Others also looked at him, indicating to start his story. Namjoon sighed but he knew he can’t escape and hide from them forever. It was time to disclose all that he knew. And time for the lingering mystery to open up.....

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