Chapter 56

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Those weren't Byung-ho's men for sure. But if they aren't, then who were they? And why did they attack us?" Seokjin asked, his voice filled with concern and confusion as they sped down the highway.

"They can't be Mr. Hong's men," Yoongi replied, shaking his head from the passenger seat. "He doesn't have such skilled assassins."

"Hyung, we must check the CCTV footage from the basement when we get home. We might find some clues," Jimin suggested urgently from the back seat.

"Right," Seokjin nodded, glancing in the rearview mirror. "Jimin, you and Kai handle the CCTV footage as soon as we get back. Look for anything unusual, and make sure to secure the original copy."

Jimin and Hueningkai nodded, determination etched on their faces.

"Jungkook," Seokjin continued, his eyes fixed on the road, "once we're home, sweep the perimeter. Make sure there are no more surprises waiting for us."

"On it, hyung," Jungkook responded, already mentally preparing for the task.

"Taehyung, Hoseok," Seokjin said, addressing the next pair, "get in touch with our informants. I want to know if there's been any unusual chatter about us or any new players in the field."

"Understood," Taehyung and Hoseok replied in unison, pulling out their phones to make the necessary calls.

"Yoongi, Namjoon," Seokjin continued, his voice steady despite the chaos, "I need you to analyze the weapons those men used once we're back. See if you can trace them back to any known suppliers. That might give us a lead on who we're dealing with."

"Will do," Yoongi replied, while Namjoon gave a curt nod, already deep in thought.

As the car sped towards their home, Seokjin took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of thoughts in his mind. He turned to Beomgyu and Soobin, who were sitting quietly, waiting for instructions.

"You two, stay on high alert. Once we're home, monitor our communications and make sure our network is secure. I don't want any leaks about this attack getting out."

"Got it, hyung," Beomgyu responded, and Soobin gave a determined nod.
"Yeonjun and Taehyun see the updates on today's party as well as see if we can get any information about Mr. Hong recruiting new skilled persons"

With everyone clear on their tasks, Seokjin focused on getting them home safely. Whoever was behind this attack had made a grave mistake. And he was going to make sure they paid for it.
When they finally reached home, the group quickly dispersed to carry out Seokjin's orders. The atmosphere was tense, but everyone knew their roles. Seokjin and Yoongi, however, had another task in mind. They pulled Namjoon aside, away from the others.

"Namjoon, do you have any injuries?" Seokjin asked, his eyes scanning Namjoon for any signs of discomfort or wounds.

Namjoon leaned casually against the wall, crossing his arms. "Why do you ask, hyung? Worried about me?" he replied with a cold smirk, evading the question.

Yoongi's eyes narrowed, his patience already thin. "You know your habits better than we do. We've seen you hide injuries before. Just tell us if you're hurt."

Namjoon shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, you mean like a scratch or something? I don't think I have any. But then again, who knows?"

Seokjin's eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "Namjoon, this is serious. We need to know if you're okay. Stop being difficult."

Namjoon chuckled, a hint of arrogance in his voice. "I'm fine, hyung. Really. But it's amusing how worried you are."

Yoongi exchanged a glance with Seokjin, both of them clearly exasperated. "Namjoon, cut the crap. If you're hurt, you need to get checked out. We can't afford to have you down because you were too stubborn to admit you were injured."

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