Chapter 53

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The next morning dawned with an air of anticipation as the five brothers gathered around the dining table, their expressions alive with excitement. Jimin, ever observant, couldn't help but notice their heightened spirits as he deftly distributed plates of food. "You all seem unusually thrilled today. What's the occasion?" he inquired, curious about the source of their enthusiasm.

Yeonjun, with a bashful grin, shared their plans, "We're starting our training regimen today. After yesterday's realization we think we need to enhance our hand-to-hand combat skills alongside our proficiency with weapons, we're eager to get started."

Jungkook, intrigued by their newfound focus on martial arts, probed further, "That sounds intense. Who's going to be your instructor for this?"
"We were hoping you could all guide us," Yeonjun replied, casting a glance around the table. "Each of you excels in different areas, whether it's firearms, combat techniques, or other skills."

Taehyung, always eager for new challenges, chimed in with enthusiasm, "Count us in! We'll kick off right after breakfast."

Soobin, with a hopeful gleam in his eyes, turned to Seokjin, "Will Namjoon hyung also be joining us for training?"

Seokjin, mindful of Namjoon's schedule, replied diplomatically, "It depends on his work commitments. You should ask him directly; he usually has morning duties to attend to."
Hoseok, known for his comforting nature, reassured the group, "Don't worry, Namjoon will likely agree. Despite his outward demeanor, he's a soft-hearted soul beneath it all."

Their laughter filled the room as they continued discussing plans, interrupted only by Namjoon's arrival, dressed casually for work. "Good morning, everyone. Jin Hyung, I'll have to skip breakfast today," he greeted them warmly, aware of his impending departure.

However, before he could leave, the chef interjected, "Wait, RM!"

Namjoon paused, turning to acknowledge the chef's call. Together, they made their way to the basement, where Seokjin had set up a secondary kitchen.

Seokjin's love for cooking was unmatched, but his mafia duties left him too busy to cook daily for his companions. To solve this, he oversaw the creation of a beautiful basement kitchen, not for himself but for the chefs serving the BTS mafia gang.

This basement kitchen was vital for keeping the mafia's activities hidden. It ensured that no outsiders, including the chefs and other staff, knew anything about the mafia's members or their way of life. It was a secretive space where chefs worked diligently without glimpsing the faces or lifestyles of the mafia brothers, maintaining strict secrecy.
Living as mafias meant they had to be extremely cautious. Only Namjoon, felt comfortable enough to be seen without a mask within their secured premises. For everyone else, revealing their identities was strictly forbidden and could result in severe consequences, even death. If anyone outside their inner circle saw the mafia members without masks, they were required to bow down as a sign of respect and ignorance.

Breaking these secrecy rules had severe consequences, as they were essential for the gang's safety and power. Maintaining anonymity and secrecy was crucial in their dangerous world, where any slip-up could be fatal.
In the dimly lit basement kitchen, RM's insecurities bubbled to the surface as the chef approached him about the monthly food expenses. The chef's demeanor, though seemingly routine, triggered RM's underlying sense of inferiority and fear of asserting himself boldly.

"RM, it's time to settle up for the monthly food expenses. You did promise to cover them, didn't you?" the chef remarked casually, his words carrying a subtle undertone of authority.

RM felt a pang of unease at the chef's reminder, his inferiority complex making him second-guess himself. "Yes, I remember," RM replied softly, his voice lacking the usual confidence he tried to project.
The chef, perhaps sensing RM's hesitation, continued with a hint of condescension, "We wouldn't want any delays, especially from someone who himself told that he will do the payment as he does not want to be a freeloader. "

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