Chapter 30

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"Hyung you can relax. We will be okay. We have learnt much from you , we can atleast defend ourselves." Said Jimin to Seokjin who was telling them to keep four guns with them and should stick to him always.
"No, it's not enough. You are just babies for  me. Ummm.... Ahh!! You should also take a shot gun with you and also a few knives" Said Seokjin while brining more and more stuff to fill their jackets and pockets .
"Hyung, stop. Two revolvers and two knives are enough. " Said Jungkook while holding Seokjin in his place by placing hands on Jin's shoulders making him stand in one place.
"We promise that we will be safe . Don't worry about us so much. We have many men with us" Said Jungkook.
"Okay, but first promise me one thing. You won't be near HUNTER. You won't even go near him, fighting him is totally out of question. Got it? " Seokjin asked looking at all three of them simultaneously. All three nodded with a smile and then they all settled in the car and drove off.
Mr. Salas was a forty year old man, white hair and dark complexion with an ambitious nature to rule over the mafia world. He was not skilled nor even brave. He would start begging in his knees if he encounters someone strong and was a person who would stab in your back while being your friend in front. The most valued possession of his was THE HUNTER. HUNTER was the name he was famous for. No one knows his real name. HUNTER was a great fighter, he won't hurt anyone who was unarmed. His tales of being upright, strong and skilled as well as intelligent spread like a forest fire in the entire mafia world. Some feared him,some respected and some were jealous.
The mansion of Mr. Salas was in a forest structure of house like that of typical ancient Chinese type as he had great interest in Chinese culture.
"Why are there no guards around here? " Asked Jimin.
"Yes! There should be guards. This Salas is famous for having a good defense. Why are the guards absent today? " Asked Seokjin to himself thinking what might be the reason.
"Let's go inside hyung " Said Jungkook fisting his fists and excitement in his eyes.
They all nodded and went towards the mansion. Everyone was alert by the orders of Seokjin and went inside.
The door was open!! They did not need to unlock or barge inside.
"What is going on?? Why is the door open? " Asked Jungkook in a low voice.
Seokjin himself was confused but he knew that if he has taken this mission then he has to complete it no matter what the cost is, except for the safety of his brothers. He can even leave  the mafia world if someone threatens him with the lives of his brothers. 'Leaving mafia world 'does not mean that one can live away from mafias, normally earn an income and live freely. It only means brutal , painful execution by torture. And Seokjin would gladly agree to that if the lives of his brothers is at stake. Such a relationship developed between them in a short span of time. No doubt their were quarrels but at the end the problem got solved and they got closer than before.
"I will go first with few of the men, you will follow at the last. And as promised by you three if I tell to go away, then you will run that instance, is that clear? " Asked Seokjin.
The three of them were hesitant but they learnt to listen better than argue with their hyung. They nodded ,hoping that there is nothing wrong and just that Salas is on a vacation in Hawaii that being the reason for all this weird things.
As soon as the gate opened a man's body fell in  front of the feet of Seokjin. And when all of them saw the scenario inside, everyone got so stunned. There were bodies of men all over the place!! Some on table, some lying on floor, and many other places. The whole place was filled with bodies of men.
"These are the man of Salas. Black tang suit and white pants. This is the uniform of Magadon gang. Looks like someone attacked before us. " Said Seokjin.
"Which team is so powerful that can bring the Magadon team down. Who can it be, hyung? " Asked Taehyung while his eyes still fixed at the bodies of men.
"They are not dead!! Hyung these men are not dead! " Said Jungkook while tapping Jimin's arm in horror.
Jimin quickly checked the pulse of that man, and indeed he had pulse and was alive.
"They are being drugged. But how come all of them got drugged and slept at once. And the dosage was a high one too" Said Jimin.
"The team which did this still might be around. Be alert and lets check on Salas. " Said Seokjin. All of them made their way looking out for any movement and went ahead towards the main room.
When they entered the main hall , Seokjin signalled the men to stay outside and only the four entered. The main hall had four body build bodyguards sleeping soundly just like the one they saw in the hallways.
The door of the main room was slightly opened. The four decided to peep instead of barging in to check how many are there inside so as to plan accordingly.
What they saw inside made them aghast.
There on the chair was sitting man or you can say boy around their age and Mr. Salas on the ground on his knees.
The man on the chair had a black mask on his face with red coloured hair and a hoodie with an 'H' written on the right hand side in bold.
"He is HUNTER!! How can he betray his own gang!! " Said Seokjin while the other three dropped their jaws hearing it.
"He... He is THE HUNTER!! WOW, I am face to face with the HUNTER. COOL" Said Jimin staring at Hunter and Salas.
"Since when you are a big fan of HUNTER, hyung? Wait a minute, if only he is here that means what happened to all the men in the hallways is the work of HUNTER!! Said Jungkook in a shocked expression.
" Hmmm... He is worthy of his name and reputation that he has gained over the years. I like this guy. It would be great if just he is.. "Seokjin was about to say something when he paused when he heard a loud yell from Salas.
Hunter was cutting his right arm slowly with a knife like carving a design. He was heating the knife with his lighter and then slowly carving something on Salas arm.Salas was yelling his lungs out.
"It hurts, right? It hurts so keep your filthy voice down otherwise I won't hesitate even for a second to cut your tongue off! " Said HUNTER.
"No.... No please no! " Salas begged while joining hands and terror in his eyes.
"That's the same thing she said. But did you listened. She BEGGED YOU TO SPARE HER LIFE. BUT YOU DID NOT EVEN LISTEN TO WHAT SHE WANTED TO SAY!! "  Roared Hunter.
"Please... Don't kill me... I-i beg you. I don't want to die. Please... I-i will give you an-anything you ask. Money, fame, everything, ok-okay? Just... Just don't kill me" Said Salas in a weary voice.
Salas was shivering in fear and his face was getting paler and paler. Hunter stood up and was about to take action when Seokjin stood and came out from hiding.
" Wait, hunter. If you do this, the mafia world will only see you as a betrayer who betrayed his own clan. I don't think you would want that to happen" Said Seokjin while eyeing for Hunter's movement.
Hunter looked up and lowered his knife. Salas took a deep breath but sat still in fear.
"Kim Seokjin -leader of Bts gang, right? " Asked Hunter.
"Yes, If you belive me, I have a better plan for him and you. " Said Seokjin.
"Belive!! Belive is an empty word in this mafia world and dont make a hollow promise to me. I have seen more people like Salas, so dont fool me. And I know you would be the head of other mafia gangs if you hand Salas over to them. So you are trying to have things your way, don't expect anything from me"said Hunter.
Seokjin was about to say something when the three came from their hiding.
"We don't know what happened between you and Salas. But you CAN BELIEVE US." Said Jimin.
The other three instantly understood that their is other side of hunter which no one one is. He is hurt from inside and deep sorrow is carried in his eyes. Once you go through  a tough situation, you can easily see if someone is in pain and is hurt or not. And these three understood it very well.
"We know how it feels when you believe in people who treat you like shit. When you want love and care from people who don't even care about you or give a shit about you" Said Taehyung.
"We know how it feels when the people we care the most are seperated from us and we have no one , on whom we can believe" Said Jungkook.
"We know how it feels when you lose one of the most precious person in front of your eyes, the fear, the helplessness all that, we know how much it hurts" Said Jimin.
All three said and their voices cracked for sure when they said all these. Hunter just stood in silence hearing them. He also had some flashbacks and he started crying.
"It's hurts, it hurts very much. " Said Hunter and clutching his clothes chest.
"Vent your anger on us and cry out your feelings. We won't judge you. Trust us. " Said Seokjin.
That was it. That sentence from Seokjin  was enough for Hunter to crack open his feelings and thoughts.
Hunter seemed vulnerable and he sat on the chair. He wiped his tears and took out a chain from his pocket and opened it from between. It had two photos - one of a girl who was beautiful looking with gentle eyes and one of himself without any mask, without any filter. Everyone was shocked seeing the bright face with a smile that can make others smile unknowingly.
"My real name know one knows except her my little sister - Jung min. My name is JUNG HOSEOK.

(Hoseok's pov)
I was an orphan barely surviving in the world with no one to trust and no one to care. Had to fight with other boys and even dogs for pieces of bread. Then I met Salas by accident. He saw me fighting with other boys for food and that was when he took interest in me. He took me and trained me. At that time, my only content was that I was provided food daily and that was the reason I obeyed his every command. I was trained from childhood and spent it with swords , guns. I never knew what was playing with friends , hide and seek like games. I would obey every command of Salas without thinking for even once. Salas rose to heights and gained fame and good position in mafia world and I had given a big contribution in his success. But all the work started taking a toll over my mind and body.I felt that the work was somewhere wrong but I was already in this mess. Salas grew into a total psychopath  after getting money and fame. First he used to only kill his enemies but the fear of someone taking revenge on him got stuck in his head and he ordered that every enemies family should be killed. Every one was killed no one was spared. I tried to help them as much as I could but I was not much help. I was able to save only those whose mission was under me but had to force them to move from this country so that Salas never finds them. This atrocious mission went on for a month.
Once while on the same mission  where I was ordered to eliminate the family of a good fighter because I had a fair fight with him but alas he met his demise. But I thought that I will help his family as much as I could. But I found that his wife had died two years ago and there was only a little girl of two years at home all alone with a nanny. I told the nanny to leave. I was confused at what to do with the little soul when she herself held my two fingers and gave the most beautiful smile I have ever heard. At that moment, I decided what to do. I am going to keep this little baby with me. I will be her brother and take care of her very well. I kept the baby in cradle and then shot myself in arms. Then I took the little baby in my other arm and hid her in my car. Then I told that the mafia had a twenty year old son who shot me in the arms and fled. It's no use to chase him. And  told Salas that I need rest and Salas who was happy in his victory agreed and I took two years of leave. I took care of her and I bet my life that  it is the hardest thing in life. I hired a nanny but I stayed with her for whole one year to observe if the nanny is trustworthy. Once I myself confirmed that the nanny will take care of her no matter how ugly things turn, I resumed my duty as the right man of Salas. The best time of the day was when  I would return to my princess.
I grew attached to her and my dull life got filled with colours.
"Oppa, I am bored, it's been a month since we went out. " Said Jung min and pouted.
"Hmmm.. Is my princess bored staying? Then let's go tomorrow. I will take you to aquarium" I said giving her my sunshine smile.
"Really, you said it. Don't go back on your words ,okay" Said Jung min excitedly.
Jung min was now sixteen years old. She was tutored at home and has her interest in fashion designing and being a model. I had arranged everything for her in foreign country to study and live. She was going to go abroad after two months. So I was trying to spend as much time as I could with my little sister.
All was going well and me and Jung Min was happy in our little world. But one of my own guard leaked the information about Jung min to Salas without my knowledge.
Salas is a psycho, he kidnapped my Jung min and I was searching for her to take her to aquarium in the house when I received the message in her room that my Jung Min was at Salas's mansion.
My blood ran cold and eyes quivered in fear. Fear for losing my princess. I sat in  car and drove without looking for traffic signals at high speed.
"I should reach within time. I should. I want her to lead a peaceful life away from all this mess. I cursed at myself for not sending her to abroad early. All bad thoughts eroded my mind one by one and so my speed I increased. I don't want to go in my abyss of loneliness again. I didn't want to become a puppet of misery again. I could only hope for the best at that moment trying to keep myself from getting into an accident........

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