Chapter 3

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"Hyung !! So nice to see you. You... You....came early today. Got work done quickly, huh? .... Wanna go to.... to shopping, yes hyung we need to buy many things and my banana milkshake too, okay? Stuttered Jungkook while thinking of more ways to convince his hyungs meanwhile eyeing Taehyung and Jimin who were taking Namjoon into his room while Hoseok was covering them so that his other hyungs can't see what they were doing.

Luckily due to the hard work and continuous missions coming on the way both Seokjin and Yoongi were too tired to pay attention to the ruckus going on as that was every day's nuisance.

"Well, you are reacting like you have jailed my holly and have starved him, but if any of my assumptions come true then you ...

" No, no Hyung I have not done anything wrong to your holly, he is fine, Jungkook was quick to reply as he knew the anger may rise anytime if silence is maintained.

But I can't see any of our pets, where are they? Said Seokjin searching if any glimpse of furry animals bickering with each other.

" Yeontan, Bam, Mickey, Ddosun, Jjangu, and Holly are on a walk with two of our guards, they seemed restless so I thought a walk will make them happy, said Hoseok on behalf of Jungkook.

" Well that's good we need to let them have what they want, hope a walk would do the work, so ..what do you want for dinner? Asked Seokjin stretching his hands.

"For dinner, Ummm.....

" What happened guys, you seem to be lost somewhere all of you what's going on? Seokjin asked frowning as to what happened to his brothers.

"Nothing hung everything is okay...umm.... let's order something hyung as you seem tired to make anything " Said J-hope quickly making excuses as he knew the three were thinking about how to tell their older hyungs about namjoon.

"I hate to admit this but you have said the best thing. I don't have any energy to make food even if helped by you all, today's work was much, too many missions ahead guys it's going to be tiring for us in the next month", said Seokjin while making way to the restroom to freshen up followed by a sleepy Yoongi.


"What's that noise? It is coming from the room that is not used. Guys stay back, don't come behind us until we tell, " Said Seokjin while taking his pocket gun and Yoongi followed him with a shotgun.

"Wait.... Hyung it's not what you think there is... there is nobody there.., " Said Jimin stuttering as he knew that Namjoon was there in that room.

"Stay back without making any noise and don't talk 'warned Yoongi while opening the door of the room.

There Namjoon's back was facing them and he was unconscious. The alert Yoongi transformed into a sleepy Yoongi again.

" Did the thief come here just to sleep? Asked Yoongi yawning like a kitten.

"If you are sleepy doesn't mean everyone wants to sleep, said Seokjin while approaching the Namjoon.

" Oh no! Yoongi this boy's nose is bleeding, quick call a doctor said Seokjin while lifting the boy in his arms and onto the bed.

"Tanned skin, cute button nose, soft hair... this boy is so cute and at the same time handsome and beautiful and well-built body.... No what am I thinking.... I-i should not think such things about a stranger.... Thought Seokjin while softly placing Namjoon on the bed. He started cleaning his nose and tried to warm his cold body by rubbing Namjoon's hands.

" Who is he and why are you so concerned hung? He is a stranger retorted Yoongi upon seeing his brother's caring nature towards the boy.

"Well as you can see his condition is not okay and sympathy is a word which I doubt there is for you when it comes to strangers, right? Asked Seokjin sarcastically.

" We are mafias hyung, we can't take care of any stranger plus he intruded on our house so how is he considered good? Asked Yoongi back.

Hearing the commotion the other four came in ignoring that they were strictly told not to enter the room.

" What happened to Namjoonie, is he okay?  Asked Taehyung rushing beside  Namjoon.

"You know him, who is he? And how did he come inside", asked Yoongi.

" We found him unconscious on the floor and his nose is bleeding and his body is cold, we called a doctor and I presume he is your friend, right? ", Seokjin asked looking towards Jungkook for an explanation.

" Yes...he is our friend bit that is for later to explain where is the doctor said Jungkook wanting to change the topic and also worried about Namjoon.

A few minutes later the doctor came and he checked. He put Namjoon on a drip and asked the others to come out of the room.

"He is dehydrated and starved. His body is heavily deprived of nutrition and he is very weak. The reason for his collapse was due to overwork and stress that his body could not take and gave up. I have given him an injection he should be fine. But due to anaesthesia he might not be in the right mindset and feel a little dizzy. Take care and feed him properly.," saying this the doctor -Mr. Chul left the house.

"Now tell us who is he and what he was going in that room. I find him familiar but can't pinpoint him. Without any delay start responding" said Seokjin folding his hands on his chest and looking sternly towards the four not giving them a chance to make any excuse or lie to him about anything.

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