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Our mission is complete guys!  Said a muscle boy moving his mint hair back and swords in his hand with a satisfaction of victory on face.

    " Well, let's get home and celebrate what say?? " Shouted a person who was on rooftop who had a sniper in his hand.

      " Yes, I'm always ready for a night party, the whole week was hectic and we all need it. Said a short height boy with orange hair who was hanging by the ceiling and swinging by a rod with relief on face and exitement in his voice.
    " First get down or else instead of party at home you will end up in hospital with broken leg!! Said a boy with silver hair in a grumpy mood and revolver swirling in his hand.

     That grumpy boy was hit at the back of his head by a tall boy  who had two daggers with sharp edge and one of them smeared with blood.

    "Yahh !! Why did you hit me?

    " You better not say any atrocious words against your own members. Dare not. You know the rules! . Said the one who hit him with a sly smile plastered on his face.

     " Sure sure I'm not such a guy who will not follow rules, right master? Smirked the silver male.

     " You... Do you really wanna piss me off at this moment?? Retorted the blonde guy back while cleaning his dagger.

     " Stop it you guys let's just get going with plan, will we?  Said a dark eyed male with dark black mullet hair with a male style bun while keeping his shot gun inside.

     The building that was standing proudly and powerfully was destroyed by these six men in midnight of full moon. Looked like the sky also celebrated their victory in silence.

     " Okay come on let's get out of here. It stinks here and i'm am sensitive to smell you know that ", said the mint haired male.

    " Stop!  Did you hear something  . Look likes someone is there around. Find him/her quick before it gets out , said the silver hair quicking his senses and taking out his revolver.

The others were also alert and were moving in the direction from where the sound came. The brown haired male with sniper on the roof top was sighting like an eagle for any movement.

  " There guys under the rock debris there is movement, quick! , the brown haired male from the top pointed towards a direction.

The others fastened and reached and started to see who was so brave to spy and peek on them.

    " Who is there, come out now so that you can die with less pain or else no mercy if we caught you, said the orange haired male taking out his spear and ready to attack.

     A tall but scared boy with blood dripping from his head and tears in his eyes and fear on his face came forward.
He was holding his stomach and he looked like he was in much pain.

   " Please help me,  I mean no harm, please...... And the black haired boy fainted in front of them .

     The blonde haired guy caught the boy in his arms . The boy liked cute and innocent even with closed eyes. They all wanted to help but with the types of profession they had they did what was necessary and they thought right at that moment.

  They treated his wounds and then imprisoned him in their basement.
They need to known who he was.

  Friend Or Enemy.....!??

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