Forgotten Sintember (Miya Atsumu)

513 19 6

Prompt: Forgotten for @sintember

Pairings: Atsumu Miya x Reader

WARNINGS: yandere themes, murder, swearing, suggestive content

"And time moves on."

If Atsumu had been sure of one thing, it was that you'd never move on. You'd never forget the best boyfriend you had ever had.

But now, as he stood under the shadows of a gnarled tree, across from the apartment he shouldn't know you had moved into three months ago, he came to a sickening realization.

You had moved on.

The sight of you smiling at some other guy was breaking him. How could you smile at some random man in the same way you had smiled at Atsumu?

He remembered everything. Every smile, every laugh at his jokes, and the way you cuddled up to him, squeezing his hand, while you walked down the street. So how could you forget? How could you turn your smiling face, giggles, and hand squeezing onto someone else?

Atsumu's love had always been obsessive- that's why you had left. But the fact that he was forgotten made this possessive side curdle into something even darker.

The sky grew dark as you and your new boyfriend entered your apartment. He couldn't even begin to imagine what you were doing inside...

Atsumu made his way to your apartment building. He wondered if you were curled up in the living room, with a book on your lap, just like you always were when he came home from practice or a game.

He could see through the space in the mostly-closed blinds, watching as you held a phone up to your ear, giggling at something someone said. It should be him on that other line or, better yet, waiting on your bed for you to finish your call, like your new tool most likely was doing.

A surge of possessiveness overcame him and he knocked harshly on the door. There was a long moment where he stood on the doorstep, wondering if he should knock again, but you swung the door open, staring blankly at him.

"What are you doing here?" you demanded.

"I needed to see you," Atsumu said in a near-whisper.

"Sorry, I think you have the wrong place," you said sharply, "I don't know you. Not anymore."

"We were perfect together," Atsumu whimpered, heart breaking at your words.

"Again, I don't know who you are," you lied, closing the door in his face.


You sighed as you closed the door. You picked up your phone and called your friend back, "Sorry, I got interrupted by some idiot at the door."

You continued your conversation with her for almost an hour before hanging up and heading to your room. You had a feeling your boyfriend was waiting for you on your bed, probably in very little clothing...

However, the moment you opened the door to your room, all of the air left your lungs. Atsumu sat on the edge of your bed, twirling a bloody knife boredly. As soon as he saw you, his eyes brightened.

You took a step back, retching when you saw the bleeding gash across your boyfriend's neck and the sight of his blank, unseeing eyes.

"What the fuck, Atsumu? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Atsumu grinned at you.

"Would you look at that? You do remember me after all."

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