Chapter Four - Things get out of hand..

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I walked back to the kitchen groaning and holding my hand to my stomach. I'm not exactly the best actor, but I do know how to fake a stomachache.

"I fell and sucked all the air out of me, now my stomach hurts." I said taking a seat on my chair.

I noticed George look at me as if he was questioning what I was doing. I knew he could probably see right through me, if he looked hard enough, but I had to continue my act. The longer this takes, the more Harry bleeds out. Who knows how much time he's been like that already and I don't want it to get worst.

"Let me take you to your bed." said George getting up, walking towards me, and picking me up into his arms.

I was relived when George offered to take me upstairs, it meant my "acting" was believable enough.

"No, put me down." I said loudly.

"I'll be right down, Mr. and Mrs. Jones." said George as he carried me bridal style towards my room.

As always, George refuses to follow my wishes and continue to treat me as if I was a helpless child. Even though I'm acting like one at the moment, I could've taken myself to my room.

"George you didn't have to carry me, I could've walked. It's just my stomach." I spoke out loud hoping Harry heard.

He opened the door and turned on the lights, I was relieved to see my room empty. George walked into my room and towards my bed.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"No problem." He smiled as he laid me on my bed.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." said George.

I nodded as he walked out of my room closing the door behind him.

"Finally." I said to myself as I walked over to the door and locked it.

I wasn't sure if Harry had made it to my room, since George brought me up here so fast, so I looked around the room.

I noticed Harry standing in my closet, kinda creepy if you ask me, especially with that glare. This boy needs to lighten up, I don't care if he just got stabbed.

"So what are we gonna do about me?" asked Harry walking out of my closet.

"We gonna get you to a hospital." I said opening my window.

What else were we suppose to do about him? I don't think I'll be able to fix him here, so I have to take him to someone who can help him.

Harry quickly walked to the window and closed it, "Ashley, I can't go to a hospital. They'll want me to answer some questions and then they'll find out why I got stabbed. Trust me it won't be a nice ending for me." He explained.

This is one of the main reasons he should stop doing things he isn't suppose to. He needs medical treatment, yet he doesn't want to go to the hospital because he'll get ask questions. Harry lives a complicated life, I can say that for sure.

"Ugh, why are you always doing things you're not suppose to?!" I growled as I grabbed the first aid kit from my drawer.

"Well, it's my job, babe. I don't know if you've noticed, but this is my life style." He chuckled.

Although his point wasn't a good one, because he is getting himself into trouble, and possibly hurting others, my heart fluttered when he called me 'babe'. I know I shouldn't like Harry, because he's nothing but trouble and extremely dangerous, but there's something about him that... I just can't get enough of and makes me even more curious about him. I want to know more about him and his lifestyle... is that weird?

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