Chapter FiftyOne - Determined to Find the Truth

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We waited about two to three more hours, but nothing happened. The doctors never called out Ashley's name, they never told us she was awake, and they haven't said anything about letting us see her.

I was beginning to get worried about the situation, so I quickly got up and walked over to the front desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" smiled the girl who looked to be in her early twenties or late teens.

"What's a good looking man like you doing around here?" She smirked bitting her lip as she eyed me from head to toe.

"Waiting on my girlfriend to recover." I said proudly.

The girl rolled her eyes, "Ugh, I thought you'd be single." She scoffed.

I chuckled, "You said it yourself, I'm a good looking man. Of course I have a girlfriend, now tell me what room she's in." I said with a stern face.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever, name?" She said in an annoyed tone.

"Ashley, Ashley Jones." I smiled at the beautiful name leaving my mouth.

"Room 304, but she hasn't woken up yet so you can't go in.." She said.

I sighed, "Alright, thanks." I said before turning around and heading towards my friends.

I was really hoping the lady would let me see Ashley. I haven't seen her for a few days and I really miss her, I Just want to bring her into my arms and help her be ok.

Everyone turned to face me, "What did they say?" Liam asked.

"Ashley isn't awake yet, so we can't go in to see her." I sighed with a frown.

"Don't worry, mate. She needs her rest, I'm sure she'll wake up soon." Niall nodded.

I sighed, "Yeah, you're right. I'll just wait a few more hours." I said laying back in my chair.


~A Few Hours Later~


As I slowly opened my eyes, I noticed how bright the room or wherever I was in was.

"Turn the lights off." I mumbled placing a pillow over my head.

As soon as I did that, I felt a sharp pain on my side that hurt like a bitch. I didn't know what it was, but I'm afraid of what it could be.

A lady in a white dress who I'm guessing was a nurse quickly ran towards me, "Are you alright Miss. Jones?" She asked.

I looked up to her and cocked a row, "How do you know me and what am I doing here?" I asked feeling a bit confused.

The nurse frowned, "You got hurt and your friends brought you here. You've been out for a good three days, so it's normal for you to feel confused." She smiled.

"You also got stabbed by someone, but none of your friends knew what happened to you, not even your boyfriend knew." She continued.

Boyfriend, Harry! Oh no, now I remember everything. The kidnapping, the touching, the almost rape, the beating, and the stabbing. Every single thing that John, Dustin, and Matt did to me came rushing back into my head. Every little detail was replaying in my head and I couldn't help but shake my head in fear.

"C-Can you call my b-boyfriend in here?" I asked not even looking up at the nurse.

"Sure thing, sweetie. Let me go her him." She said before turning on her heels and closing the door behind her.

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