Chapter TwentyEight - Its for the best

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I sighed as I sat on the steps of my front porch, I had received a text from George saying Ashley was ok and better than he thought she was. He said she was still angry at her parents and sister, but that she felt better when someone else, that wasn't anyone that caused this while bullshit, came to talk to her.

I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to talk to her family, but she can't do this to them. They'll be suffering if Ashley does that and I really don't want to come between her family.

The door suddenly opened behind me and out came Zayn holding a pack of cigarets.

"Take one." said Zayn holding a smoke towards me.

I shook my head, "I don't smoke."

Zayn narrowed his eyes at me.

"Anymore." I added Rollin my eyes.

He chuckled, "You and I both know it's one way to make you feel better without getting drunk."

"I still don't think it's a good idea." I shrugged.

"It'll make you feel better." He sighed.

The boys knew exactly how I was feeling, none of them have seen me so down and quiet. Not even Liam, he's seen me brake down and everything. But nothing like this, hell I've never felt like this before.

The feeling of emptiness and sadness was something I have never felt before.

Anger, Heartbreak, Jealousy, Sadness, and Happiness are the feelings I've felt before. Something like emptiness and sadness at the same time is something I've never felt.

"Alright." I gave up knowing a smoke can actually help in this situations.

Zayn quickly lit it up for me, then handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said as I breathed in once from the cigaret.

"No problem, but I don't think you'll feel better anytime soon." He sighed sitting beside me.

I shook my head, "You got that right."

Taking another breath of smoke then blowing it out, I look towards Zayn and sighed.

"How do you let something go, that you can't live without?" I asked breathing out the smoke from my nose.

Zayn shrugged as he smoked a cigaret himself, "I don't know man, but I know one thing for sure."

"And that is?" I asked.

"You care about this girl and she cares about you too. I don't think anything should come between you two, but this is actually what's best for the both of you." He sighed.

Letting the smoke come out of my mouth, I turned towards Zayn and cocked a brow.

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit confused.

"I'm not saying she's bad or anything, but ever since she came into your've kinda not been yourself lately." He said as he took another breath of smoke.

I cocked a brow and turned towards him looking at him right in the eyes.

Zayn quickly spoke, "I'm not trying to tell you what to do here, but I think it's actually better if you two do split up."

"Zayn, if you hadn't noticed, I love her and need her in my life." I said glaring at him.

Zayn nodded, "Yeah, but think of all the things that could happen to her if you two stay together."

I took another breath in and looked at the floor beneath my feet.

Zayn was right.

If I keep Ashley with me, she could get hurt, taken, or even killed.

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