Chapter TwentyThree - Worth living for; "She's gave me a purpose."

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I looked at the six men in front of me and thought about how I could get out of this bullshit. I knew I had to do something, or I'll get seriously hurt. I may be one of the best in this city, but six men with weapons against one without weapons is a real big disadvantage.

I was so angry that I couldn't really do anything to them without risking my safety. I had people waiting for me at home, but I have a feeling I won't be going home without getting hurt.

"Alright, you got me here. Now what?" I growled looking at Matt and Dustin.

Matt and Dustin looked at each other then smirked evilly, "Now!" they both shouted.

The men around me jumped at me and fists and legs were hitting me all over my body, I didn't even have a chance to react before getting knocked to the ground by one blow to my stomach. I couldn't help but feel angry at myself, I've beat these guys before without a weapon, but I'm out numbered and I can't really do anything to deffend myself.

"Fuck this!!" I shouted as I kicked my leg under everyone else making them fall to the floor, giving me enough time to get up and dash towards my house.

As I ran, I felt like I had forgotten something really important.

Ashley's flowers.

"I fucking hate them!" I shouted angrily as I turned back towards the scene where I almost got jumped. I didn't hate going to get the flowers back, but I was planning on taking Ashley some flowers to make her a bit happy and so she could see how sorry I really am. Those flowers are for her and I am determined to get them back and give them to her.

As I ran towards my car, I could see Matt and Dustin still sitting on the floor holding their heads in their hands.

If I'm fast enough, which I am, I could get the flowers and my phone. I just hope they don't start shooting because then that would be a huge problem for me.

I quietly walked to the passenger side of the car and opened it slowly. I reached for my phone first and noticed I had fourty missed calls from Ashley. Someone's worried.

I then reached for the flowers, but, in the process, one of Matt and Dustin's men noticed me reaching inside my car.

"Styles is back!" He shouted as they all tried to get up on their feet.

It's a good thing they hit their heads a bit hard, so they wouldn't be able to function very quickly.

I quickly put my phone in my pocket, grabbed the flowers, and dashed away from the six men.

I suddenly began to hear gun shots behind me, this is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I quickly dodged a few bullets, I don't know how I did it, but I dodged a few bullets that were aimed at my feet.

I didn't care that I almost got jumped, I didn't care I left my car behind, I didn't care I had to dodge bullets, or that I basically almost got myself killed. What mattered is that I'm safe and that I am now running home to my girlfriend and my best friends.


"What's all the racket?" asked Zayn walking downstairs and towards us.

"Ashley's worried about Harry." sighed Liam.

"Why is she worried about Harry, isn't he here?" asked Zayn scratching his head.


After the boys explained on why I was acting like this, Zayn finally got the picture and looked at me.

"Ashley, you know you have nothing to worry about. You witnessed one of Harry's fights and learned he wasn't at all easy to beat, especially to someone like those Sniper assholes." He smiled patting my shoulder, then walking over to the couch and sitting down.

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