Chapter Fourteen - My place?

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I could tell Ashley was sorta nervous for this, but it's not like in gonna have sex with her. It's just me changing her into her clothes.

While kissing her and her body a little, see no big deal.

"Ashley! We're leaving already!" shouted Ashley's parents from downstairs.

Man, those guys always ruin moments like these. We're about to do something and they just have to interrupt.

"Hold that thought, Harry." said Ashley placing the clothes on her bed and began making her way out of the room.

I have a feeling she's gonna change her mind, either that or she's just being a tease.


"Alright, sorry I took long. My parents wouldn't leave." chuckled Ashley walking in.

I walked towards her and pulled her close, "Don't worry babe, for you I'd wait even longer if I have to." I smiled kissing her soft lips.

Ashley wrapped her arms around my neck and of course kissed me back, "You know *kiss* I've been thinking *kiss* and since *kiss* your parents aren't here *kiss* I thought you should come stay with me *kiss* at my place." I said between kisses.

You're probably thinking the reason why I just want her to come is for sex, well that's not exactly the truth. I want Ashley to stay over at my place so John wouldn't be able to hurt her here, since she's alone. Although I highly doubt it'll happen, I'm actually hoping she would like some action as well. But only if she wants to.

"I'd love that." She smiled as I trailed kisses down her neck.

"Alright, lets get you dressed. Then we go." I smiled as walked over to the bed and grabbed her clothes.

I looked at the clothes Ashley had picked out, these shorts were defiantly something that the boys can't see her in. I hate telling her what to wear, but I don't want the boys at home checking out my girl.

"Since we're going to my place you can't wear these shorts, the boys will look at your ass." I said with a smirk.

Ashley pouted an looked up at me, yup I knew it. These are her favorite shorts.

"Harry, but I love those shorts." She said with a pouty face.

I tried to resist that adorable pouty face of her's, but it's just so cute! I couldn't say no to that.

"Fine, but only cuz you're so cute." I chuckled as she walked over to the restroom.

"Hey! I thought I was gonna get you dressed." I spoke through the closed and locked door.

"Yeah, about that. Nope." She shouted through the restroom door.

"Oh god, you're such a tease!" I shouted through the door.

What a tease, this is the third time she does this, I thought she was the innocent girl I first met. Boy was I wrong.


"I am not a tease!" I shouted through the door.

I just lied because I've teased Harry like two or three times. I don't mean to do, it just sorta happens. Like you can already see when little Harry jr. is up and that's when the teasing begins.

"Alright, I'm ready." I said stepping out of the restroom.

Harry's eyes scanned my whole body as I walked over to my dresser, "Harry, I hope you know it's not polite to stare." I giggled combing my hair.

"I really don't care, babe, you're gorgeous." He smirked coming from behind me.

Man I hate it when I blush, it makes me feel like I'm letting Harry know he has this effect on me.

"You're so innocent babe, I'll make sure the boys don't say anything bad in front of you." He whispered into my ear before kissing it.

"Harry, I really don't care how they talk. Just as long as they like me." I said quietly as we walked out of my house.

Harry opened the car door and helped me inside, "Babe, they will." He smiled then closed the door.

I was extremely nervous about sleeping over at Harry's, the boys and I didn't really get off on a good start when we met and I have a feeling they don't want to fix things. I just, I don't know. I'm afraid of them, I don't know why though.

"Ready?" asked Harry closing the car door.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I sighed.

Harry grabbed my chin and gently turned me to face him, "Ashley, you have to stop worrying. They've seen you with me twice already-

"Yeah, but the first time wasn't exactly a pleasant one for them and me." I cut him off trying to look away.

"Ashley, they're not mad. They're actually worried about you being mad at them. I just talked to them over the phone and told them we were on our way, they're cleaning up the house for you. Trust me, the boys have never done that." He chuckled as we began driving on another street.

I sighed, "Sorry, I'm just worried that's all." I spoke looking out the window.

"Don't be, they'll love you." smiled Harry as he drove onto the high way.

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