Chapter FiftyNine- "I can help you forget."

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Harry and I stayed sitting down by the window watching the sun go down and darkness began to take over.

I still felt kind of guilty about having John touch me like that, I didn't know how Harry really felt about it so it still bothers me.

"What's wrong, babe?" Harry asked.

I sighed and shook my head, "Nothing." I said getting up from his lap.

"Come on babe, don't be like that. I know something's wrong." Harry said getting up and walking towards me.

I sighed, "I still don't feel right." I said in a whisper.

Harry quickly hugged me from behind and pulled me back into his front, "Well of course you're not going to feel right, you were touched by those assholes. No one would feel right after an experience like that." Harry said before kissing my cheek.

I shook my head and pulled away from him, "No Harry, it's not that. I just don't think I'm good for you anymore." I said looking at my shoes.

Harry sighed and pulled me in for a hug, "No Ashley, don't say that. You are good for me, don't think I don't love you any less-

"No Harry, I don't feel right. I don't feel clean anymore. I feel dirty and rotten." I said as tears began to fill my eyes.

"Ashley, you're not dirty. They didn't touch your skin, the only thing they did was leave a hickey on your neck and it was by force. I can't be mad at you even if I wanted to because you didn't want them to touch you, they did it using force and against your will." Harry said wiping the tears away.

I shook my head, "Every time I'm alone like when I'm trying to sleep or just relax, I can still." I stopped before I burst into tears.

I took a deep breath and let it out, "I still...feel their hands on me."

That sentence made me want to throw up, I hated feeling like this. I didn't want to feel their hands on me anymore, I didn't want to feel dirty anymore.

Harry frowned and brought me into a tight hug, "Baby, why didn't you tell me this before." He asked.

I sighed, "I thought I could shake it off, but I can't and I just hate it so much. I want to stop feeling their hands on me, I want to stop feeling dirty." I sobbed into Harry's chest.

I've been wanting to tell Harry this for a long time now, but I just didn't have the guts to do it. I didn't think he would know what to do or how to fix this, so I'm hoping he can do something about it.

There was a long silence between Harry and I, we were in each other's arms and neither of us spoke a word.

After a few minutes of silence Harry spoke up, "I can help you forget." Harry said bitting his lip.

I didn't understand what he said at first until he laid me down on the bed.

Harry began kissing my lips slowly and gently, I quickly kissed back and savored his lips on mine.

"I love you, Ashley." Harry whispered before leaving gentle kisses down my neck.


This part of the chapter may contain some rated R scenes, if you do not wish to read any of that, please wait until the next chapter of Dangerous Love. If you don't want to wait then go ahead read on, but I am not responsible of what YOU choose to read. This is simply a warning, thank you and enjoy the book!)

"H-Harry, are you sure no one is coming back to the house?" I breathed out as he sucked on my skin gently.

Harry looked up at me, "I don't think George can open your locked door anymore. I put the key on the kitchen table." He smiled before kissing me passionately again.

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