Chapter FortyFive - It's all my fault

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I hope you all are enjoying the story so far.

Here is the next chapter of the story. Sorry if there's any mistakes, enjoy! :)



My heart was broken and I could feel tears running down my cheeks.

"Harry, mate are you alright?" Zayn asked from behind me.

I shook my head, "No"

How am I suppose to be ok? How can anyone be ok after this happened. John and those assholes aren't going to get away with this, they've hurt us for the last time and I'm going to end them for what they've done.

"It can't be true." I heard Niall whisper from behind.

I slowly got up from my knees and turned to face him. "Can't you see all the fucking blood?! They did this and they're going to pay!" I shouted pushing aside my friends and stomping out of the shed.

"John, get the fuck out here!!" I shouted feeling all the anger and sadness mix together.

I didn't think John would go to these measures. I thought he would just kidnap her and keep her for a few days until I got her back, but now that I've seen the blood....I don't know what my life is going to be like.

"Are you finally leaving my fucking property, Styles?" He shouted trying his best not to show that he was afraid.

I didn't even say anything to him or waited for anyone else to, I just walked straight up to him and began punching him. I was taking out all my anger and sadness out on John because he is the one that caused all of this.

I didn't care if Matt saw me, I didn't care if Dustin saw me, or anyone else that was in his helpless gang. I was going to beat the shit out of him no matter what. I'm doing this for Ashley.

"Get the fuck off!" shouted Dustin as he and Matt ran towards me.

I didn't listen, I kept punching John all over his body making sure to apply all my force with every hit. I wanted to feel all the pain that he has made me and Ashley go through. I wanted to make sure he thinks twice before messing with me and the people I care about. I wanted to make John feel sorry for ever messing with me.

"Harry stop! We gotta go!" shouted Liam as he George and the boys pulled me away from John and began taking me to the car.

"Put me down, I'm not fucking done with that mother fucker!" I shouted trying to brake free from their grip.

They all pushed me into the car and began driving away from John's house, "Harry, if you kill John, you're going to jail and we can't have you there. You have to think positive." Louis said.

I shook my head, "Didn't you see all the blood?!" I shouted as I placed my head in my hands as I sobbed.

"She could still be alive!" shouted Zayn beside me.

Liam sighed and shook his head, "There was too much blood, Harry is right. I think she's gone." He said in a whisper as Alex began sobbing into Niall's chest.

George was looking out the window trying his hardest to be strong, but when he finally placed his head in his hands I knew he felt the same hurt as I did.

Everyone in the car had tears in their eyes and was either sobbing or just quietly crying, except for Zayn and I. We were crying our eyes out.


As I sat on the couch with everyone else, I couldn't believe this was happening. This is all my fault. If I had only listened to Mr. Jones and everyone else, Ashley would've still been alive. If I hadn't started to like her when I first met her, she would still be alive and living her life like a normal teenager. Sadly I couldn't keep my distance for her and finally got her killed. It's my fault John started stalking Ashley and it's my fault that she's gone.

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