Chapter FortyFour- Where is she?

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"Are we almost there?" George asked.

We were on our way to John's house, the plan changed to just barge in there. I don't think we have time to wait around to see if anything is out of the ordinary. John has Ashley and that's final, there's no doubt in my mind that John doesn't have her.

"I told you, he doesn't live in the city. We're almost there though." I nodded as I spotted the familiar gate that lead to John's house.

I quickly parked the car and made my way to the door, the boys and I stayed on the side and trying hard to hide as George and Alex knocked on the door.

"Yes?" answered John opening the door.

Before anyone could say anything I tackled John to the ground and the boys made sure no one else comes near us, "Where the fuck is my girlfriend?!" I shouted holding John by the collar.

John laughed, "She isn't here, bro."

I glared at him and had nothing but hatered towards John, how dare he lie to me in my face. I know he has her here somewhere and I'm not leaving until I find her.

"I know you have her, you're the only one that would dare to mess with her and me. So where is she!?" I shouted slamming him to the floor.

I coulnd't contain my anger and I wanted to kill the son of a bitch right then and there, but if I do I may never find Ashley. I had to control myself until Ashley was with me again, then after she is with me again I can beat this mother fucker up.

John tried to shove me off, "I already told you I don't have her. You can check the whole house if you want, but she isn't here."

I slammed him to the floor before letting go and walking around.

"You guys check upstairs, I'll check the backyard." I said as I ran towards the backyard.

As I looked around the yard, nothing really looked out of the ordinary. It just looked like anyone else's backyard, at least that's what I thought until I noticed a shed.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you, it smells like shit in there. We haven't washed it for months." John chuckled standing against the doorway.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Im pretty sure she's in there asshole." I growled jogging towards the door and quickly opened it.


As I searched in one of the rooms, I couldn't get Ashley out of my mind. She is like a little sister to me, along with Alex, and if something happened to her I don't know what I'd do.

"What if they already hurt her?" Alex asked looking in the closet.

I shook my head, "Ashley is strong and you know that. She knew Harry is going to find her and she isn't going to give up."

"I know she's strong, but three guys like them against one girl isn't good. What if she's already gone?" Alex asked biting her lip.

I stopped what I was doing and snapped my head towards her. She had tears in her eyes and a look that read nothing but worry.

"Alex, you have to stop saying those things. You and I both know exactly how Ashley is, she's a fighter and doesn't give up so easily." I said placing my hands on her shoulders and looking her in her eyes.

I didn't want to think Ashley was gone, but Alex was sort've right. John, Dustin, and Matt are way stronger then her and could've beaten her to death. What if Ashley couldn't hold on anymore and gave up?

What if she's gone?


I ran around the house looking in every room I saw, I had to find her and make sure she was ok. Ashley is like one of my closest friends and I can't stand knowing there is a possibility that she is hurt.

"Zayn calm down." Niall said placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shook my head, "No Niall, we have to find her. She's gotta be around here somewhere, so we can't give up." I said running to another room that Louis and Liam were in.

Louis turned to face me with anger in his eyes.

"Louis, did you find anything?" I asked walking into the room.

Liam looked over at Louis kneeling down over something, but I guess he didn't know what it was.

"She was here." He said turning to face us with a small piece of fabric in his hand.

I walked over to him and looked at the fabric, "Let me see that."

Louis handed me the fabric, "It's part of Ashley's shirt, she was here."

I quickly ran out of the room with the fabric in my hand and made my way towards the backyard, "Harry!!" I shouted.

I looked around the backyard, but didn't see him anywhere. I looked around again and finally spotted the open door of the shed. "Harry, you in here mate?" I asked walking into the shed.

As soon as I stepped in, I got a the smell of something extremely horrible, I looked around and noticed Harry on his knees looking at something on the floor.

My face turned into a frown and my heart was broken,

"Oh no."

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