Chapter ThirtySeven - I missed you guys

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I laid on the bed talking with Liam for about an hour.

"So how's everything?" I asked hoping Liam would get where I was going with this.

He sighed, "Harry you need your rest, we'll worry about Snipers after you're released."

I shook my head, "No, we have to make it clear to them that they can't just come near Ashley or anyone close to me. My family is already going to start talking to me, so we have to take care of them or they'll be making our lives a living hell." I said sternly.

I really didn't want to worry about the Snipers right now since I was in the hospital and all, but we seriously had to come up with a plan to figure out what were going to do with them. They come here in the city of New York and think they can just take it from me. I own this town and everyone knows that. If they think they can just take it from me, they have another thing coming.

I honestly have to be more careful when it comes to the Snipers. Now that my family is coming back into my life, they'll do whatever they can in their power to take them away from me again and I'm not just about to let them do that to me again.

"Harry, you have to stop worrying about those assholes. You need rest from that life and here in the hospital is where you're going to get it, so I suggest you quit your worrying and think of what you're going to say when your family gets here." said Liam before taking his phone out and began texting away.

As much as I wanted to argue with Liam about how important it was for us to keep an eye on Snipers, he was right. I had to stop worrying about the for a while and think about how I'm going to talk to my family. I still had no idea what I was going to say or how I was going to react when they walked through that door.

"Liam?" I called out.

Liam turned to look at me as he slipped his phone in his pocket, "Yes?"

I gulped and let out a sigh, "What if they still are afraid of me?" I asked hoping none of the hurt from a long time ago was noticeable.

Liam sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder, "Harry, they're your family. They WANT to see you and have missed you. I'm sure you'll be fine." He smiled giving me a reassuring nod.

I nodded, "Thanks Liam, I just hope it won't end up a mess." I sighed.

Liam chuckled, "I'm pretty sure everything will be fine." He nodded.

Liam and I are really close friends and I always liked when he would keep me company. He could always me me feel better about every situation no matter what it was. If it wasn't go him, I would be creaking out about my family coming in to see me.

"Mr. Styles, you have people that want to see you." said the Nurse walking into the room.

I nodded, "Ok, let 'em in?" I asked already knowing who it was.

Liam patted my back, "We'll talk soon." He smiled walking out the door.

The nurse followed Liam out the door and for a moment I thought no one was thinking about coming in, so I just turned to the side and stared at the wall.

I couldn't believe I actually convinced myself they were actually coming. What was I thinking? They're probably at home enjoying a life without me and-

"Harry?" called out a voice that I've been wanting to hear since I was sixteen.

I quickly sat up and looked at the two petite women standing before me.

Mom was wearing a black tank top, with blue jeans and tennis shoes, she had her beautiful black hair down as it floated perfectly over her shoulders. Same old mom, hasn't changed a bit.

Gemma, my older sister, was wearing a red t-shirt, with loose pajama pants, and tennis shoes as well, she had her beautiful black hair, that she had gotten from mom, in a high pony tail. Man she got taller.

Right then and there, I realized how long it's been and how much I've missed the two most important women in my life. I've realized how much it's hurt me to he away from me and how hard for me it was to ever say goodbye to them in the first place.

"Mom? Gemma? Is that really you?" I asked my voice cracking at the end of the sentence.

Mom nodded, "Yes, baby, it's us." She smiled walking towards me and sitting to my left.

I quickly pulled mom and Gemma into a hug, "God I've missed you guys so much." I said as I kissed both of their heads.

"We've missed you so much too." They said in unison as they kissed my cheeks.

Suddenly Mom broke the hug and looked me in the eyes, "How did you get in here?" She asked as I noticed all the worry and sadness in her eyes.

I smiled, "Mom I'm fine, it was just a small car accident. The doctor said I'll just be in here for a week."

Gemma cocked a brow, "You were always so careful when you drive, what happened?" She asked.

I turned to the wall, "I may have had a bit to drink.." I trailed off glancing at my now angered mother.

"You were under the influence?!" She yelled angrily.

Boy am I in for it now. Mom always hated when people did that, it was one of the reasons she made me promise I would never drink. I never actually made the promise therefore I didn't brake a promise with her.

"Harold Edwards Styles, I cannot believe you!" shouted Mom.

I quickly raised my hands up in defense, "Hey! I was going through a tough time, but Ashley fixed everything and now I'm good and I promise I will never do anything stupid ever again." I said honestly.

Mom and Genma both smiled at me creepily and began making 'woo' noises.

"What?" I asked feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Aww, he's blushing!" gushed Gemma.

"Shut it, Gemma." I said looking away.

They both laughed, I was happy to have my two girls back into my life and extremely happy that they aren't afraid of me.

"So." Gemma smiled.

Here we go, they're both Gina start asking me about my life. Lets get this over with it.

"So?" I smirked.

"Tell us everything." smiled Mom as the two of then sat next to me.

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