Chapter ThirtyThree - Feelings

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"I miss you, Harry.." said Ashley looking out the window.

I knew exactly how to answer, but I felt a little bad when she couldn't tell me while looking at me in the eyes. It was as if she was afraid to..

I know I said I didn't want to date her to keep her safe, but what else is going to happen to me when she's gone for good?

"Ashley?" I called out.

She didn't move or even tried to look at me, which made me think about what I was about to say. I understood why she didn't want to look at me, but I really needed to talk to her about our break up.

This accident has made think about what I'm going to do with myself if I let Ashley out of my life. I already fucked up by driving while drunk, next thing I know I'm not gonna be able to do anything right. Which is why I'm doing what I'm about to do.

"Babe, look at me." I said softly.

Ashley quickly turned to face me but before she could say anything to me, I kissed her passionately. She wasted no time in wrapping her arms around my neck and quickly kissing back. I could feel all the love and affection we had towards each other in just one kiss, one kiss that's going to change everything.

I no longer cared of what her father said, I no longer care about what Zayn said. I just cared about my relationship with my girlfriend and that's it. Nothing will ever come between us again and I mean it.

"You love me again." She whispered.

I smiled, "I never said I stopped."

"I love you, Harry." She smiled.

"And I love you." I chuckled as I leaned in and kissed her lips for the second time tonight.

When we pulled apart, Ashley looked at my leg. I already new she feels bad for me and I can't have her feeling like that, "It's alright. It doesn't hurt." I smiled.

Before she could say and or do anything else, I still had one thing I had to discuss with Ashley.

"I want to talk to your Father." I said boldly.

I knew this isn't exactly a good idea, but I really have to make it clear to him that I will not change Ashley nor take her away from her family. She doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to do and most certainly not turn her against her family. I want to make it clear to Mr. Jones that I want to be ok with him and Ashley's family. I want them to be happy that I make Ashley happy, I want them to accept me because of who I am...and not because of what I do. This time, I was determined to do just that.

Ashley looked quite shocked of what I had said, "Harry, I don't think that's a good idea. He's mad at me as it is.....I kinda left the house with George without permission." She said looking away.

This brought nothing but shock and amusement to me.

A smirk grew on my lips and my eyebrows rose up, "You what?"

I didn't think Ashley would do something like this, I was shocked to even hear this come out of her mouth. She isn't exactly the kinda girl to leave the house without consulting her parents first, but knowing she had done that...kinda...turned me on...

"My parents don't know where I am, let alone will want to talk to you." She rolled her eyes noticing the amusement in my eyes.

"So you finally broke the rules?" I asked with a smirk.

"Shut up, they got me mad." She scoffed.

I chuckled, "I never said it was a bad thing."

"It's good to know you're ok Harry." She giggled kissing my cheek.

"It's good to know you're still my girlfriend." I smirked pecking her lips.

She giggled, "I'm glad about that too."

I was about to kiss Ashley, but her phone began ringing.

"Ugh, One sec." She sighed pulling her phone out of her pocket.


"Hello?" I answered the phone annoyed that it interrupted my conversation with Harry.

"Ashley? Where are you? We've been looking everywhere for you! We saw a tow truck take a black crashed car that looked like yours." said Mom sounding a bit worried.

"Mom, my car is a Camaro not a Range Rover." I chuckled.

There was a long pause on the other line before Mom began talking again, "How did you know what kind of vehicle it was?" She asked a bit confused.

"Just a lucky guess.." I trailed off hoping she would buy my stupid and lame excuse.

"Smooth." Harry laughed as he held his stomach.

"Who was that?" asked Mom.

My heart stopped, if they find out I'm with Harry they'll freak. Not only will they be mad because I left the house, but also because I'm with the guy they clearly said the no longer wanted me near.

"No one." I said calmly.

I quickly placed my hand over the phone, "Harry! Shut up!" I scolded quietly.

My mom gasped, "Are you with that Harry boy again?" she whispered.

"Where the hell are you?! I don't want you with that son of a bitch ever again Ashley Nichole Jones!" shouted Dad.

"You know what? I am tired of your bullshit Dad. Yes I am with Harry, but not because I'm being his little whore like you said back at home. I'm with Harry because he's been in a bad accident and I don't give a damn about what you think. Ground me, do what ever the hell you want but you are not keeping Harry and I apart. Got that? Bye!" I shouted into the phone before hanging up.

I sighed and sat down on the couch that was a few feet away from Harry and put my face into my hands.

"Ashley....babe, did your father really tell you that?" asked Harry a bit shocked to what he had heard during the phone conversation.

I sighed and shrugged, "It doesn't really matter anymore."

"Come here." He said quietly.

I slowly got up from the couch and began walking towards Harry's hospital bed.

"Babe, did your dad really call you that?" He asked sounding a bit worried.

I sighed and looked away from Harry as he pulled me closer to him, "Yes, he called me that. I really don't care what he says anymore. I love you and there's nothing coming between us ever again.

"Ashley, I'm so sorry I made him think that of you." He sighed pulling me in for a hug.

I shook my head and pecked his nose, "You didn't do anything wrong. You've done nothing but make me happy and I want to keep it that matter what my dad says." I smiled hugging him tight.

Harry scooted over to make some room on the bed for me. He then pulled me into the bed and pulled the cover over our bodies.

"Ashley, you know I love you right?" He asked pecking my head.

I nodded, "And I love you, very much." I smiled turning to face him.

Harry slowly leaned in and gently kissed my lips.

Everything seemed so right and happy, I just hope nothing ruins this moment between us.


Awww, Hashley is back and here to stay!!!

I know it looks like the story is ending, but its not lol.

There's still a lot more drama coming up soon.

Hope you guys are enjoying the story and I will be updating soon!!

Comment and tell me what you all think.

Vote please!


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