Chapter Two - He Cared

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"Lost and insecure
You found me, You found me,
Lying in the floor
Surrounded, Surrounded
Why'd you have to wait?
Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, You found me."

The song You Found Me by The Fray played into my ears. My clams grew clammy as Harry drove me to God knows where.

After a few more seconds of silence, I was finally able to gain the courage to speak to him. "Where are you taking me?" I asked.

I watched him from the rearview mirror, as his beautiful emerald eyes stared at the road ahead. I couldn't help but feel drawn to him by just watching him drive. There was something alluring about him, which was obscured because his pals were beating my best friend right at this moment.

His eyes suddenly flicked to look at me through the rearview mirror. An unreadable look in his eyes as he flashed me his signature smirk, "To my place, of course." He spoke calmly before his eyes returned to the road.

Harry's teasing tone only caused my already aggravated state to worsen. I couldn't believe he wasn't taking any of this seriously. Knowing that all this seems to humor him only made my blood boil even more.

I shook my head, "No! Take me back to George." I snapped, slamming my fists on the back of the passenger seat.

"No." He replied bluntly without even so much as a glance in my direction.

As angry as I was, I was relieved that he didn't seem mad at me. He seemed calm and capsule of this whole situation, as if it's happened before. I was starting to think he wasn't mad at all, but, then again, he is taking me to his home for a reason.

"Please, George needs me. He could get seriously hurt by them. Please call them off!" I begged.

Harry was known to be one of the most dangerous people in this city, so the rumors say. Since he's the leader of Kings, everyone says he's ruthless and apathetic towards the feelings of others. I kind of agree with them, right now. I may not know him very well, but the fact that he's allowing someone to get hurt all because of a misunderstanding has shown me that he really doesn't care about anyone aside from himself and the members of his gang.

Harry chuckled as he pulled into a driveway and parked his car, "You're sitting in a car with one of the most dangerous gang member in the city and you're worried about your friend?" He asked looking completely taken aback.

I nodded, "Well, of course! You see, unlike you, I actually care about my friends." I scoffed.

His large hand grabbed ahold of the passenger seat as he turned to look directly into my eyes. I could feel such a strong aurora around him, it was intimidating. He was powerful and was well of aware of it.

He cocked a brow before scoffing, "I'm not sure if you're aware, but I just ordered my boys to beat the bloody shit out of the guy that disrespected one of us. I care very much about my friends, I just don't give much thought to everyone else."

"So you don't care about anyone else? I'm guessing you brought me here to torture me as well, huh?" I snapped as Harry turned to face the abnormally large house in front of us.

I couldn't say I wasn't wasn't, because I really was. Fortunately for me, I had no time to think of the fear that was trying to consume me. The only thing on my mind was George's safety. If they hurt him too much, he could get a panic-attack. It's only happened once, when we were in the seventh grade, but so much stress, anger and worry could trigger it.

"No, I brought you here so my boys can finish Mathews off in peace. Meaning, you won't get in the way." He explained looking into my eyes.

I quickly averted my eyes to my hands laying on my lap. I could feel a sting on the corner of my eyes and my vision suddenly blurred.  I didn't want to cry in front of him, he didn't deserve to see how much this hurt. I especially didn't want him to think I was weak, but I was just so overwhelmed that I couldn't hold in my tears. I felt a tear trail down my cheek as I closed my eyes.

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