Chapter TwentyFour - Torn

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April 5, Tuesday.


"You seem mad." said Liam as we ate in the lunch room at school.

Liam didn't know this, but I was mad. I was extremely mad at the fact that Matt and Dustin think they could just do that and get away with it. It gets me so pissed off that I can't do anything to get them back.

I shook my head without saying a word, I knew if I showed the least bit of anger he would lecture me about getting people back and I don't really want a lecture right now.

"Of course he's mad Liam, Matt and Dustin are in for it now." said Niall as he took a bite of his pizza.

I smirked, "I'm a little mad, but I can control it."

The truth is I really want to get back at Dustin and Matt, no one has ever dared to cross my boys and I. Not even the cops mess with us, not becuase we told them to, but because they're actually afraid of us. I like having that effect on people, it gives me a feeling of power and I actually like it.

"Harry, we can't do anything right now and you know that. Do you really want to loose Ashley right after she forgave you?" asked Liam looking at me straight in the eyes.

I hated how he was always right, he's always the one to make us think twice before we do something. Although I really wanted to get Matt and Dustin back because of their actions, I couldn't. I just got Ashley back and I am not planning on loosing her because of something stupid I did just to get back at some assholes that think they could just do whatever they want to me.

"How are you always right?" I asked looking at Liam.

"It's a gift." He chuckled as he threw his plate away.

I laughed along with the other boys, I still wasn't too happy but I could put that aside and think about the positives. The boys and I are happy, I'm extremely happy with my girlfriend. Although she wasn't in the lunch room I didn't really have to worry, I remembered how much Ashley has to study to keep her grades at an aprovable level for her parents.

"Ashley, please. Can we just talk about this?!" shouted an unfamiliar voice.

I quickly turned to where I heard my girlfriend's name being called out. I saw Ashley stomping angrily away from someone I've never seen before or have never met. I watched as Ashley wiped the tears on her face away and turned to face the girl that was following her.

"No Jennifer, it's your first week back from Florida and you already ruined my life. Why can't you just stop?!" She shouted at the girl who she addressed to as Jennifer.

"I'm sorry, I was only doing what's best for you. He's no-

"You were doing what's best for me? Well you didn't do a very good job about it. If you really want to do something that's best for me, you are to never talk to me again. I don't ever want to see you again Jennifer, you're the worst sister ever!!" shouted Ashley before she turned and stormed out of the lunch cafeteria.

"Ouch, that's gotta hurt." said Zayn looking at Jennifer standing there just as shocked as I was.

I never thought Ashley would do something like that to anyone, seeing her talk like that to her sister made me think something really bad happened and I am about to find out what.

"I'll right back boys." I said getting up from my seat and jogging towards the double doors.


As I stormed out of the lunch room, I didn't feel anything but hatred towards my older sister. She moved to Florida when she was eighteen and is now back after a year, she's nineteen now.

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