Chapter TwentyFive - Arguments and Love

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I don't know if I'd said it before in the story, but Ashley's dad is named Daniel and her mom is named Lillian. If I did and they're different, then I have changed them to these names. Lol. I don't remember and I don't feel like going through every chapter to check haha! So here's the next chapter, hope you like it! :)



"I don't want you near my daughter, you got that!!" shouted Ashley's father pulling her away from me.

I didn't understand how Ashley's sister found out about this, I didn't even know Ashley had a sister to begin with.

"Dad, stop!" shouted Ashley trying to break from his grip.

"Come here!" shouted Mr. Jones dragging Ashley to the car and pushing her into the back seat.

I noticed Ashley trying to open the door, but couldn't. Damn child lock.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked a bit confused and angered for what's happening.

"Ashley is a straight A student, has never gotten into trouble, and has never disrespected anyone. I am not about to let my daughter date a CRIMINAL that would change her into something she's not!" He shouted angrily at me.

"Harry!" shouted four familiar voices.

I knew the boys would come out to look for me and I wasn't worried about that. What I was worried about, was Mr. Jones taking Ashley away and never letting me see her again.

"Mr. Jones, I would never change your daughter. She's something better than that, you should know better. I'm not the kind of 'gang member' to turn the girl I LOVE into something she's not." I said looking at him straight in the eyes.

"You're a criminal! What makes you think that I'd let my daughter date anyone like that? She's way better and deserves someone that doesn't kill people for a living! She needs a real man, that can protect her and won't lead her into danger like you would!" He shouted, Mr. Jones was now red as he screamed at me.

"Harry? What's going on?" asked Louis as he and the boys walked up behind me.

"I can protect her better than any 'man' in this world. Ashley is safe with me and nothing will ever happen to her when she's with me." I said sternly.

I really didn't want to scream at the father of my girlfriend because that'll just make this situation worse. I wanted for him to understand that I wasn't going to let anything happen to Ashley and that she was safe with me.

"From what her sister has told me, you're one dangerous bastard." He said coldly.

I sighed, "Mr. Jones, please don't do this-

"I am not letting my daughter near you ever again and that's final, you understand me?!" He shouted.

"Mr. Jones don't-

"Do you understand?!" He shouted louder than before.

I didn't want to anger him anymore, if I do then my chances of getting Ashley back are really low. I had to do exactly what he wanted.

"Yes sir." I sighed nodding.

"Harry, how can you-

"Save it Zayn." I sighed.

"Harry, you can't just-

"Lets just get out of here." I sighed turning around.

"Good." He said walking towards his car.

As I stood there looking at the brick wall the school I heard a familiar voice calling my name.


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