Chapter FortyEight - Let It Out

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As I paced back in forth in the waiting room, I couldn't help but think about Ashley. I kept thinking about how no one in this fucking room had her blood type. What I thought was extremely stupid was that this idiot hospital didn't have her blood type. I mean, aren't hospitals suppose to have ALL and I mean ALL of the blood types there is? This is just fucked up!

Alex and Liam had gotten here a few minutes ago and I was surprised. Liam didn't really listen to any of us, his closest mates, but he listened to someone he doesn't really talk to or even knows. I guess Alex should get some rewards when all of this clears up.

"Harry, just calm down mate, I'm sure they'll find something that can help her." Niall said from the chair he was sitting on.

My head snaps towards his direction, "Calm down? Calm down?! The love of my life is about to die and you're telling me to fucking calm down?!" I shouted angrily.

I knew Niall didn't mean to say that in a bad way or even tried to, I was just so frustrated about this whole situation that it caused me to snap.

"I didn't mean to get you mad, I'm just saying that these doctor guys always have something to save people." He shrugged.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, "I know Niall, I'm sorry. It's just-

"It's alright mate, I know you have it tough right now. I understand." He chuckled.

I smiled, "Thanks, mate."

"No problem." He waved me off.

I can already tell I was loosing my mind, "I'll be right back guys, I just need some air." I sighed as I began making my way out through the doors.

I was either loosing my mind, going crazy, stressed, or all of the above from all of this.

I needed Ashley in my life, I needed her to calm me down before I did anything stupid, I needed her to stay by my side and make sure she kept me calm. I just really needed her right now.

I quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from my pocket and lit one up. I slowly placed it in my mouth and sucked in the smoke from the cigaret.

"You alright?" asked a familiar voice behind me.

I breathed out the smoke before speaking, "If you came out here to calm me down, it isn't going to work. I'm too stressed out." I said not even bothering to look back at Alex.

She sighed and plopped herself next to me, "Why are you all like that?"

I sucked in another breath of smoke, "Like what?" I asked exhaling the smoke before turning to face her.

"You guys never let anyone help you in your time of need." She pouted crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's because we've been through so much in our lives that we it's usually easier to just keep it to ourselves. No one would really offer us help, so we learned to live with it." I shrugged sucking another breath of smoke into my mouth.

"Doing that is going to drive you crazy, Harry." Alex sighed.

I laughed as the smoke came out from my nose and mouth, "It isn't going to drive me crazy, it already has. Ashley was usually the one to keep me calm.

I really didn't care if I was going crazy of not, Ashley means the world to me and if she gets hurt I will be going crazier than ever. She's the one I care about, the person I love, and knowing that she got hurt is already killing me inside. I can't stand the fact that she got hurt because of me, I got her into this mess, I got her involved with me, I made her a target...and that's something I'll never forgive myself for.

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