Chapter FortyTwo - Worry and Fear

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When Ashley didn't respond to me calling her name, I went crazy. I could hear her struggling with someone on the other line, but I didn't exactly hear the voice clear enough for me to know who took her.

"Mate, calm down. Maybe she's hiding and couldn't respond to you." Zayn comforted, but his eyes said otherwise.

I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but sadness and worry. He felt bad, just like I did.

"Just help me look for her." I said ignoring his comment.

I quickly stopped where Zayn's phone tracker tracked Ashley's phone, I quickly got off and looked around.

"Ashley?" I called out looking around.

When I didn't get a response I felt extremely guilty, "This is all my fault." I whispered to myself.

"Harry, this isn't your fault. We had no idea this would happen, so don't go blaming yourself." Zayn said placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I shook my head, but before I could say anything I was interrupted by a low ring coming from the ground.

I looked around until I spotted Ashley's phone. I quickly grabbed it and looked at who was calling.

"George is calling, maybe we could get him and Alex to help us look for Ashley." I proposed.

Zayn looked at me with the blank expression, "You really want to tell two of her best friend that Ashley is missing?" He asked.

I nodded, "We're gonna need all the help we can get to find her." I said answering the call.

Before I could even say hello, George spoke up, "Hey Ashley, Alex and I are on our way to the mall. Would you like to come? You can bring Harry as well."

"Although that sounds really nice, Ashley cant go anywhere." I sighed.

"Harry, we've been over this, I don't like Ashley. You can't just keep her away from-

"No, no, that's not what I meant." I quickly interrupted.

"Then what did you mean?" He asked sounding a little concerned.

I sighed and ran my hand through my curls, "Ashley's been taken."

"What?! By who?!" He shouted.

"I-I don't know, but I'm going to need all the help I can get." I sighed rubbing the back of my neck.

I know telling them wasn't right, but what choice did I have. They're the only ones that could know without hating me or calling the cops, besides the boys, George and Alex are the only ones that could help us out here.

"Alright, where do we meet you at?" He asked.

I smiled at the fact that George wanted to help, "My house, now." I said into the phone before ending the call.

I looked over at Zayn who was squatting down and staring at the street.

"What are you doing?" I asked walking over to him.

Zayn studied the street, "There's tire tracks....I think it's a van." He said pointing at the black streaks on the rode.

"Do you think they belong to the people that kidnapped Ashley?" He asked looking up at me.

I chuckled, Oh, I already know who kidnapped her."


"John and his boys." I replied.

Zayn cocked a brow, "How are you so sure?"

I rolled my eyes, "They're always trying to get to her, of course I'm sure."

Zayn's eyes went from worry to anger, "Lets go find those motherfuckers and kick their ass!" He shouted as we both jumping into my car and drove towards my house.


Matt and Dustin continued to molest me, and I kept I struggling for them to stop, I was trying to make it hard for them to touch me but doing that while pinned down isn't exactly easy.

Matt was just about to unbutton my shorts before John stopped him, "Not here, Bennet! Get her inside and strap her onto the bed." He ordered as he hopped off the van with Dustin following behind him.

Matt untied my hands from the seat and through me over his shoulder.

I gasped, "Is this really necessary?" I snapped.

"It's not like you're going to walk in." He growled.

I rolled my eyes, "You kidnapped me and you're about to rape me! How the fuck am I suppose to allow all this shit to happen?! Huh?!" I growled angrily.

Matt stayed silent as he walked me inside the house.

The house looked bran new, like it had just been purchased not too long ago. As we walked through the living room I noticed leather seat sofas, a flat screen TV, and a nice chair. I know I'm being so pathetic at looking around their house, but it's the only thing I can do to get what's actually going to happen out of my mind.

Matt walked up a flight of stairs then into a room, the room was kinda big and had a queen sized bed in it. This was it, this is where I'm going to get raped.

Since I wasn't going to get through John's or Dustin's head, I thought maybe I can change Matt's mind about doing this. I honestly don't think it'll work, but it's worth a try. If I do change his mind than I would be free, so it's worth a try.

"Are you seriously going to do this?" I asked with a sigh.

Matt smirked, "It's that even a question darling?"

"You know in this country this is considered rape right?" I peeped.

Maybe if I bring up the police he'll let me go. Hopefully, he'll be smart and do the right think. Considering he's Matt, I don't have my hopes up too high.

Matt tensed as he stood up tall, "It isn't rape if you enjoy it." He smirked.

Is this kid stupid?! Of course not, I will not be enjoying shit. Who does he fucking think he is?

I took a deep breath to calm myself then let it out, "Matt, I'm not enjoying ANY of this. I want to go home and be left alone. Why can't you guys accept that I don't want either of you?"

Matt laughed, "Ashley, were not doing this to you. We're doing this to hurt Harry. Using you as a toy is just a bonus for us." He winked.

This got me extremely angry. How can they RAPE me just to get Harry mad? I really don't understand their gangster logic, but I'm pretty sure something like this isn't part of the deal. Well it probably is, but my point is it's stupid and totally unnecessary.

"So you rather rape me and risk getting into trouble with the cops, then just going up to Harry and settle things with him?" I asked.

Matt nodded, "Yeah, pretty much. It's much simpler that way."

I really don't understand these guys', they don't make any sense to me right now and the never will. Which means I'm going to loose my virginity to three idiots who are nothing but idiots and pussys. This is going to suck ass.

Matt walked towards the door, "Be ready for tonight, I hope you like it rough." He smirked before walking out and closing the door.

"Harry, please help me!!!"


Sorry for the delay guys, I thought I had already updated but appearently not.

Since I have over 9,000 readers, thank you all for that by the way, I will not be updating anymore until I have at least 5,000 votes. I hate doing this because this is by far my favorite book to write, but if the votes aren't the same as the reads then why update right?

So please, I'm begging you because I REALLY WANT TO UPDATE, just vote. 

I love you all to death and I'll be updating until I have at least 5,000 votes. Love you all bye!

-Ashley :)

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