Chapter ThirtyTwo - I miss you..

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"Ashley, wake up." said the familiar soft voice that belonged to Niall.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Niall smiling down at me, "Hi."

"Hi." He chuckled.

I noticed my upper body was laying on his chest, "Did I sleep on you the whole night?" I asked

Niall nodded, "You were moving a lot in your sleep and mumbling 'Harry'. I felt like you needed someone to hold you while you slept, so I placed you on my lap." He smiled.

I blushed and moved back to my seat, "Thanks Niall, I really needed someone." I smiled

"No problem, everyone needs a Horan hug." He chuckled.

Zayn scoffed, "Don't start with that shit, shut up and let me sleep." He growled.

"Looks like someone isn't a morning person." I laughed.

"Damn right I'm not, Malik needs sleep." He growled shooting me a playful smile.

Before I could reply, a lady in her late twenties spoke up.

"Harry Styles?" She called out.

Everyone stood up and walked towards her, but before we could even ask a question she spoke again.

"Sit down, he just wants to see the girlfriend." She said in a bitter tone.

Liam cocked a brow, "He doesn't have a girlfriend."

My stomach dropped at what Liam said, I know we broke up but Harry is asking for someone that's his girlfriend and I'm guessing that's me...unless he somehow found another person.

"You, brunette, he wants to see you." She said pointing at me.

I looked at Liam and waiting for him to say something...

"Go ahead." He sighed walking back to his seat.

I nodded and began following the nurse towards Harry's room.

"Here's your stupid boyfriend's room." She scoffed.

At first I thought she meant to say something else or was playing around, but when I saw the annoyed look she had on her face I knew she was being serious.

I cocked a brow, "Excuse me?'

"Yeah, your boyfriend is a dick, told me he wasn't interested in me when clearly I'm way hotter than you." She said eyeing me from head to toe.

Who the fuck does this bitch think she is?

Looks like I got myself a real straight up bitch in front of me, who thinks she can have anyone that she wants. Well news flash, my 'boyfriend', that's if were still a couple, doesn't want you.

"He told you he wasn't interested because I'm his girlfriend, he's clearly not a slut like you are!" I shouted angrily and feeling all the jealousy in me about to be let out.

"Well clearly he needs to get his eyes checked because I am better than you will ever be." She laughed.

I rolled my eyes and turned the door knob and cracking the door open.

"That's right little ugly bitch, leave. You know he'll come crawling back, they always do." She laughed.

Before entering the room, I turned to face her, "I don't think so because you're the one that got rejected and I'm the one he asked to see...bye-bye bitch." I smirked before walking into the room and slamming the door behind me.

At that moment, I felt a huge wave of confidence mixed with anger flush through me. Bitches like her are what get me in a really bad mood and I'm not just saying that because I was jealous.

"Dang, you are smoking when you're angry. Good one." chuckled a familiar raspy voice.

I turned and saw Harry sitting up on the hospital bed smiling at me.

"Harry." I breathed out making my way towards him and hugging him.

"It's alright. Don't cry." He said rubbing my back.

My heart sank, usually Harry would call me babe to make me feel better. Now that he didn't even think about mentioning the word made me feel bad.

Harry cocked a brow, "You alright?"


I hated how no matter what he was doing or feeling he always managed to notice the different emotions I was feeling.

Typical Harry.

I nodded my head, "I'm just so happy you're ok."

He stared at me in a blank expression as if trying to say 'Come on, what's the real reason?'

"What?" I asked feeling a bit weird.

Harry shook his head, "You know damn right what. What's bugging you?" He asked.

I felt kinda bad that he didn't notice what was bothering me, but what could I do? If he doesn't want to keep dating then there's really nothing I could do. I was going to have to face the fact that he didn't want to be with me anymore and its all thanks to my family.

I shook my head, "Nothing is bugging me, I'm just happy you're ok." I lied.

"Ashley, I think I've known you long enough to know something is bothering you. So stop lying to me and tell me." He sighed running a had through his curly hair.

I really didn't want to tell Harry anything about what I was feeling, but I had to. I knew he wasn't going to let this go and would eventually get it out of me, so might as well tell him now.

I sighed and looked out the window, "I-I m-...I..."

As much as I tried to speak, I couldn't. I don't know why, but I just couldn't tell Harry that I really wanted him back. I couldn't deal with him saying no to me and telling me it was best for me. I didn't want to hear him say he wasn't good for me because of what my father said. I just didn't want him to saw goodbye.

"Is this about what the nurse said?" He asked grabbing my chin with his thumb and index finger and making me turn to face him.

I shook my head, "No."

"Then what is it?" He asked tugging a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I didn't know if I should tell him the truth or say something irrelevant to our situation here. I didn't want to get rejected like that nurse and I most certainly didn't want to loose Harry.

"Come on, you can tell me." He encouraged placing a hand on my shoulder.

I sighed and looked out the window, trying my best not to look at his face.

"I miss you, Harry..."

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